Holy furnace

Chapter 596

Li Haoxuan's plain but firm words silenced the entire scene, and everyone couldn't help but hold their breath and look sideways. This was a challenge to the entire Kendo Alliance. In front of the Martial Arts Golden Sword, even Chun Yangzi would not have such courage and determination!

Xu Jiayi and Cheng Susu were surprised, their tearful eyes looked at Li Haoxuan in disbelief, they thought there was only a glimmer of hope, but unexpectedly it has come true.Although Li Haoxuan hadn't really made a move yet, they knew that since the other party said so, he would definitely be able to take them away. He definitely has such ability.

The one with the most complicated mood was Feng Tianxing, but Li Haoxuan's words made the guilt in his heart a lot less, if he could really make a move, maybe it would be the best result.

"Do you agree?" Li Haoxuan finally spoke, and asked Cheng Susu directly, the countless figures around him did not affect him in the slightest.

After a moment of silence, Cheng Susu finally shook her head slowly. She knew that this was her only chance. She is a disciple of the Chunyang Sword Sect, but she is also a human being. Become a bargaining chip for the sect?

"Well, if anyone forces you, I'll kill him!" Li Haoxuan nodded upon hearing this, and then suddenly turned around to face Shen Langtao standing in front of the martial arts golden sword.

In the Chunyang Great Hall, there were many figures and powerful mana. The words Li Haoxuan said earlier were sonorous and powerful. Although there were only ten short words, each word pointed directly at the heart, deafeningly deafening, and made the heart tremble.Many people were surprised and could hardly believe what they heard. How many years have passed, how many people dare to speak like this in front of Shen Langtao?It wasn't that there were none before, but those people have all been killed up to now, and no one has survived.

"I beheaded him!" These four short words were like a thunderbolt exploding in everyone's purple mansion. The calm determination was enough to shock everyone and make everyone tremble.This is an aura that is so confident that it is hard to speak. Since Li Haoxuan set foot on the path of cultivation, he has walked the path of invincibility, practiced invincibility, punched invincible fists, and spoke invincible words.His words and deeds all contain the firm belief of going forward bravely and being invincible in this world. Even if it is just a sentence, people can feel the strong determination that is almost indestructible. This is a kind of exclusive to Li Haoxuan Temperament, very shocking.

"It's so shameless!" The deputy leader Shangguan Yi who was sitting under Shen Langtao sneered when he heard the words, got up and looked at Li Haoxuan and said.Although Li Haoxuan's strength and self-confidence surprised him, and even made him feel a little palpitation at the very beginning, but he is a monk who has entered the bigu state after all, and he can change from that invisible pressure in a second. Freed from the midst, while speaking, he had already stepped forward, coldly pressing towards Li Haoxuan.

Shangguanyi approached indifferently, and a faint breath of law spread out from his body, rushing towards Li Haoxuan.As the deputy leader of the entire Kendo Alliance, Shangguanyi has a profound realm, and he is considered a top figure in the Kendo Alliance. Moreover, he has had adventures, obtained some kind of mysterious inheritance, and his cultivation base is shocking. It's not long before the Bigu Realm, but it is also a famous character in the Bigu Realm. Few people dare to provoke him, and even within tens of thousands of miles, monks who are waiting for the Bigu Realm are unwilling to fight with him, because it will be very troublesome to fight.

"You want to court death?" Li Haoxuan glanced at the other party, and said lightly.Li Haoxuan's words made everyone gasp, Shangguanyi's name was so loud that almost no one in the world dared to speak to him like this, but the young man in front of him not only said it, but said it so lightly and confidently, which was even more impressive What makes my heart palpitate is that Li Haoxuan's aura of being the only one who is the only one who is the only one who respects me is so intimidating that some people dare not look directly at him.

Li Haoxuan never paid attention to Shangguanyi and the others who were slowly approaching. Since he decided to make a move, his eyes have always been on Shen Langtao, or in other words, fixed on the martial art behind Shen Langtao. On top of the golden sword, he was sure that this was not an ordinary spiritual weapon, because there was a powerful aura on it. Although the aura was faintly visible, it made him feel a little afraid.

"Be careful, he is very powerful. He was once called Gui Jianchou by many strong people. I heard that his knife is a spiritual weapon that can break mountains and crack rocks." Seeing Shangguanyi coming, Xu Jiayi pulled it worriedly. Li Haoxuan's sleeves showed worry in his eyes.In fact, when facing the entire Kendo Alliance, Xu Jiayi realized that she was really selfish. She was surprised and happy that Li Haoxuan agreed to help, and felt that she and Susu were right. In the face of an absolute gap in strength, courage and determination alone are not enough.

Shangguanyi is very strong, and even the head teacher once had a good comment on him, thinking that after he has achieved great supernatural powers, he should be qualified to challenge the head teachers of all sects, and it is almost difficult to find an opponent in his small realm.Although Li Haoxuan once killed Huo Gang and Huo Hui who were in the Bigu state, it is impossible for them to understand what is the peak of Bigu and what is the beginning of Bigu. Moreover, they can feel the battle between Li Haoxuan and Huo Hui. It's not easy, if so, how can Li Haoxuan face so many strong men here?

The Kendo Alliance has become a big trend now, and there are dozens of sects, large and small, within a radius of ten thousand miles. Although not every sect is as huge as the Chunyang Sword Sect, it is not a problem for each sect to gather a bigu expert. Now There were more than [-] people present, except for a few people like Xiaoyao Sanren, almost all of them were head teachers, and their own cultivation had already entered the realm of Bigu, if they made a move at the same time, who would be able to stop it?

Although Feng Tianxing's cultivation is half-step, but in the Chunyang Hall, he can indeed fight against Bigu, and even deal with several Bigu. This is not a lie, because this is the Chunyang Hall, but The home ground of the Chunyang Sword Sect, in the entire Chunyang Great Hall, was engraved by the founding patriarch of the Chunyang Great Formation. Once activated, it will be able to suppress everyone's realm. This is the greatest foundation of Fengtianxing.

However, Li Haoxuan is not a disciple of Chunyang, let alone control the Great Formation of Chunyang, who can face twenty bigu experts with his own strength?If there is a real war, I am afraid that the head teacher Chunyangzi will only die when he returns. Even the Chunyang formation cannot save them. At most, it will prolong the time and save a few lives, and it will not change the final outcome.

"I have been in the world for more than 100 years, and no one has dared to speak to me like this. You are the first." Shangguanyi was taken aback, then put his hands behind his back, and said with a smile, "Ten years of silence, I am afraid that many people have forgotten the ghosts and sorrows." The name!"

"Ants." Hearing this, Li Haoxuan finally turned his head, took a serious look at Shangguanyi, and then said calmly.

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