Holy furnace

Chapter 540

"According to the law in the Qingxu Grand Ceremony, disciples of the same school can exchange ideas with each other, but they are not allowed to fight indoors, otherwise a life is worth a life." The little girl is only about five or six years old, and she exudes a pure and innocent spirituality. But at this time, her face showed a worried look, and she looked at the boy not far away worriedly and said.

"A man is born in this world, he should do something and not do something!" The boy was silent for a moment, and then said, "I have to take revenge for killing my brother."

"Did the master tell you about the situation of being equal to the same name?" The little girl stopped talking, but asked.

"No." The young man shook his head and said, "The master only said that Qi Ming is much better than me, much better, unless I enter the realm of the law, otherwise I will not be qualified to fight against him."

"I can help you." The little girl hesitated and said weakly.

"Hehe, do your own thing by yourself." The young man smiled slightly when he heard the words, rubbed the little girl's head, and said with a smile, "If Brother Li knows that I have to borrow someone's hand to even avenge him, then I will do it a hundred years later." What face do you have to see him?"

"Brother, isn't there another possibility? You said that the law enforcers back then couldn't determine Brother Li's life and death. If so, maybe he has another adventure now?" The little girl raised her head and said innocently.

"Yeah, it might not be impossible." The boy twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a smile.For half a year, he got along very happily with this junior sister Sang who suddenly appeared, and even told her all the secrets that had been buried in his heart for many years, but he was the only one who knew the life and death of Brother Li best, because although the law enforcement officers back then were indeed unable to The life and death of Big Brother Li was determined, but he said to himself, one hundred thousand mountains, nine deaths in one life!

The words "near death and life" are enough to explain everything. Even if you enter the depths of the [-] mountains with peak strength, you may not be able to retreat completely, let alone Brother Li who was seriously injured?Moreover, based on his current experience, he already knew that the battle back then was far from being as simple as rumored outside!If it weren't for the Black Water Profound Snake of the Fa Ring, he might still have a glimmer of hope, but the facts are cruel, and it is impossible to rewrite the past.The Black Water Profound Snake of the Law Precept Realm, even if he is now, he has to retreat, let alone Brother Li back then?

Recalling the little things of the past ten years, the resentment in the young man's heart became more and more intense, and the majestic fighting spirit in his body began to ignite slowly. He could hardly bear to kill the Pure Heart Realm now, Enter the elite pavilion.

"Senior brother!" Feeling the powerful fluctuations on the young man, the little girl's face changed slightly, full of worry, and then hurried forward to stand beside the young man.

hum!When the little girl was within a foot of the boy, the entire void around the boy became chaotic, as if the power of the Great Dao in the whole world was drawn in. The next moment, the murderous aura on the boy and the surrounding air The power of the endless avenue collided with each other, causing the void to sing softly. In the end, the two canceled each other out without causing unimaginable consequences.

"Phew... I have a sense of proportion." In the end, the boy calmed down, took a deep breath and pretended to be relaxed and asked the little girl, "Where is Xiaosong? Did you steal it again?"

"Hehe, yes, he was still there just now, and he ran away before you came." The little girl was pure in heart, like a flawless glass, seeing the boy relax, a bright smile appeared on her face.

"Well, I decided to go to Zhanshen Peak to retreat for half a month, and I must make myself a step forward!" The young man clenched his fists and said firmly, "During this time, you can play with Xiaosong, remember to watch him carefully, and don't let him break through again. Hundred Gardens, if it triggers the magic formation set up by the master, it will not be as lucky as last time, Xiaosong was brought by Mr. Da, and it cannot be missed due to emotion and reason."

"Brother, don't worry, I will take good care of Xiaosong." The little girl patted her chest and said in a childish voice, "Brother, you should also be careful in your cultivation. Mr. Da said that day, haste makes waste."

"Hehe, I understand." The young man nodded with a smile. At the same time, the blazing light burst from his body and instantly turned him into a round of supreme sun. Then, the young man rose into the sky with a bang, turning into a The dazzling rainbow disappeared into the distant sky.

"Senior brother is working hard in cultivation, so Sangsang must also work hard." After the boy left, the little girl squeezed her fists and murmured immaturely to herself. Then, the little girl's expression changed slightly, and she said to herself in surprise, "Xiaosong? "Then, the little girl took a step forward, and the space in front of her suddenly cracked, and a dark space passage appeared.

"Boom!" In a vast and boundless mountain range, a huge sonic boom sounded suddenly, and everything within a radius of ten miles was turned into billowing smoke and dust, and then, a powerful wave of mana swayed, and in an instant, it was endless. The smoke and dust turned into concentric circles and blasted towards the surroundings. The powerful and violent killing power ravaged wantonly within a radius of ten miles, turning everything in it into dust.

In the big collision, two figures flew out, one of them had cracks all over his body, as if it was about to crack at any moment, while the other's body was bloody and his body was almost smashed to pieces. Blood rained from his body, dyeing the corners of the flattened mountains red.

Standing in the void, Li Haoxuan coughed up blood, struggling to mobilize the golden qi and blood in his body to reorganize his physical body, rumbling, his physical body was roaring, his primordial spirit was joining the Dao, and the Dao in front of him was really fighting. It's too strong, worthy of being the supreme strongman who can be ranked No.15 in the reincarnation space combat power list!

Li Haoxuan, who was fighting against him, even felt a ray of death aura before, and even his Destruction Fist was blown away by the big collision just now. He was almost shattered. If he hadn't used Baoshanyin's mysterious and yellow aura to protect his lifeline at the critical moment, he might have been shocked out of the reincarnation space by now.

Li Haoxuan's body was filled with golden blood, like thunder for nine days. Looking at the Taoist warrior in the distance who was also repairing his injuries, he began to calm down, opened his silver eyes, and evolved his own invincible way in the black and white world .He knew that he had reached his limit now, if he didn't open a gap leading to the way of life in despair, he might be trapped here forever.

At this moment, the surface of Li Haoxuan's golden radiant body is like colorful glass, and all 12 and two hundred crystal kingdoms of the gods have been revived. With the sound of mysterious singing, the heavens and the earth are moved, and the most fundamental dao marks are comprehended with the supreme dao body. , Experience the most primitive Daoyin!

Rumble!A large amount of heaven and earth vitality was absorbed by him from all directions. At this moment, there were no mountains, no earth in his eyes, only black and white.In black and white, he breathed out the essence of heaven and earth, felt the pulse of the avenue, and in a trance, he seemed to be in harmony, as if he had evolved himself into a part of the avenue of heaven and earth.This feeling is very mysterious. It's not the Skymark Sacred Art, but he himself has become the carrier of the Dao, and he can control the will of the Dao with a single gesture, and use it to attack all opponents!

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