Holy furnace

Chapter 591 Appearance

When this figure "broke through the door", the scene suddenly became silent!No one thought that such a thing would happen in this Chunyang hall. Which one of them is not a big boss?Anyone who stomps their feet can shock the forces within a thousand miles, but now, on such an occasion, someone breaks down the door in this way. Isn't this a blatant slap in the face?

"Who?" When the figure smashed the door, an old man sitting at the end shouted, and stretched out his hand to catch him!

However, the opponent's speed suddenly increased at this moment, barely dodging the old man's big hand, and fell directly in front of the Moyu God Seat like a dead pig.

"Looking for death!" The big man who spoke before was about to make a move, but saw the other party lying on the ground like a dead pig, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and he stepped forward and kicked him into the air, facing up with a slap , fell on the side of the throne.

"Little master!" After seeing the other party's true face, the big man Haoxuan was frightened to death, and said tremblingly with a pale face.Although the left cheek of the person in front of him is as high as a steamed bun, the identity of this person can still be clearly identified by everyone's eyesight. It is the son of Shen Langtao sitting on the Moyu God Throne, Shen Chengjie!

"Little master!" At first, everyone didn't care about it, but they were just a little person who didn't know how to live or die. How could they have the qualifications to let so many of them mobilize the crowd? However, when they heard the voice of the big man, everyone was shocked, and there was a bang All the mana surged, and they all rushed to Shen Chengjie's side, carefully inspecting the other's injuries, his face was ferocious, as if the person who was beaten was his own parent and child, but Shen Langtao, who was sitting on the throne of God, was always calm, and he didn't even look directly at him. After a glance, his eyes were always looking outside the Chunyang Hall.

"Bold! Who is so daring, who has eaten the heart of a bear?" The thin man from before turned around, staring at the door, and said sharply, "Where is the sword and blood guard? Have everyone eaten shit? "While speaking, powerful mana fluctuations gushed out from his body, and the vitality of the heavens and the earth quickly became disordered, shaking and rumbling the huge red chairs in the Chunyang Hall.

"Whoever dares to act wild in the Sword Alliance, get out!" Then, an old woman with red hands stood up, walked slowly towards the door, and said sharply.

"Chen Hanxian! You old man, are you a ghost of your Chunyang Sword Sect?" At this time, a middle-aged man sitting at the head of Moyu God's seat walked in front of Chen Hanxian, staring at Chen Hanxian with eagle-like eyes On his face, he said coldly, "Did you act like this to tell us your answer?"

"Deputy leader calm down, this matter has nothing to do with our Chunyang Sword Sect, please calm down!" Before Chen Hanxian could speak, an old man sitting next to him quickly stood up and bowed to him continuously to explain.

"It has nothing to do with your Chunyang Sword Sect? You have witnessed the humiliation of the young master. Now you are in the area of ​​your Chunyang Sword Sect. No matter what, you are all to blame!" The middle-aged NPC called the deputy leader With a wave of his sleeve, he said darkly, "If this is the way your Chunyang Sword Sect expresses your decision to our Kendo Alliance, then I will use our method to let you know what it means to ask for a dead end!"

"Shut up!" At this moment, Shen Langtao, who was sitting on the Moyu God's throne, suddenly spoke, and said solemnly to everyone, "People who practice the Tao pay attention to quietness and inaction. What are you doing? Do you still have the Tao in your eyes?" This word?"

After hearing Shen Langtao's words, everyone looked at each other with jealousy, even the old woman who was about to walk to the door was slightly taken aback, turned around and looked at Shen Langtao in front of her inexplicably, under their influence, Shen Langtao acted She has always been lawless and domineering, why did she say such things today?It is out of line with common sense!But the other party is the leader after all, and no one can question the profound realm, so they all remained silent, waiting for the other party's order.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Are some trivial matters causing troubles all over the city? Sit back for me!" Shen Langtao slapped the Moyu God seat next to him heavily, and shouted sharply.Immediately, the huge sword standing behind him buzzed loudly, and a powerful sword intent spread in the Chunyang Hall, causing everyone's expressions to change drastically, and they all pleaded guilty and quickly returned to their seats. superior.

"What a disgrace!" Shen Langtao didn't take a look at Shen Chengjie who was on the ground until this time, and said something in disgust.While speaking, a burst of heaven and earth vitality suddenly appeared, and with a bang, Shen Chengjie who was lying on the ground was thrown to the back of the Chunyang Hall.

"I have a friend coming from afar, it's not unreasonable to say, I invite fellow Taoists to show up!" After that, Shen Langtao got up from the Moyu God's throne, and said loudly to the broken wooden door.

"Those who come from afar may not be friends, they may also be evil guests." After Shen Langtao's words fell, a voice sounded from outside the door.

"No matter good or evil, whoever comes is a guest. As long as you have the heart, how can you not be friends?" Shen Langtao continued with a slight smile.Although he kept a smile on his face, Shen Langtao became extremely vigilant in his heart. From this sentence, he could already conclude that the visitor was not kind!

It doesn't matter if the visitor is unkind, what worries him the most is that this villain may still be a powerful monk who is not weaker than him!When Shen Chengjie was beaten in earlier, he clearly saw the opponent accelerating again in mid-air. There is only one explanation for this situation, that is, someone directly manipulated the vitality of the world from a distance, using Shen Chengjie as a humanoid weapon , so that it can explain the key scene that no one paid attention to before!

"Then it depends on what kind of mentality you have. It's better not to be friends with wishful thinking." The voice sounded again, and the distance from Chunyang Hall was getting closer and closer. Many monks raised their heads and looked outside the door. Want to find out the identity of this mysterious person, however, there is an enchantment outside the Chunyang Hall, which can cut off supernatural powers such as celestial eyes, and they can't see through them with their cultivation base, they can only see through the scenery a short distance away .

"As long as fellow daoists are willing, I will sweep the couch to welcome you." Shen Langtao said in a deep voice.

"Who are you?" At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared from outside the door, within a few steps, he arrived in front of the Moyu God's Throne, and asked directly looking at Shen Langtao in front of him.

"Shen Langtao of the Kendo Alliance." Seeing the extremely young face of the person in front of him, Shen Langtao's eyelids twitched suddenly, and then he said.

"Isn't this the Chunyang Sword Sect? How did it become the Sword Alliance?" The young man nodded slightly when he heard the words, then shook his head again, looking at Shen Langtao in front of him and asked.

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