Holy furnace

Chapter 574 Beheading

"Roar!" The moment the blue flying sword fell to the ground, Thunder Gale Leopard yelled, and the changes in body shape pierced the sky like light, and appeared in front of Li Haoxuan and the girl in blue in an instant .

Looking at the sudden thunderstorm and leopard that suddenly appeared in front of him, Cheng Susu's slowly falling face did not show any panic, but looked at Li Haoxuan with a wry smile of apology.

In life, it is inevitable to die.No matter how magnificent and invincible you are, in the end you will turn into loess in the end. The life and death are just a gorgeous firework, but who can see it longer.

In just a few decades, although I can't say what I want to say, I can do what I want to do.Because I have a hero in my heart, and because what I do is the true meaning of being a hero, my life is full of love and hatred, so what if I die?

Life and death are inevitable. Although I have not experienced more splendid scenery, I have no regrets in this life. In this case, when I am dying, what reason do I not have to bloom my own beauty and smile?

Thinking of this, the wry smile on Cheng Susu's face turned into a smile. When this change of smile was shown in front of Li Haoxuan's eyes, Li Haoxuan felt as if the whole world had changed at this moment, becoming cleaner and brighter.

Although Cheng Susu didn't speak, Li Haoxuan understood everything contained in the other party's eyes and smile.

So, Li Haoxuan stretched out his hand, and while hugging Cheng Susu, he turned around slowly and took a step.Just at this invisible turning around, Li Haoxuan's figure blocked Cheng Susu's face, and with the same invisible step, Li Haoxuan's figure disappeared in front of Jinglei Jifengbao's eyes.

"Naughty animal!" When Li Haoxuan's figure seemed to pass by Thunderstorm Gale Leopard unexpectedly, a burst of shouting suddenly sounded from behind him, and at the same time, a huge palm with a radius of three feet fell from the sky , and slapped towards Thunder Gale Leopard with a bang!

call out!When the palm fell, Thunder Gale Leopard let out a long howl, and leaped into the air, narrowly avoiding the huge palm, and turned into a black light again and fell to the ground in the distance.

"Thunder and Gale Leopard!" After the Gale Leopard fell to the ground, the old man who had just arrived recognized the other party's identity, and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.Then, when he saw the two fleshy bumps on the body of Jing Lei Gaifeng Leopard, the old man's expression relaxed a bit. Compared with the adult Jing Lei Gai Fengbao, the juvenile Jinglei Gaifeng Leopard is really far worse. With his current It's not a problem to match the underage Gale Leopard.

"Susu!" After seeing Cheng Susu lying in Li Haoxuan's arms, the old man's expression changed again, and he slowly moved to Li Haoxuan's side while confronting Jinglei Gaifengbao.

"Give it to her!" Seeing that Cheng Susu was exhausted and not dying, the old man felt relieved, took out a jade bottle from his bosom and threw it into Li Haoxuan's hand and said.

After taking the jade bottle, Li Haoxuan immediately crushed it with a click, took out the white elixir and put it into Cheng Susu's mouth.When this elixir entered the mouth, Cheng Susu's spirit immediately improved a lot, she barely stood up from Li Haoxuan's arms, and waved her hand to call the dim flying sword into her hand.

"You guys go first." Seeing that Cheng Susu had recovered some of his strength, the gray-robed old man hurriedly said to him, "This is Thunderstorm Leopard, with the fastest speed in the world, you go first, and I will hold him back."

Cheng Susu was taken aback when he heard the words, then shook his head firmly, and looked at Jinglei Gaifengbao with a flying sword in his hand.

"You are dragging me down!" The old man was furious and said again.

"Hey." Looking at Cheng Susu who was still standing there unmoved, the old man couldn't help but sighed, and said helplessly, "You have already hurt your heart, if you force it again, the consequences will be unpredictable! This Gale Leopard is still alive!" If you're underage, you can't do anything to me, if you don't want to retreat, then don't make a move! If you don't even listen to me, then don't call me Shishu from now on!"

Seeing that the old man in gray robe was really angry, Cheng Susu nodded and slowly put away the flying sword in his hand.

"Boy, if Susu really has something wrong, I won't leave in this life." Seeing Cheng Susu nodding, the old man breathed a sigh of relief, and then said sharply to Li Haoxuan.

"Hehe." Li Haoxuan shook his head and smiled wryly when he heard the words. The other party had good intentions, so he could naturally feel it.

"Zheng!" As soon as the old man's words fell, a sword light had already been split from his hand, as if turning into a pillar reaching the sky, and slashed down towards the gale leopard in the distance.

boom!The long sword fell, splashing endless smoke and dust, causing a huge gully to appear on the ground!However, Gaifengbao was unharmed, and his speed was even faster than the old man's sword light. When the sword light took shape, he had already jumped away, turning into a ray of light and galloping around the old man at high speed.

boom!A powerful wave of mana swayed from the old man, and a golden long sword appeared with it!When this long sword appeared, a powerful sword intent began to show, and vigorous sword intent was everywhere within a radius of [-] meters, and one after another subtle dao swords began to loom, shooting towards the thunderstorm and storm leopard!However, Gale Leopard's speed is the fastest in the world. This is not just talk, but really fast, so fast that even the old man's sword energy can't hurt him at all.

"Pure Yang Sword Formation!" The gray-robed old man couldn't attack for a long time, and worried about attracting the existence of the peak above Wufeng, he finally began to show his powerful trump card!

With the old man's loud shout, the golden long sword in the old man's hand suddenly collapsed, instantly turning into seven or forty-nine Dao swords, which were arranged in all directions!When all the 49 Dao swords were suspended in the void, the strongest killing intent suddenly emerged from this killing formation, and the sound of clanking could be heard endlessly, and the illusory Dao swords turned into a prison of swords, moving towards Thunderstorm Leopard suppressed and went away!

In the distance, Li Haoxuan's eyes narrowed slightly. This sword array has some similarities with Jian Shisan's supernatural powers. Although it is not as powerful as Jian Shisan's power, it has the same effect!

When all Dao swords were intertwined into one sword, Thunderstorm Gale Leopard was already confined within a space less than ten feet in radius!

Looking at the Dao swords constantly appearing around, a little panic finally appeared in the eyes of Jinglei Gaifengbao. In the end, Gaifengbao roared fiercely, and a powerful and fierce force gushed out of its body, and directly hit it with a bang. To the Chunyang Sword Formation in front of him!

Roar!With an extremely shrill roar, the Pure Yang Sword Formation finally disintegrated and was blown apart by the thunderstorm!In the distance, Jinglei Gaifengbao was bleeding, and there were dense wounds all over his body, and blood flowed all over the place.

Jinglei Gaifengbao looked at everyone vigilantly, its iron whip-like giant tail twitched violently on the ground, as if it was thinking about something.In the end, the fierceness in his eyes dissipated, and he slowly receded towards the mountain top while growling.

Just when everyone thought that the Thunderstorm Leopard had retreated, a black light suddenly rushed from a distance, showing sharp fangs towards the old man, it turned out to be the Storm Leopard who had gone and returned!

Boom!At this moment, a crimson horse suddenly appeared, sweeping across Gale Leopard's waist like a waterfall, bringing a rain of blood all over the sky!

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