Holy furnace

Chapter 563 The Old Man and the Scholar

puff!Another splash of blood!So far, Li Haoxuan's body does not know how many wounds have appeared on his body. There are deep and piercing blood holes all over his body. With every splash of blood, there is immediately a sense of destruction or chaotic energy overflowing, flying towards the void. shoot.

However, beside Li Haoxuan stood an old man with white beard and hair, as long as this old man stood, the space around him would be completely imprisoned!No matter whether it was the true meaning of shattering or the chaotic energy, they were unable to break through this heavy space blockade, and were reversed in an instant, and were forcibly driven into Li Haoxuan's dantian.

At the same time, as soon as the old man pointed it out, a stream of mana belonging to him shot out and flowed into Li Haoxuan's meridians. Only in this way can Li Haoxuan's life be truly guaranteed, otherwise Li Haoxuan will die at any time if this continues.

There was a big explosion in Li Haoxuan's dantian, chaotic energy and shattered true intentions were confronting each other, no one would back down half a step!Chaos Qi doesn't want to compete with the true meaning of disillusionment, because he doesn't want to stay in Li Haoxuan's dantian at all, but he has nowhere to go, because the outside space is blocked, he is sealed in Li Haoxuan's dantian again and again , can only passively accept the squeeze that destroys the true meaning.In the end, Primal Chaos Qi was also angry. He was the innate Qi of origin. When did he experience this kind of Qi?Immediately confronted with the true meaning of disillusionment, the powerful impact almost caused Li Haoxuan's dantian to explode!

Boom!A huge explosion sound came from Li Haoxuan's dantian, causing several huge blood holes to appear on his body again!Li Haoxuan's dantian is the home ground of disillusionment of true meaning. He immediately mobilized his mighty power, directly surging to every corner of Li Haoxuan's body, and he was bound to force that ray of chaotic energy out. It made Li Haoxuan exude a powerful divine power.

Chaos Qi has no fear, he is the origin of the universe, it can contain everything, and it can also be integrated into everything. Although there is only one wisp, Li Haoxuan's magic power can't help him, and he is easily avoided by him. A burst of magic power and the true meaning of destruction clashed, and Li Haoxuan's body became a battlefield where the two supernatural powers fought against each other!

The God of Destruction Fist is attacking on its own!This kind of thing is too unbelievable, and if it is said, it will scare a lot of people to death!Because supernatural powers are dead things, they revived spontaneously without conscious dominance, just like the last time Shattering God Fist revived spontaneously when facing Ye Kaitian, it was too terrifying, beyond common sense!But now, the Destroyer Fist has not only revived, but is also attacking on its own, trying to wipe out the chaotic energy. If Li Haoxuan can keep his consciousness clear, he might really be vigilant enough for the Destroyer Fist!

However, the old man's face was calm, and he was not surprised by the recovery of the God of Destruction Fist, as if he had expected it to happen at this time.From the beginning to the end, he was quietly watching, but from time to time, he used his own magic power to protect Li Haoxuan's heart and maintain his life, and did not make any other moves.

This is a tug of war, endless!Li Haoxuan's body has been broken many times, and now, his body is glowing, and the power of the original source has begun to manifest, otherwise, even with the protection of the old man's mana, it would be difficult to persevere!The majestic Li Haoxuan was covered in blood, and a golden light appeared, bathing his body.At the same time, a cold sword intent slowly recovered at this time, joining the tug-of-war between the two sides!

Dahe Sword was born out of Haoran Sword, and Haoran Sword is the Supreme Quasi-Emperor Scripture. After repeated deduction by Li Haoxuan, today's Dahe Sword has already reached the state of perfection. It can be said that Dahe Sword and Haoran Sword are completely different. With his own characteristics, it can be said that at this time, Dahe Sword is no longer a branch of Haoran Sword, and he already has the potential to stand on his own!

When the Dahe Sword merged into this tug-of-war, the balance between the two sides was suddenly broken, making Li Haoxuan's nearly healed body become tattered again, and the sharp sword intent was tainted with the true meaning of destruction. Healing was extremely difficult, if not for the old man's action, Li Haoxuan's blood would have been drained long ago.

This duel between supernatural powers lasted for a full five days. During five days, Li Haoxuan's body became extremely haggard. Even with the strong support of the old man, it was difficult for him to bear such uninterrupted fragmentation and reorganization!Five days have passed, and the chaotic qi has been shattered, but Li Haoxuan is no longer able to decide the winner. At this moment, he has almost exhausted all his origin and background, and his golden light has become dim. Reflect the original power and influence!

"Is it still not enough?" At this moment, a scholar wearing a padded jacket suddenly appeared next to the old man, looking worriedly at Li Haoxuan on the opposite side.

"Originally, I thought that the Sun Divine Power left in his body by the Sun God Body could help Li Haoxuan refine the Chaos Qi, but now it seems that this idea cannot come true. After all, the Sun God Body is not yet complete, and cannot melt the Chaos Qi." The old man said with great regret. .

"It can't be consumed anymore." The scholar was silent for a moment, and then said, "It would be best if the chaotic energy can be fused with the God of Destruction Fist. If it can't be fused, we can only give up. If this continues, the source of the younger brother will be damaged, and the future road will be destroyed." There will be many ups and downs, we don't have time to wait." While speaking, the scholar took out a red pill from his waist, and flicked it between Li Haoxuan's eyebrows with his fingers.

"Hey." The old man sighed, nodded in response, "Being able to fight against the sun god without being weak, your little junior brother's future achievements are limitless. I am afraid that one day he will even be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with you."

"What are you doing shoulder to shoulder with me? I don't know how to fight." The scholar was taken aback when he heard this, and then said.At the same time, the cotton wool on the scholar's arm swayed with the wind, and immediately a wisp of chaotic energy flew out of Li Haoxuan's dantian and sank into his palm.

With the withdrawal of the chaotic energy, Duan Mie Zhen Yi and Da He Jian also began to sink slowly, sinking into Li Haoxuan's dantian again to restore calm.After the next battle, although Li Haoxuan's body suffered tremendous damage and pain, his dantian was enlarged again, and his meridians were also strengthened a lot, which brought his combat power to a small level again!

"Hehe." The old man was not surprised by the scholar's answer, and said with a light smile, "I'll leave it to you, Li Haoxuan." After speaking, the old man stepped out of the small universe and returned to the great formation of reincarnation.

"It's a pity." Looking at the pale-faced Li Haoxuan, the scholar sighed, lifted him up with the aura of heaven and earth, crossed the void with his steps, and appeared directly in Kun Palace.

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