Holy furnace

Chapter 536

ps: It’s March, gentlemen, but the holy furnace only has two monthly tickets, which is really embarrassing. Dare I ask, do you still have monthly tickets?I originally wanted to open a single chapter to get a monthly pass, but think about it, would it be too hypocritical?I think if I update chapters six or seven at some point, I’m still qualified to open a single chapter to get a monthly pass, but Brother Biao really needs a monthly pass. I hope that brothers who have a monthly pass can vote for Brother Biao, two monthly passes If you change it once and add updates, this statement will always be valid. If you want to update the sacred furnace more, then hurry up and vote for the monthly ticket!Thank you everyone!

Unknowingly, Li Haoxuan has been fighting in the space of reincarnation for half a year. During the past six months, Li Haoxuan would enter a space of reincarnation every few days to fight with the Taoist body in it. running.

Half a year not only allowed Li Haoxuan's realm to break into the realm of the eighth heaven of Lingxu, but also made him a serious third-rank alchemist. The key to Li Haoxuan's breakthrough is like a broken bamboo. Up to now, he has begun to attack the Lingxu Ninth Heaven. Although his realm is getting higher and higher, he still stays in the reincarnation world of the double battlefield, because he found that the realm of suppressing himself Fighting with strength has unimaginably great benefits to one's enlightenment.

During this period, every time Li Haoxuan returned to Kun Palace, Di Qing and others would be surprised. They witnessed Li Haoxuan growing at an unimaginable speed!But they are also worried that Li Haoxuan will break through. They all think that Li Haoxuan has already entered the half-step realm, but Li Haoxuan's aura is getting stronger day by day and he still can't break through. This makes everyone People are uneasy.In the end, they even invited Fang Han, wanting Fang Han to find a way to help Li Haoxuan break through.

Fang Han is a strong man in Yuanhua Realm, his strength is unquestionable, not to mention that Duan Tianlong went to Fang Han for a long time to discuss in detail before leaving, so he naturally knew the real situation of Li Haoxuan.Although he was surprised by Li Haoxuan's strength, he didn't point it out. He just let everyone go with the flow and retreated again.Even Fang Han had already opened his mouth, so Di Qing and the others had no choice but to wait for Li Haoxuan to break through on his own.

However, Di Qing and the others did not do nothing. During this period, they decided to grant Li Haoxuan the qualification to enter the second floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in advance, with no time limit and unlimited number of times. , but the combat power is much stronger than that of the bigu powerhouse. This is a terrifying talent. They think that the collection of books on the second floor should help Li Haoxuan break through the situation better.

Half a year can be said to be long or short, and Qing Shi, who was already a half-step Dharma ring, finally took the last step and became a veritable Dharma ring powerhouse. The catastrophe when Qing Shi broke through made many people Moved, some people even saw a vision manifesting in the catastrophe, which is enough to show that Qing Shi's talent is strong, even comparable to fairy seedlings.

Xu Ziyue went to Kun Palace to meet Li Haoxuan three months ago. She told Li Haoxuan that Meng Jun had decided not to suppress his own strength under the stimulation of Mr. Da. In three months, he had entered the seventh heaven of heartbeat and entered the eighth heaven of heartbeat , and in the next half a year, you can even break through to Jiuchongtian again!This news made Li Haoxuan's heart a little heavy. It took him only three months to pass a test with the half-body power, but Meng Jun also broke the test, even faster than him. It's just a virtual realm, but Meng Jun is already in a heartbeat realm.

Xu Ziyue naturally knew what Li Haoxuan was thinking, but the difference in physique was really difficult to make up for. She didn't know that Li Haoxuan was entering the space of reincarnation, but she just asked Li Haoxuan to study alchemy seriously. If his attainments can break through to the realm of an eighth-rank alchemist, she will introduce a peerless powerhouse as his teacher.

Although Xu Ziyue's words caused a great shock to Li Haoxuan, it did not make Li Haoxuan discouraged.Because Li Haoxuan's mind has been perfected after Dao Slaying, no impact can make him lose his mind. He always believes that although Meng Jun is strong, he is not weak either. As long as he can enter the Bigu Realm, he will definitely have the strength to fight against him in the future.Finally, when it comes to the way of alchemy, although Li Haoxuan also values ​​it, he will not take it as a major method of training. He is very clear about what kind of path he will take in the future.

Xu Ziyue hasn't reappeared since we met three months ago, because she also retreated and was about to break through.On the contrary, Niu Li often went to Dange to compete with Li Haoxuan. Niu Li is worthy of being a warrior who can meet Meng Jun. His physical strength is shocking. Can compete with Li Haoxuan's Destruction Fist.

The two of them often fought at the same level in the free war zone, and they fought heartily in every battle. Li Haoxuan's Destruction Fist moved Niu Li's face, and Niu Li's powerful magical power to subdue demons also shocked Li Haoxuan!Although Li Haoxuan was already extremely strong at this time, whether it was the strength of his mana or the strength of his physical body, his strength was naturally not as good as that of a bull, and even his Destruction Fist could overwhelm the opponent's powerful demon-subduing supernatural power at critical moments, but He was defeated in every battle, and was always reversed by the opponent at critical moments, which made Li Haoxuan puzzled.

Niu Li attaches great importance to Li Haoxuan. During the battle, he will preach to Li Haoxuan and teach Li Haoxuan some fighting skills exclusive to warriors. He once said that for warriors, supernatural powers are not the key, the most important thing is the fighting instinct and Fighting heart!That kind of fighting instinct and skill is the real reason why he can rebel against Li Haoxuan.

After successive battles in the future, Li Haoxuan was deeply impressed by Niu Li's various fighting skills, almost every move was ingenious, and he could put it to death and survive!He always thought that supernatural powers were the key to everything for practitioners, but only now did he realize that the skills that were passed down in the mortal world can also shine in the world of practice!Through these fighting skills, he knew that Niu Li must have experienced countless terrifying battles full of blood and blood, otherwise it would be impossible to evolve so many instincts into skills and then integrate them.

At Li Haoxuan's current state, practitioners of the same level have long been unable to enter his sight, and Xing Qichen and Sun Zhenghai, who could compete with him back then, have been left far behind.After Qing Shi broke through, the two of them visited together with Qing Shi, and finally entered the free war zone to fight. It was not their duel with Li Haoxuan, but Qing Shi and Li Haoxuan, because Qing Shi wanted to know whether Li Haoxuan really had the intention to fight against immortals combat power.

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