Holy furnace

Chapter 568 Oolong

Looking at the faint blue flying sword in front of him, Li Haoxuan's right arm moved slightly, and he was about to strike to defeat it immediately.However, the moment the magic power surged, his arm stopped leisurely, because he could not feel the slightest murderous aura from the flying sword, and, in his opinion, the power of the flying sword was too weak, don't If he wanted to kill him, even if he wanted to make him bleed, it would be impossible even if his skin could not be pierced, it would be broken on the spot. More importantly, he predicted the trajectory of this flying sword, Its direction of travel is not its own head, but the snake behind it.

Of course Li Haoxuan knew that behind him was a half-length colorful snake hanging from a tree. At his level, even with his eyes closed, he could see everything clearly through the aura around him, not to mention just a colorful snake. A snake, even an ant, he can feel it clearly!It was precisely because there was a colorful snake behind him that he stopped the punch he was about to throw at this moment.

laugh!Sure enough, the flying sword flashed away after a short while, pierced through the colorful snake with a hissing sound, split it in two, and cut it in half on the spot!

Only then did Li Haoxuan raise his eyebrows slightly, pretending to have suddenly realized, and turned to look at the colorful boa constrictor that fell from the tree behind him!This boa constrictor is about six feet thick, and its whole body is more than twenty feet long. Compared with the giant pythons in the world, it is considered huge, but in Li Haoxuan's view, it is really too weak. If he really bites it, it will definitely His teeth would be broken by Li Haoxuan's body, so Li Haoxuan never took the initiative to defend against such creatures.

After slicing the snake's waist, the flying sword with the faint blue light circled for a while, then moved towards the snake's head again with a buzzing sound, chopping it into dozens of sections in an instant, and then there was a whistling sound. It shot back in the direction it came from.

Li Haoxuan's gaze followed the sword light all the time, and he turned around at the end, and suddenly saw four people walking towards him not far away, and the flying sword finally disappeared into one of them wearing blue girl in black dress.Li Haoxuan looked carefully, and found that the costumes of these four people were very similar, unless there was a young man wearing the same style of long skirt besides the girl before, but the color was changed to bright red, and one of the other two One is an old man wearing a gray robe, and the other is a young man wearing a purple battle armor.

"Hmph, you kid is so rude, don't you want to thank someone for saving your life?" While Li Haoxuan was sizing up each other, the four of them had quietly arrived not far from him. At this moment, The girl in the long red dress wrinkled her nose in dissatisfaction, walked up to Li Haoxuan and said with a snort.

"Eh..." Li Haoxuan was stunned when he heard the words, he really didn't recover from this kind of role exchange, because he really didn't need the other party to rescue him, it was just a colorful snake, it couldn't hurt him at all, but However, the fact is that the other party did save them. Anyway, at least the other party had a heart. Thinking of this, Li Haoxuan stepped forward and said to the four people in front of him, "I am Li Haoxuan, thank you for your life-saving grace."

"It's too outrageous to even be reminded to thank you." The woman in red waved her hand indifferently, and couldn't help muttering.Li Haoxuan almost laughed when he heard the words, the person who actually killed the giant python with the flying sword was the woman in blue, she hadn't even opened her mouth yet, but the woman in red in front of her was doing it for her, even though they were all in the same group, but this This situation still makes people feel weird no matter how you look at it.

"Forget it, judging by his attire, he should be a warrior in the world, not a practitioner. In that case, it's okay if he doesn't know etiquette. Time is running out, let's go." The young man in purple armor frowned slightly , looked at Li Haoxuan and the long sword behind him casually, then said to the woman in red impatiently.

"Oh? Are you a martial artist in the world?" Unexpectedly, the woman in red felt even more interesting when she heard the words. She looked Li Haoxuan up and down and said cheerfully, "I heard that warriors in the world can cultivate to the realm of a master." Reaching the point of crossing the river with one reed, boy, you can single-handedly break into the Wufeng Peak at a young age, could it be that you have already reached the realm of the master in the legend of your warriors?"

"The realm of the grand master... it should be considered." Li Haoxuan scratched his head, and then said.He doesn't understand the martial artist system in the secular world, but the other party said that a martial artist at the master level can cross the river with one reed, which is naturally no problem for him. Standing tall in the void, crossing the river with a reed is nothing to him.

"Ha, it's true!" The red-clothed girl became even more excited when she heard the words, and continued, "I heard that the cultivation speed of your secular warriors is very slow, and it usually takes four to fifty years to reach the realm of the master. With such a cultivation base, could it be that I met a legendary genius? Or did you take some panacea to gather enough mana in a short period of time, oh, no, you should call it internal force, gather Have you gained enough internal strength to break through the realm of a grandmaster in one fell swoop?"

"I've also taken some panacea." Li Haoxuan thought of the Foundation Establishment Pill that cut his hair and washed his marrow, so he nodded and said, his eyes were sincere.If the Foundation Establishment Pill refined from the Vulcan Furnace is not considered a heavenly material and earthly treasure, he really can't think of any other pills that are comparable to it in the second grade of Xuanhuang.

"Haha, I never expected that we would meet a genius in the world!" The red-clothed girl Da Yue asked happily, "How do you fighters fight each other? Do you rely on exquisite moves or deep internal strength? I heard that you guys Among the warriors, there are strong ones who can break a big tree in half with deep internal strength from a distance of three feet. Is it true? Also, is the sword you are carrying on your back a legend A peerless sword that cuts iron like mud?"

"Eh..." Li Haoxuan's face was dark, he really didn't know what point he was acting like a martial artist in the world, could it be because of the sword on his back?However, who ever said that a practitioner cannot carry a sword?

"Junior Sister Xu, stop messing around." Seeing that the girl in red seems to be addicted to asking questions, the young man couldn't help but frowned, looked at Li Haoxuan disdainfully, and then said, "It's just a worldly warrior, even if it's broken The realm of the Grandmaster is only comparable to Bigu, what is so rare? If you are really interested, I will take you down the mountain in the future. There are as many fighters as there are in our Chunyang Sword Sect. How can you waste your time here? Don't forget our purpose of coming to Wufeng today, if we can't find the ambergris before sunset, we have to wait another day!"

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