Holy furnace

Chapter 528 The Battlefield

After Li Haoxuan left the Dan Pavilion, he went to Zhen Palace first. He made an appointment with Qing Shi to meet outside Zhen Palace, because Qing Shi had gained a little ground-breaking harvest after ten days of retreat, and wanted to share it with Li Haoxuan.After seeing Qingshi again, Li Haoxuan understood how great Qingshi's changes during this period were, she was changing almost every day, and the breath of law in the mana had gradually condensed into fragments of law.

Li Haoxuan was surprised, but Qing Shi was even more surprised than him.The closer she was to Bigu, the more she felt that Li Haoxuan was unfathomable. When she met Li Haoxuan for the first time, she still had the confidence to suppress Li Haoxuan, but now she looked at Li Haoxuan in front of her as if she was looking at a bottomless Tan Shui, moreover, there seems to be an inexplicable aura in the opponent's body, which makes his own realm have a tendency to beating faintly.

After exchanging their feelings with each other, Li Haoxuan bid farewell and left. He found that he had to find a way to control the power of the Dao that was constantly leaking out of his body.The reason why Qing Shi felt that way was because Li Haoxuan was surrounded by the power of Dao at all times. To a certain extent, Li Haoxuan's body of one foot long became an excellent place for practice.This kind of aura can be hidden from Qingshi and others, but it must not be hidden from some powerful people. Fortunately, his current state has been improved, otherwise he would not be able to control so much power of the Dao at all.

After leaving Zhengong, Li Haoxuan returned to Kungong first, and formally met Fang Han, the strongest inner sect of Kungong, under the recommendation of Di Qing and others.Fang Han is so powerful that he even dared to challenge the Elite Pavilion. As long as Yang Yongwang and others come out, almost no one can suppress him. Facing Li Haoxuan, Fang Han only said a word and left on his own. , Breaking through the realm is the most important thing, Fang Han's ability to get out of the customs for Li Haoxuan has already given Li Haoxuan great face.

After saluting with fellow seniors, Li Haoxuan went straight back to the reincarnation battlefield of the Battle Hall!

When Li Haoxuan returned to his exclusive space, the old man who handed him the key of reincarnation appeared in front of him almost at the same time. This sudden appearance surprised Li Haoxuan. After seeing the person coming, Li Haoxuan hurriedly saluted. Invite him to take a seat.

"Have you cleared the barrier?" The old man asked directly, without beating around the bush.

"En." Li Haoxuan nodded and admitted that for a real strong man, he couldn't hide the changes in himself.

"Good luck." The old man looked at Li Haoxuan carefully, and then he couldn't help but sighed. Finally, in Li Haoxuan's inexplicable eyes, the old man coughed and said seriously, "You have broken through now, according to the rules You should directly enter the triple battlefield of Bigu War Zone. But now you control the key of reincarnation, there are two options for you to choose freely."

"Which two choices?" Li Haoxuan asked, now he just wants to practice as soon as possible, and he doesn't want to be procrastinating about anything, so he is very straightforward.

"First, give up the key of reincarnation and enter the triple battlefield to challenge more powerful people. Second, continue to control the key of reincarnation and enter the trial of reincarnation space, but your combat power will be suppressed back to the state before breaking through. But your The brand of Dao will not change. Once there is a strong man who can surpass your combat power in this battlefield, your key of reincarnation will become invalid, and you will be forcibly brought into the triple battlefield. Of course, if If you fail to accept the challenge from others, you will also lose the ownership of the Key of Reincarnation. How do you choose?" asked the old man.

"I want to enter the reincarnation space!" Li Haoxuan replied immediately without the slightest hesitation.His future goal is to be invincible in this world, but his current goal is to be invincible at the same level.His purpose of coming to the battle hall is not to defeat more strong men, but to make himself stronger. Although there are many strong men in the triple battlefield, it doesn't mean much to him today.In the space of reincarnation, there is his Dao self, and there are 32 existences stronger than him waiting for him to defeat one by one, so how can he be willing to leave?

As for the premise of suppressing the realm, he couldn't even ask for it. He came here to be invincible at the same level, and attacking at different levels would be meaningless.

"Hehe, let's go." The old man didn't seem surprised by Li Haoxuan's answer. After getting up, he turned around and took a step forward and disappeared into the void.

After the old man left, Li Haoxuan directly punched ten thousand Xuanjing into the key of reincarnation in his hand.Then, a dazzling brilliance poured out from his palm, covering the entire space, and condensed into a giant wheel of radiance in front of Li Haoxuan.

The surface of the giant wheel was full of brilliance, showing a little bit of starlight, but inside it was surrounded by chaotic energy, blocking Li Haoxuan's sight.Li Haoxuan encountered this kind of situation more than once, and he lost his previous excitement, and his body floated up and fell directly into it.

In the midst of a huge mountain range, Li Haoxuan's fighting spirit began to boil, like a dragon singing for nine days. Although his realm and combat power had been suppressed, he still felt blissful, looking at the Daoist who was gradually walking towards him I, Li Haoxuan couldn't help shouting, the golden energy and blood burst out suddenly at this moment, turning the entire area of ​​hundreds of feet into a golden court with a bang.

Boom!When Li Haoxuan's golden energy and blood began to pervade, the opposite Tao Wo also moved at the same time, the same golden energy and blood, the same overwhelming mighty power, crossed the distance of space and attacked Li Haoxuan almost instantly. The powerful mana fluctuations swept across the wilderness, causing large areas of ancient trees to collapse at this time, and directly turned into nothingness.

boom!Li Haoxuan stepped forward and shook each other with his physical body. Now they seem to have reached some kind of tacit understanding, and at the same time they gave up the Dahe Sword and chose to hit hard with their physical bodies. Coming out, almost the entire land here collapsed.

Li Haoxuan moved with a long roar, exuding a powerful aura of self-respect, and when mountains and rivers collapsed, the Dao Ze armor condensed on his body by the power of Dao Ze collapsed immediately, and his bronze-colored strong body was exposed on the ground. In the air, it was shining brightly, and there seemed to be lightning flashing in his eyes, and every punch released exuberant golden blood, almost sweeping away thousands of troops. At this moment, he felt that he almost touched something that he had never touched before. the supreme realm!

Boom!Amidst the endless divine light, they simultaneously punched out the God Fist of Destruction, and the true meaning of Destruction manifested, causing everything within a few miles to wither and dissipate quickly. At this time, Li Haoxuan unleashed the first four moves of the Destroyer Fist in one breath, almost bringing this peerless supernatural power to the peak of his control.

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