Holy furnace

Peerless 554 sword

When the sound of the sword sounded, Li Haoxuan, who was wearing a tattered gown, stepped out of the void, holding a golden long sword!

At this moment, Li Haoxuan's chest had a large bloodstain, and on his left shoulder was a bowl-sized blood hole. The large blood rained down the river, sprinkled all over the void!The strength of the opponent is too strong, far beyond his imagination, especially the power of Qi and Dao that belongs to the supreme divine body is even more difficult to guard against, a little negligence may usher in a catastrophe!

At the previous moment, if he hadn't used the instant killing gun to hide in the void for a short time at the critical moment with the Holy Art of Skyline, it would have been more or less ominous. Super fighting will and instinct!Even so, he still didn't completely avoid the opponent's killing technique. He was just swept by a ray of the sun's light on his shoulder, but the result was extremely miserable. He exploded on the spot, bloody and bloody. Unbearable!

However, although the half-body Taoist body is not a complete divine body, it still bears a word of Tao anyway. In addition, Li Haoxuan's origin is strong, his blood is violent, his body is glowing, and the flesh and blood on his shoulders are even more vivid in the endless roar. The speed visible to the naked eye is peristaltic and healing fast, this recovery speed is almost immortal!

Back then when Li Haoxuan succeeded in building his foundation, he once wondered whether his arm would grow back if someone chopped it off. This question has now been answered. With his current strength, he can definitely mobilize the supreme vitality in a short period of time. Make the broken arm regenerate!

"You are very strong!" Seeing Li Haoxuan standing in the distance holding a golden long sword, the purple-haired boy narrowed his eyes, and he said after observing carefully for a long time.Li Haoxuan's recovery speed is already comparable to his, even if it is not as good as it is, it is almost the same. He has the blood of the Sun God Body, so it is not surprising that he has such an ability, but what about the person in front of him?Is it possible that the Qingxu Temple can produce two gods?This is impossible.

At his level, he can already aspire to the title of supreme mortal scholar, but this person in front of him can fight him so far with the same level of combat power, he is really proud of himself!He is very aware of his combat strength. Although the previous killing blow did not work, the aftermath is strong enough. Not to mention it is only Lingxu Nine Layers, even a monk at the peak of Bigu may not be able to force it. , unless the opponent is equally talented and has the appearance of a fairy seedling, otherwise he has no capital to fight against, and he will be beaten into a blood mist on the spot!

"But you're not strong enough!" Li Haoxuan shook his head, pointed his long sword at the opponent, and said lightly.

According to the ancient legend Xu Ziyue told him, every Dacheng God Body possesses supreme power. When the Great Emperor did not show up, they used their own blood to suppress the dark turmoil, protect the entire universe, and be remembered by the human race forever!There are even legends that if several of the more powerful divine bodies reach their peak, they can even be called the emperors of the ancient times!

Now facing such a divine body that only exists in legends, Li Haoxuan's fighting spirit is boiling rapidly!He had long longed for such a battle that would allow him to fully display all his strength, his momentum began to sublimate, and his coercion began to skyrocket!

The golden long sword in Li Haoxuan's hand is made of Dao, and the runes of Dao are constantly flowing on the long sword, which makes the aura above the sword change constantly, sometimes fierce, sometimes quiet, this is an extremely weird aura , is changing at any time, killing every step of the way!

At this moment, Li Haoxuan showed his sharpness, and the peerless sword energy suddenly rose from his body, like a divine pillar!With the awakening of Li Haoxuan's sword intent, the long sword in his hand also began to sing happily. The sound of the sword resounded through the sky, and the strong and cold murderous aura began to revive, swinging from the long sword Come out, the coercion is unmatched!

"Boom!" Suddenly, the long sword exploded, and countless huge sword lights suddenly appeared from the sky, turning into a rain of sword lights and shooting towards the purple-haired boy like lightning!At the same time, Li Haoxuan stepped forward holding the sword, his figure faded instantly, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared behind the young master. With a sword coming from the west, he pierced the opponent's back miraculously!

hum!With Li Haoxuan's sword thrusting out, the endless sword light in the sky suddenly turned pale, as if it had turned into nothingness. However, that sword intent became more fierce, and the cold murderous intent burst forth. Let this whole world fall into an endless hell, every sword in it seems to have an independent will, vowing to cramp the purple-haired boy to the bone!

The purple-haired boy's face was calm, and his delicate eyes narrowed slightly. He felt a terrifying killing intent from the endless sword light that surprised him!Looking at the great array of sword lights constantly falling in the void, a cold feeling suddenly emerged in his heart, and that terrifying killing intent even affected his divine body at this moment!

However, the divine body is a divine body after all, no matter whether it is a strong will or a strong blood, it is impossible to be confused by this killing intent, but in an instant, the source of the divine body in his body has begun to roar violently. Thousands of rays of light burst out from the sound of the sonic boom, and the powerful sun power soared into the sky, sweeping across the nine heavens, and directly annihilated the endless array of sword lights in the sky!

The pride of the divine body cannot be profaned!What's more, how could the sun god be suppressed by that kind of icy killing intent when his body is so strong?

"Huh?" However, just as the formation of sword lights all over the sky shattered, the purple-haired boy's face suddenly changed, and he suddenly looked back!

Rumble!Big explosion in the sky!What appeared in front of the young man at this time was an exploding sky and a dazzling sword glow!

This is an unimaginable peerless sword light, which condenses Li Haoxuan's supreme power and ultimate profound meaning. The moment it is pierced, it turns into immeasurable celestial light, and it travels for three hundred miles with a mighty force!Wherever the fairy light passes, the sky collapses and the earth shatters, ghosts and gods do not stay!

This sword intent was too strong, so strong that even the invincible Sun God body suddenly changed color at this moment!At this moment, the young man's face was white. At this moment, under the sword intent, he felt the taste of death. The feeling like a dark cloud enveloped him almost made him despair and collapsed. His unparalleled sword intent even made him understand what fear is!

There is great fear between life and death!Therefore, when faced with the choice between life and death, once the correct choice is made, both the body and mind will undergo a huge transformation. This is a kind of spiritual sublimation and enlightenment!

Faced with such a shocking sword intent that can cut himself into blood mud without taking a tenth of a breath, the young man understood what is life and what is death, and made the right choice in an instant!He understands that he is not afraid of death, let alone losing, but he can't die now, let alone lose!So he can only live and be invincible!When he understood this point, all the fear on the boy's face faded, replaced by a face of determination. At this time, he defeated the fear and sublimated himself!

However, Li Haoxuan's sword is really too strong!Faced with such an earth-shattering sword from the pinnacle that could even threaten the heart-throbbing monk, even if his spirit had been sublimated, he still had no power to deal with it, so he retreated!

Today's retreat is his first concession in the name of the divine body, and this time the concession is not for the sake of going further in the future, but for a reason that he has to do!

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