Holy furnace

Chapter 510 The Godly Tree of Fusang

ps: It’s the end of the month, one monthly pass can be used as two tickets, dear friends!Now I call on everyone to vote for the holy furnace, and I will add a chapter for two monthly tickets!Thank you all!

There is a lack of spirit!The Sun Divine Body of Qingxu Temple actually has flaws. The Sun’s blood in the body is not pure, and some key things are missing and have not been completed. In the view of Qingxu, there will never be more than five people who know the inside story of this place.

This is a big event, which reminds the middle-aged man of something ominous.Patriarch Qingxu saw the future with his eyes when he was proving the way back then. He already knew about this matter, and even knew more than the current disciples in charge, so he clearly knew that the future will definitely happen. After taking the road of God, you can only move forward by stepping on the blood and bones of others. Every step forward needs to overcome all opponents. This is a cruel road of no return. Anyone may become a step forward for others. stepping stone.

Back then, Qingxu saw a divine body fall and was torn apart in the depths of the universe. The blood of the divine body was drained, but he was strong all his life but was killed by personality on the last emperor's road!Although no one can be sure that things in the future will inevitably happen, and no one can be sure whether the divine body will be completed, but the middle-aged man has to think about the worst plan!Now it seems that the sun god body is lacking, and if it really competes with other god bodies, it will definitely be at a disadvantage!

The Sun God Body is a bloodline inherited from the ancient times. If one traces back to the origin, it can even be traced back to the age of mythology millions of years ago. The one who used the Sun God Body to prove Taoism and became emperor back then was the Sun Sacred Emperor!The Sun Emperor has made great achievements in the human race. In order to reach the peak, he once fought against the most powerful monster race at that time for the prosperity of the human race!In the ancient times, the universe was respected by the monster race, and the human race was in a disadvantaged group, and even fell into the blood of the monster race. It was the birth of the Sun Emperor who fought all over the universe, which made the status of the human race Gradually improve!

It can be said that if there is no Sun Emperor, there will be absolutely no prosperity for future generations, and even the human race will no longer exist!At that time, the Sun Sacred Emperor possessed the perfect sun god body, and the vitality in his body was surging like a great sun!Moreover, the advantage of this divine body completely exploded after the quasi-emperor realm.

According to rumors, the Holy Emperor of the Sun made great contributions and was unparalleled in combat power. However, before reaching the quasi-emperor realm, he had fought hard for several times, and even almost fell in a battle with the demon emperor's heir!However, after reaching the quasi-emperor realm, the young Sun Sacred Emperor walked the road of God alone on behalf of all races in the entire universe, killing all the way, undefeated in countless battles, stepping on the bones and blood of countless monster races on the road of emperor Okay, there are countless evil elites, there is no one who can compete with them, but the universe is so big that it is difficult for anyone to compete with them!

In that battle, almost all creatures in the universe were trembling!The majesty of the Holy Emperor of the Sun is shocking. He is invincible even before he attains enlightenment. He fights against the whole universe with his own strength. The world collapses and the universe collapses. He walks the path of God step by step among the endless corpses of demons, and finally Prove to become an emperor!

Although the Sun Sacred Emperor did not live out his second life, and he became enlightened less than 1 years after his enlightenment, his fighting power and methods back then were enough to shock the entire universe, and it is precisely because of his enlightenment that he has become so powerful. Completed the history of the human race becoming the master of all races!This is a great achievement that no one can erase. The name of the Sun God Body has been handed down forever since that era. Every time it appears, everyone can think of that period of glory!

Since ancient times, the brilliance of the sun god body has reappeared in the universe. It has been sublimated to the extreme, and it has fought all over the universe and is invincible under the heavens. However, no one has become enlightened.Throughout the ages, the only person who can prove the Tao and become an emperor with this bloodline is the Sun Sacred Emperor!The power of time is too strong, as long as there is no proof, anyone's legend will disappear in the long river of the world, only the Sun Emperor who has made great achievements has been passed down forever.

The sun god body has a unique advantage, and the farther you walk on the emperor's road, the more obvious this advantage will be!In the past, if a sun god body was born, there was no need to prove the Tao, just Dacheng stepped into the quasi-emperor realm, the great emperor did not come out, and in the age when the turmoil was not obvious, it was difficult to find an opponent, and he could suppress the universe!However, it is different now, the world has changed drastically, and the gods and bodies coexist. In the future, they will surely compete for supremacy on the emperor's road. The emperor's road is extremely cruel. There is only war and killing, only life and death. The achievements of physique in the past.

"Do you need any gods to complete the blood of the god body?" The perfect sun god body is not afraid of anyone, no matter in the past or now, even the missing sun god body can still surpass the strongest king body, enough to conquer the world!But now the world has changed, many gods have been born one after another, and the sun god is missing, I am afraid it will be difficult to fight on the emperor's road like in previous lives!This used to be an invincible bloodline, is it going to come to a tragic end now?Reminiscent of the legendary past, Mr. Da felt extremely melancholy. Hearing that there might not be a solution, Mr. Da couldn't help asking.

"It is said that the ancestral star of the Sun God Body is the hottest star in the universe, and there is a hibiscus tree in it. The Sun Sacred Emperor was the blood of the Sun God Body awakened under this place. The road of invincibility. After entering the old age, the Sun Emperor returned to the ancestral star, sat under the hibiscus tree for many years, preached scriptures to him every day, and even extended his life with the god of the emperor. It gradually turned into a psychic tree."

"Finally, the Holy Emperor of the Sun transformed into Taoism by the side of this Fusang Sacred Tree. It was recorded in ancient books that when the Holy Emperor of the Sun transformed into Taoism, the sacred tree of Fusang moved automatically without wind, singing continuously, and at that time reached its peak. It has transformed into a real immortal tree, and even some people can feel the aura of the sun god body from that big star in a very far away area, as if the sun emperor has never sat down! It is said that the big star is extremely hot , no one can enter except for the Sun Divine Body in the Saint Realm, not even the monks in the Quasi-Emperor Realm!"

"For endless years, a total of three sun god bodies have appeared in the universe including the sun god body! After entering the sage realm, the latter two sun god bodies will go to the ancestor star of the god body to worship the hibiscus tree to mourn the sun emperor, and the two god bodies After returning to the universe, they will all have stronger strength than before, and one of them even directly broke into the realm of quasi-emperor in that ancestral star, which is shocking! Later, it was said that the sacred tree of Fusang knew about the body of the sun god The biggest secret is that it even has the peerless holy power of the Sun Emperor sealed in its body, which can help the Sun God Body to exert the power of the blood of the God Body to the extreme!"

"Could it be that what Master Uncle is talking about is the Sacred Hibiscus Tree on the Sun Sacred Ancestor Star?" Mr. Da asked with a wry smile.If this is the case, then it is no wonder that the other party will say that the possibility is too low, it is the ancestral star of the Sun Sacred Emperor, unless the Sun Divine Body is sanctified and then goes there on its own, otherwise who can enter?Even Emperor Zhun can't do it, who else in the world can do it?Even if the head teacher holds the sky-gazing mirror, he will return in vain.

"What I'm talking about is indeed the Fusang sacred tree, but at this time the sacred tree is not located on the holy emperor's ancestor star." The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "Because that ancestor star was broken hundreds of thousands of years ago!"

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