Holy furnace

Chapter 593

Shen Langtao stood in front of the Moyu God Throne with a majestic face, spreading his hands as if he wanted to embrace the whole world. The martial arts golden sword standing behind him released an incomparably bright golden light at this moment, making him look like An invincible king.

His words changed the faces of Feng Tianxing and Chen Hanxian below. Are they going to come to this point after all?Up to now, the high-end combat power of the Chunyang Sword Sect is running out. If they really fight, the result will be predictable.

"Elder Feng." Chen Hanxian turned pale and said bitterly to Feng Tianxing.

"I've made up my mind." Feng Tianxing interrupted Chen Hanxian by raising his hand, and said with a firm face, "It's better to have broken pieces of jade than to have everything broken."

"Elder Feng has such a high integrity! I admire you!" Shen Langtao stepped down from the throne and came to Feng Tianxing and said, "But have you ever thought that your decision alone will make the entire Pure Yang Sword Sect Falling into a situation of eternal doom? It has been more than a thousand years since Chunyang Zhenren founded the Chunyang Sword Sect, if the inheritance is interrupted in your hands, how can you have the face to face Chunyang Zhenren?"

"It's enough to have a clear conscience." Feng Tianxing shook his head, still firmly said, "The patriarch has a big heart, and he is just a sword sect, so he probably won't take it seriously! What's more, if the sword sect changes its name, Is that still his old man's Pure Yang Sword Sect?"

"It's enough to have a clear conscience!" Shen Langtao said with a cold face, "Is this your code of conduct? It's always irresponsible to die. You think very well. Once you die, you don't bother to care about him. Shui Taotian, but have you ever thought that thousands of disciples of the Chunyang Sword Sect will lose their lives because of this, and this is your clear conscience? Your clear conscience is to let thousands of disciples accompany you to die in vain? It's ridiculous!"

"With the strength and mind of League Leader Shen, he shouldn't take my disciples seriously, so why bother to commit more crimes?" Feng Tianxing's face turned pale, and he couldn't help but sighed.

"I can control myself, but I can't control them." Shen Langtao shook his head and said, "I, the leader of the alliance, was elected by everyone. If this is the case, then I will answer everyone's call! If I am angry with the public, how can you tell me to behave myself?" Where? The Chunyang Sword Sect has always been one of our fairy sects in the Qinling Mountains, and now the birth of the Kendo Alliance is what everyone expects. Why do you resist? This is the general trend, and any existence that stands in the way of the general trend will be ruthlessly crushed, Chunyang The Sword Sect can't go against the sky! You have no intention of doing this like a car, and you are looking for a dead end!"

"Maybe it's just because he thinks he wants to do it, or he has to do it, so even though he knows he will die, he still does it. For me, this is the true meaning of this place." Feng Feng Tian Xing said, "If Lord Shen can promise to let thousands of disciples under my sect go, I am willing to commit suicide."

"Elder, don't do it!" Chen Hanxian's face changed drastically when he heard the words, and he said firmly, "Chunyang Sword Sect will never surrender, and will fight to the death!"

"Since everyone is going to die, why not if my death can bring life to the disciples?" Feng Tianxing continued, "With my cultivation base, I can kill at most five leaders of the Sword Alliance in melee. How can five lives compare to our thousands of lives?"

When Feng Tianxing said these words, everyone's face changed slightly and they fell into deep thought.This is a truth. Crazy monks are especially terrifying. The battle of trapped beasts will bring them an unimaginable increase in strength. Moreover, there is no limit to any secret method when they are close to death. If there is a real war, what the other party said is true. If they want to take down the Chunyang Sword Sect and their Kendo Alliance, they must lose five experts!Although everyone was furious before, but if they really wanted to do something, who would want to face a half-step ring who put life and death aside?

"Where do you place this seat with your words?" Shen Langtao frowned, and said, "Before this seat and the martial arts golden sword, you can't even make a single move!" Until this time, everyone suddenly realized, Indeed, leader Shen is a strong man in the Bigu realm, no matter how defiant Feng Tianxing is, it is only a half-step dharma ring, and he has no chance in front of the real dharma ring, not to mention that there is a martial arts golden sword sitting here, any swordsman strong Those who are involved will be suppressed by it, and Feng Tianxing really doesn't even have a chance to make a move!

"Senior, please help me block Shen Langtao for a moment!" Feng Tianxing turned around when he heard the words, and bowed directly to Li Haoxuan.

"Why should I help you?" Li Haoxuan asked calmly.From his perspective, it is really difficult to see such a battle. When hunting monsters in the vast desert, there were tens of thousands of monsters at every turn, and almost all of them were monks above the enlightened state. Compared with it, people are simply playing tricks.

"This old man is mortal, please senior to help keep the hidden treasure!" Feng Tianxing seemed to have made a decision, and while speaking, he took out a stone book that was shining with a misty celestial light, and handed it to Li Haoxuan.

"Chunyang Zhenjue!" Shen Langtao's expression changed immediately when he saw this, and he said in shock, "I never thought that Chunyang Zhenjue would be on you!"

"I'm afraid the Pure Yang Forbidden Land has disappointed President Shen!" Feng Tianxing still bowed and said with his back to Shen Langtao.Afterwards, Feng Tianxing raised his head, looked at Li Haoxuan and said, "This is the handwriting of our Chunyang Patriarch, which records all the Xinjue sword tactics of the Chunyang Sword Sect. Although the senior has a high level, I believe this book is also of great importance to the senior. Use! I just ask my senior to block Shen Langtao for a while, and if I can help me find another successor of the Chunyang Sword Sect after intensive research in the future, I will kowtow to my prime minister even if I am in the underworld!"

"If fellow daoists give up, the Sword Alliance will be friends forever." Shen Langtao didn't stop him when he saw this, but said to Li Haoxuan seriously, and at the same time Shen Langtao stretched out his right hand, glowing with celestial light.Upon closer inspection, there are five high-grade spirit stones exuding powerful aura!

"Leader!" Everyone in the Kendo Alliance exclaimed in disbelief.This is a high-grade spirit stone, even if the entire Kendo Alliance does not have many, but now the leader actually took out five pieces at a time, which is shocking.Whether it is the Chunyang Sword Sect or the Kendo Alliance, they are all small sects in the final analysis, and they cannot compare with Qingxu Temple. You can get the top-grade spirit stones every month, and you can get rewards through various tasks, but here, the top-grade spirit stones are really too precious, and it can almost cause a war between the two small sects.

"Fellow Taoist, please think twice before acting!" Shen Langtao said, looking at Li Haoxuan with piercing eyes.

Turning around and looking at the five high-grade spirit stones in Shen Langtao's hands, Feng Tianxing's face was pale and helpless.Although the Pure Yang Zhen Jue is precious, it is not of great significance to monks, because it is impossible for any successful monk to re-learn other people's exercises. At most, he can learn a few supernatural powers from them, and these supernatural powers may not necessarily Suitable for everyone, with great limitations!But spirit stones are different. This is a sacred object that can improve both cultivation and realm. Any monk will be moved. Let alone five high-grade spirit stones, even one is enough to drive people crazy. This is equivalent to [-] low-grade spirit stones. Scared everyone to death!

Faced with the temptation of five top-grade spirit stones, Feng Tianxing had to admit that this temptation was far better than the Pure Yang Zhenjue in his hands. Moreover, there was almost no risk in standing on the side of the Kendo Alliance, so it was clear how to choose !However, just when he was almost in despair, he suddenly found that the faces of Xu Jiayi and the three of them showed extreme disdain at the same time, and then, before he had time to think about it, Li Haoxuan's voice sounded.

"You mean if I don't give up, then the Kendo Alliance will be my eternal enemy?"

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