Holy furnace

Chapter 530: Slaying Me in the Wheel Chapter

The fierce battle seemed endless. At the end of the battle, Li Haoxuan's body was almost shattered, with cracks all over his body, like cracked porcelain.He was very tired, but it was only a day, but he seemed to have been fighting for dozens of days. By now, even the golden qi and blood were no longer vigorous, and had become dim. The God of Destruction Fist has become even stronger, every blow can make me dodge, it is difficult to really compete with it.

"So what if you are just like me? So what if you also control the God of Destruction Fist? I am me! I am the invincible me!" In the end, Li Haoxuan roared loudly, and his fist broke Daowo's mountains and rivers and rushed to Daowa. Below, there was a scoff, and I was torn into the void on the spot.

Crash!Blood poured down like a torrential rain, watering Li Haoxuan's whole body, making him a real blood man.Right in this void, Li Haoxuan was bathed in endless blood and shouted loudly, the sound waves blasted away the clouds in the boundless sky, and the earth under his feet was booming, giving people a feeling as if the whole big star was about to burst. illusion.

However, Li Haoxuan soon felt that something was wrong, because the space of reincarnation had not disappeared, and he was still above this big star.According to past experience, if the enemy is successfully killed, his real body will appear in the exclusive space of the reincarnation formation, but not now.Li Haoxuan showed a look of vigilance, because he knew that the only reason for this situation was that Dao Wo was not dead, and his road to slaying Dao had not come to an end.

thunderbolt!Suddenly there was a loud noise in the distance, and the avenue of heaven and earth gathered rapidly in the distance, exuding a world-shocking divine power.In the end, Endless Dao was smelted into a furnace and cast into a majestic and tall battle body, Dao I reappeared.

Dao me is surrounded by a piece of chaos, as if standing in the sea of ​​chaos, it is hard to see clearly.Looking at the majestic but unrecognizable figure in the sea of ​​chaos, Li Haoxuan's complexion changed suddenly. His current state is really bad, and he is no longer at the peak. Now there is a spiritual energy from the entire spiritual vein for him to absorb, so that he can use the power of a battle.

However, Li Haoxuan's expression relaxed after the Taoist walked out of the chaotic sea.Because the Dao Wo in this respect group is the same as he is today, not in the peak state, but reappearing with a serious injury, the time seems to return to the moment before Dao Wo was torn apart by him.

Li Haoxuan and Daowo are confronting each other, and everyone knows that the person in front of them is a great enemy. Although Daowo is made of Dao, he has a complete and independent fighting consciousness, which is even stronger than Li Haoxuan .

hum!Suddenly, the sound of a sword's cry exploded in Li Haoxuan's ear, the aura of peerless sword energy came down from the boundless sky, and a golden sword light seemed to come from outside the domain, piercing the sky amidst the roar , directly towards Li Haoxuan's head, this is a peerless power, enough to smash Li Haoxuan's current powerful body.

Dahe Sword?Li Haoxuan was already moved when the sound of the sword sounded in his ears, he felt a majestic and boundless sword intent coming from outside the sky, it was the Dahe Sword that was born from the mighty mountains and rivers.The reappeared Tao I did not attack it with the God of Destruction Fist, but switched to the Dahe Sword, which was almost perfect.

The Dahe Sword was created by Li Haoxuan, but it is the endless Taoism in the space of reincarnation that really pushes the Dahe Sword to perfection, and the Dahe Sword that can show the pinnacle of Dahe Sword is the Dao self made of Daoism, Dahe As far as the sword is concerned, there is a huge gap between Li Haoxuan and Daowo.Therefore, when he felt the sword intent of the great river, Li Haoxuan retreated immediately. At this time, he was not at the peak, and it was difficult to resist the sword intent of the peak, so he could only retreat.

Boom boom!Li Haoxuan retreated violently, leaving an afterimage on the spot, and in the next moment, a sword glow fell from the shadow, almost shattering the void, and the huge sword glow nearly shattered the whole mountain A mountain range, filled with shocking sword energy, filled the area with killing sword energy for dozens of miles. The endless ancient trees became fragmented at this time, and it was difficult to bear the killing intent of the sword that remained here.

Li Haoxuan moved away again, the sword light was stronger than he imagined, even though he had retreated far enough, his chest was still swept by a ray of sword energy, his entire chest was almost cut open, large pieces of The rain of blood fell from his chest, but was smashed into pieces by the sword intent pervading all around in an instant.If Li Haoxuan hadn't raised his combat power to the limit at the critical moment, he might have been split in two. The opponent's accomplishments in the Dahe Sword amazed him and also made him boil.

He has long known the real mystery of the space of reincarnation. For him, the meaning of cutting the Dao is not only to strengthen his belief in invincibility, but also to reach the peak of his Dahe Sword through constant fighting with the Dao.Now the stronger Dao I's Dahe Sword is, the more excited Li Haoxuan is, and his blood boils even more, because he knows that sooner or later, everything in Dao Me will be his own, and what he is doing now is to move time forward infinitely .

Li Haoxuan's eyes were cold, urging the qi and blood in his body to heal the huge wound on his chest, looking at Daowo who was holding a long sword in the distance, two golden lights manifested from Li Haoxuan's eyes, suddenly, the whole world All the colors faded away, leaving only the black and white colors. In order to perfect the Dahe Sword as soon as possible, Li Haoxuan once again used the magic power of Yao Lie Kong to break the false silver eyes.

Delusion-breaking silver eyes is a kind of supreme secret technique, which can get rid of illusory and directly reach the source. It is said that Dacheng's delusion-breaking silver eyes can see through everything in the world, and even touch the two great realms of space and time, possessing unimaginable supreme mysteries .Now, he peeped with his broken silver eyes, and immediately saw that the Taoist in the distance was densely packed with endless Taoist divine patterns. These Taoist divine patterns are extremely mysterious, outlined in black and white, and possess boundless meaning He couldn't understand it at all.

And around Daowo, black and white intersecting silk threads run through the void, coming from nothingness to nothingness. In the broken silver eyes, each thread contains a different Dahe Sword Intent. Some are like surging rivers, majestic and majestic, some are like trickling brooks, quiet and gentle, now, these thousands of black and white silk threads are all trembling, and they are all moving the avenue of heaven and earth in the entire space, wanting to It is necessary to borrow the might of the great river from the avenue of heaven and earth.

Looking at the many lines around Daowo, Li Haoxuan's brows were glowing. He was using Daowo's power to deduce the many mysteries of the Dahe Sword. The 12 crystal kingdoms of God began to recover, and began to communicate with heaven and earth through singing, and the advantages of the half body were brought into full play at this time.

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