Holy furnace

Chapter 571 The enemy retreats

"Hoo!" When he saw the colorful python appearing in front of him, the gray-robed old man did not stop, he flew into the air, and the Dao sword in front of him screamed as the sword formula flew, cutting through The sky shot towards the giant python's head!

Ding!There was a sound of gold and iron intersecting, and he moved forward rapidly, and the dao sword, which was shining with a strong light, flew back immediately, but it was unable to pierce the scales of the colorful python in front of him, leaving behind only the opponent's scales. There was a light white mark.

"Hiss!" After being hit by this blow, the giant colorful python suddenly became furious, and the several-meter-long snake letter suddenly swallowed, and its body twisted in the hissing sound. Suddenly, a huge snake tail descended from the sky like a dragon wagging its tail, towards the gray robe. The old man swept away!

The giant python has a huge body and is covered in colorful colors. There is a small protrusion on the triangular head, and powerful mana pressure overflows from its body!

Boom!Mana power pervades the giant colorful python's tail, and when it falls suddenly, it has the power to break mountains and crack rocks, making the air hum!

Sensing the powerful strength of the opponent's tail, the gray-robed old man couldn't help but change his face, and immediately retreated. The Dao sword that was blown by Beng Fei flew back leisurely in the distance, slashing at the snake's tail of the giant python with a flickering sword light. There was a sword glow at a distance of three feet!

Cruel!The sword light cut through the void, and there was a sharp explosion sound, and finally hit the giant tail heavily. This time, the Dao sword worked, and cut a wound on the tail of the giant python, with sticky blood Gushing out from within, the stench was incomparable.

Seeing this, the old man in gray robe couldn't help gasping!He had already used [-]% of his mana for the previous sword strike, and even used a secret method to chop off the sword light. However, the result was unexpected, the giant colorful python was too powerful, almost invincible.

"Broken Cloud Style!" At this moment, the red-clothed girl who was following the gray-robed old man suddenly let out a long cry, leaped into the void with a three-foot green peak in her hand, and then shot out the Dao sword in her hand with a secret method, towards the colorful giant. Boa's right eye shot!

Boom!This blow was so powerful that the moment the Dao Sword shot out, it even left a vortex of spiritual energy in the air. This is a secret technique, which is said to be able to break through the clouds and requires extremely deep mana support.After stabbing out the sword, the red-clothed girl's complexion suddenly became extremely pale, and it was almost difficult to stand in the void, and she fell down directly.

At the same time, another dao sword shining with faint blue light also shot out at the same time, moving forward in the void according to a certain trajectory, which was elusive. In the end, this dao sword appeared from the sky and pierced straight down. , stabbing directly towards the left eye of the giant python!

"Roar!" The colorful giant python has been cultivating for many years and has already opened up his spiritual wisdom. Now when he saw two ants daring to challenge his authority, he was furious, and slammed his head at the two Dao swords while roaring!

Click!Two slight clicks sounded, and the two Dao swords, one red and one blue, suddenly flew away, piercing the soil far away.At this time, the two Dao swords were dim, showing their original bodies, but the two long swords were densely covered with cracks, as if they would crack at any time.

puff!As the Dao sword cracked, the woman in red and the woman in blue coughed up blood at the same time, and their faces were instantly pale as paper.

Boom!At this moment, the mana in the gray-robed old man surged, and a Dao sword flew around him rapidly.In the end, the dao sword trembled violently, and suddenly turned into more than ten small swords and shot towards the giant python!

More than a dozen small swords each exude different light, moving forward wantonly in the void, like a group of demons dancing wildly!

boom!When the little sword flew, the giant colorful python swept across with its giant tail, and the sound of collapsing came, and four or five little swords were shattered into the void on the spot!For the giant python, his giant tail is his most powerful means of attack, no matter if it is Dao sword or other treasures, it can be beaten into darkness, or even shattered on the spot!

Under the giant colorful python's snake tail, any sword is insignificant, and it is difficult to hurt him in the slightest.

"Hurry up, this is the Banlan King, he is invincible!" Seeing that several Dao swords were smashed into pieces like this, the face of the gray-robed old man also turned a little pale, and then he let out a long cry, and a big hand with vitality rolled out , directly grabbed the purple-clothed youth and the other two girls who were about to make a move, and rushed towards the right.

While the gray-robed old man was moving forward, his mana was constantly improving, and he rose from the Foundation Establishment Realm to the Consecration Realm almost instantly, and finally rushed to the Lingxu Realm abruptly, grabbing the three of them and soaring into the sky Fly towards the sky.

However, before his body soared into the sky, a huge colorful snake tail had already descended from the sky, and it was photographed with a bang from above his head! 13 5899922 "Open!" Seeing this, the old man roared, and with his right hand as a sword, he swung a huge sword glow directly through the colorful giant tail, bringing up a large rain of blood!

Roar!The severe pain caused the colorful snake to roar loudly, and the rolling sound waves were like thunder, shaking the void. The huge snake body rolled continuously on the ground, crushing pieces of ancient wood into powder.

Roar!At this moment, one roar after another sounded from a distance, echoing each other from afar, and in the next moment, one after another, snake heads like hills shot up into the sky and rushed towards the old man and the three young people. At the same time, the colorful Wang roared, a piece of turbid yellow venom suddenly spewed out from his mouth, and turned into mist in the wind against the void, wrapping towards the old man and the others.

hum!When the poisonous mist hit, a red long sword suddenly appeared above the old man's head. There was a surge of flames on the long sword, and a heavy sky curtain was set up to block all the poisonous mist from him.

However, the red sky can stop the poisonous mist, but it can't stop the Banlan King!But in this short span of time, several mottled snakes had already gathered together, and one after another the giant tails were drawn towards the old man one after another, leaving him with the ability to fly but still unable to speed up, let alone fly to high altitudes. You can only keep dodging in mid-air!

In the end, the old man seemed to be exhausted, and his breath suddenly dropped. He was hit by a snake tail on the spot, and was smashed into the soil with a bang, causing dust and rocks to fly.

When the smoke dispersed, the four people, including the old man, were all pale and fell to the ground, with despair in their eyes.

Around them, eight giant mottled snakes that were as huge as hills were looking down on them, with naked killing intent in their icy eyes.King Banlan moved forward and came to them, showing his sharp fangs.

"My life is over!" At this time, the old man and the others couldn't help but close their eyes. Facing so many colorful snakes, even the real Lingxu powerhouses can only drink hatred, let alone those who only have foundation establishment and enlightenment. monk?

However, the imaginary death did not come. When they opened their eyes half an hour later, they saw the eight colorful snakes trembling slightly crawling towards the direction they came from, and the crisis of life and death dissipated.

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