Holy furnace

Chapter 588

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The mountains are huge, the buildings are majestic, and the Chunyang Sword Sect presented in front of Li Haoxuan's eyes is incomparably magnificent, much stronger than he imagined.But after thinking about it, I was relieved. What I saw was indeed in line with common sense. After all, they are all practitioners. Even monks who are only in the enlightened state are able to do many things that ordinary people can't even imagine. It is not difficult to build a towering fairy mansion, it is within the feasible range.

However, to Li Haoxuan, after seeing the vastness of Qingxu Temple, the Chunyang Sword Sect is really nothing. It used to be difficult for water, but in real comparison, it is not even as good as Jingxianting here, let alone hiding Above the clouds, there is no worldly view of purity and emptiness.

"Senior, this is the mountain gate of our Chunyang Sword Sect." Ke Feiyang turned around, pointed to the distant cliff and said, with a little pride and pride in his words.

"Good words." Looking carefully at the four big characters on the cliff, Li Haoxuan couldn't help but nodded in praise.It's not just perfunctory, but these words are really extraordinary, the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, vigorous and powerful, so many years have passed, but the sword energy above still remains here, Li Haoxuan seems to have vaguely seen a strong man standing on the cliff Before wielding a sword and writing.

"En?" As we got closer to the Chunyang Sword Sect, those four big characters like silver hooks painted on iron became more and more familiar in front of Li Haoxuan's eyes. The place has seen so-so!However, Li Haoxuan couldn't remember it after all. His current Dahe Sword has been completed, and there is a fierce Dahe Sword Intent in his body, which dispelled the sword intent attached to his body with those four characters on the spot. Then cause any disturbance to Li Haoxuan.

"Senior is indeed extraordinary." After landing in front of the mountain gate, Ke Feiyang said to Li Haoxuan, "The four big characters on the cliff are abbreviated by our founding patriarch, and they contain peerless sword intent and coercion. The strong can't enter the land of no one like you."

"This is because the restriction has not yet been activated. If the restriction is completely released, I will be in trouble." Li Haoxuan shook his head, revealing the real truth.Today, Li Haoxuan has a wide range of knowledge and knowledge, and with the aid of Tianyantong and Delusion Silver Eyes, he can already see through many hidden and void restrictions and formations. For example, the four big characters on the cliff are far from being as simple as they are seen today. , he could feel that the fierce sword intent hidden in the four big characters was very powerful, not even under his peak sword, but now he was imprisoned in some kind of utensil or magic circle, only when he reached the key Time will manifest.Because the cliff is not a divine material, even though it is engraved with talismans and dao patterns, it still cannot carry these wisps of sword intent forever, and it will be shattered and turned into nothingness if it goes on for a long time.

"Senior's eyes are like torches." Ke Feiyang said with a jump in his heart.From Li Haoxuan's words, he keenly grasped the most critical words, such as "completely let go" and "very troublesome". Strong, but at the same time he praised, he also pointed out that such a formation can't hurt me, at most it can cause me trouble.

This is a subconscious statement. Although it is only one sentence, it allows Ke Feiyang to accurately determine his strength within a certain range.

In the end, they landed on a huge square in front of the gate. In front of them was a vermilion gate, and on both sides were lofts like jade buildings, vast and vast.

"It's so quiet." Xu Jiayi looked at the empty surroundings, and suddenly said to Ke Feiyang, "Master, today is not the day of the assembly, and the trial assessment is not over yet, why is there no one here?" ?”

Ke Feiyang's face immediately changed when he heard the words, and after listening carefully, he realized that it was indeed the case. There was no one around the entire square.

"Come on, let's go in!" Ke Feiyang's expression was a little anxious, and before he had time to confess to Li Haoxuan, he flew towards the red door in the distance.

Li Haoxuan didn't care about it, and walked behind them. When he gradually approached the red gate, he realized that this gate was actually an illusion, formed by a phantom array, and the real Chunyang Sword Sect was behind this red gate. , unless it is a person of advanced realm, or someone brings it in, it is almost difficult for ordinary people to enter.

Walking quickly to the front of the gate, Ke Feiyang quickly formed a handprint, and suddenly a ray of sword energy overflowed from his body, and shot into the formation with a whistling sound.

Boom!Following the sinking of this ray of sword energy, the entire gate suddenly boomed, and a portal appeared at this moment, revealing the tip of the iceberg of the Pure Yang Sword Sect.

"Let's go!" Ke Feiyang opened his mouth, and he entered in a flash, followed by Cheng Susu and Li Haoxuan, who were still at the bottom. The moment he entered this portal, Li Haoxuan's expression suddenly became a little weird , seems to have sensed something surprising.

"Bold! Who dares to break into the Chunyang Sword Sect!" Just after the three of Li Haoxuan crossed the phantom formation and appeared in the real Chunyang Sword Sect, a sharp howling sound suddenly came from the sky, and at the same time, a red long sword flew from the sky He descended and headed towards Ke Feiyang to kill him.

"Hmph!" Ke Feiyang was furious when he heard the words. He is the authentic Chunyang sect. When did he encounter such treatment in the Chunyang Sword Sect?With a cold snort, he flicked his sleeve, and sent the opponent's long sword flying with a bang.

puff!After receiving this blow, the figure in the distance immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his spirit instantly weakened.His realm is far less powerful than Ke Feiyang's, but he is just an ordinary disciple, and it is difficult to resist the casual blow of the Lingxu realm. If Ke Feiyang hadn't been merciful, he would have died at this time.

"Who are you? Why are you in my Chunyang Sword Sect!" After injuring the opponent, Ke Feiyang landed in front of him with a fierce look, staring at the opponent and said.He already understood from the sword intent of the other party's attack earlier that this person is definitely not a disciple of Chunyang, and it is precisely because of this insight that he made such a heavy move. This is the Chunyang Sword Sect, so how could it be someone else's turn to come here? act wildly?

"The Chunyang Sword Sect has been sealed, and no one is allowed to enter. Anyone who forcibly breaks in will be an enemy of the entire Kendo Alliance, and the consequences will be at their own risk!" The injured disciple stood up, looked at Ke Feiyang in front of him with great resentment and said, "You Shooting at me is disrespectful to the Kendo Alliance, you should be punished!"

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