Holy furnace

Chapter 566

The unknown is the greatest fear, but it is also the greatest joy!Because everything is unknown, there are enough reasons to let yourself explore and pursue.

At this time, Li Haoxuan felt a sense of impatience, he wanted to explore the unknown world as soon as possible, the world he had longed for but never really entered!He still remembers the scene when he first entered the Qingxu Temple, and a copy of "General Outline of the World" was enough to make him intoxicated, unable to stop.

The blue devils under the endless abyss, the ghosts in the sea of ​​darkness, the earth demons under the earth, the heavenly stems above the sky, and various fairy caves left over from ancient legends, the empty caves all made him yearn for it!Over the past year, he has continued to practice in the Pure and Void Conception, but in the end he almost forgot his original intention to enter the realm of practice.He knew that he wanted to become stronger and stronger, but he forgot why he wanted to become stronger, why he wanted to be above all living beings!

For him now, the Qingxu Temple seems to have become a huge prison!He lived a very comfortable life in this prison, but one day he will find that no matter how big this place is, it is not the whole world after all, so he wants to escape and enter the real world of practice, not a People sit sleepy and worry about the city!

The sea of ​​stars is boiling, travel the universe!Li Haoxuan's heart vibrated with these eight words, he understood his true heart, everything he did was for freedom, to be able to live as he wanted, only by becoming the strongest can he act on his own will, Only in this way can you really do whatever you want!

In just a few breaths, Li Haoxuan's state of mind seemed to have undergone a huge transformation!At this time, his gaze became extremely firm, and a mysterious and complex change began to appear in the aura on his body. He started to take steps, and then flew away into the sky, heading straight for Kun Palace!

After returning to Kun Palace, Li Haoxuan went to meet Di Qing directly.But he didn't mention the matter of Yuan Jing Guo, he just told the other party that he wanted to go out to practice and walk his own path.

Because the previous Li Haoxuan had already been enlightened, his purpose of leaving the Qingxu Temple at this time was no longer for mere primordial essence fruit, but to liberate his own mind and shackles.He needs time and more experience. His background is strong enough and his combat power is strong enough, but his experience is too short. He has never seen the real life, and he has not really experienced the cruel laws of the practice world. He needs to grow, and this time he is leaving for his own growth.

Yuanjing fruit is important, but what is it compared to his original heart?Now Li Haoxuan is very indifferent, it would be best if he could find the Yuanjing Fruit as soon as possible, if he couldn't find it, then it would be inconvenient to force him, the road to practice is long, the Yuanjing Fruit is no longer the direct reason for his entry into the world.

Di Qing didn't say much after knowing Li Haoxuan's intentions, and directly brought him to Fang Han's retreat.Because it is difficult for him to make decisions, if ordinary monks want to go out to practice, Di Qing will agree without saying a word, but Li Haoxuan is very human, it can even be said that he is the hope of the entire Kun Palace, no one dares to let him take risks at will!

Naturally, one can sit back and relax in the Qingxu Temple, no one can come to the Qingxu Temple to play wild, but once he leaves the temple, if he encounters a powerful monster or a demon sect, even if Li Haoxuan has ten lives, he will be killed by one. All of them were crushed, and there was no reason for them to be spared.This matter is of great importance, and Di Qing has no power to make decisions, so he can only ask Fang Han to leave the customs.

"Are you going to join the WTO?" Fang Han asked Li Haoxuan seriously after leaving the customs.

"I hope senior brother will be successful!" Li Haoxuan replied firmly.

"It's a good thing to join the WTO to practice, of course I want to fulfill you!" Fang Han replied as a matter of course, and then asked, "Is there any purpose in joining the WTO this time?"

"I haven't thought about it yet." Li Haoxuan shook his head and said, "I want to go north!"

"Don't worry about where to go." Fang Han waved his hands when he heard the words, and said, "There's a monster of the Law Ring in the south. Since you want to enter the world, it's the same from the south to the north. You go and kill him!"

"Yes!" Li Haoxuan was taken aback when he heard the words, then a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and he nodded heavily.

"A good man walks with a sword, kills one person in ten steps, and never stays behind for a thousand miles." Fang Han laughed twice when he heard this, stretched out his right hand, and immediately a black long sword appeared on his palm, and said to Li Haoxuan "This sword is cold and iron, and I will lend it to you for a while."

"Thank you senior brother!" Li Haoxuan saluted respectfully and received the sword with both hands.

hum!The long sword whined softly, exuding a cheerful and joyful atmosphere in Li Haoxuan's hands, full of agility.

"Do you still remember the rules of Kun Palace?" Finally, Fang Han looked at Li Haoxuan and asked seriously.

"The rules of Kun Palace..." After hearing Fang Han's words, Li Haoxuan's thoughts suddenly wandered, as if he had returned to half a year ago.

"Kun Palace doesn't have any miscellaneous rules, only two. First: Do whatever you want, Kun Palace advocates freedom, so we won't force you to do anything you don't want to do, even if it's cultivation! Cultivation is your personal business. We have no responsibility, let alone the obligation to urge you to practice, so if you like to practice, then practice, if you don’t like to practice, then you can write and read, it doesn’t matter, as long as you don’t violate the practice regulations of Guanli, no one will punish you Or restrain you."

"Second: Help relatives or not. Once you enter the Kun Palace, you are a family. It doesn't matter how much you fight and intrigue in the Kun Palace, because everyone is your own, as long as it does not exceed the teacher's set But in the face of people outside of Kun Palace, if our disciples of Kun Palace are being bullied, then we have to stand up for him. Considering the consequences of doing so, the debts that should be collected must not be less.”

"I don't care what the outside world thinks of Kun Palace, but I know that everyone in Kun Palace will be proud of being a Kun Palace disciple, so we firmly believe that what every Kun Palace disciple does must have a reason, there must be something like this The reason for doing it, since this is the case, then we think that what they did must be just and reasonable, at least for us Kun Palace, this is just and reasonable, so we must take action to defend our The justice and truth of Kun Palace!"

"Never dare to forget!" Recalling the extremely clear past in his mind, Li Haoxuan bowed and said.

"That's good! These two rules are also applicable to the outside world! As long as you think it's right, then you do it, and whoever dares to stop you, then shoot him with a sword!" In the end, Fang Han floated away after leaving these words Going away made Li Haoxuan feel a lot in his heart, he knew that even if he left the Qingxu Temple, he would never be alone!

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