Holy furnace

Chapter 600 Martial Arts Golden Sword

"What a guts! How dare you challenge Immortal Sword Sect? Are you looking for death? There is no such person in history. Eighty years ago, the ghost hand known as the Heavenly Demon Sword hid in a mountain range and cultivated to the peak of Bigu before he was born. He is invincible in the world, but in the end he was killed by the five immortals of Immortal Sword Sect, he is seeking his own death, if the five immortals make a move, he will definitely die!"

"The ignorant are fearless! Even Immortal Sword Sect doesn't pay attention to it. What's the use of such a person no matter how advanced his cultivation is? After all, he is just a dead word! I thought he had a strong background, and he might be a disciple of Immortal Sword Sect. It's really just a casual cultivator! If so, what he said earlier would have been punished!"

"Disrespect to the Sword Alliance is already a capital offense, and killing the vice-leader cruelly deserves to be killed. Now he insults the Immortal Sword Sect. If this person still survives, what is the face of our Sword Alliance? What is the majesty of the Immortal Sword Sect?"

"Leader Shen is right! Do you think you can do whatever you want because of your high level? It's just a joke. Today, everyone will fight together to eliminate demons and defend the way!" When Shen Langtao grasped the martial arts golden sword in his hand, the scene suddenly became tense. There was a commotion, everyone's aura began to increase to the maximum, and they wanted to cooperate with the martial arts golden sword to kill Li Haoxuan in one fell swoop!

The Martial Arts Golden Sword is an artifact given by the Immortal Sword Sect to the Sword Alliance, and it is one of the foundations of the Sword Alliance. It represents the supreme will of the Immortal Sword Sect. Seeing the sword is like seeing a person, and it has the right to command all monks under the Immortal Sword Sect!Now that Shen Langtao is holding the martial arts golden sword, he has almost issued orders on behalf of the Immortal Sword Sect, and the entire Kendo Alliance dare not refuse!Everyone was attacking at the same time as Shen Langtao at this time, powerful mana coercion poured out from everyone's body continuously, and more than 20 coercion belonging to the bigu state rose in the Chunyang Hall, almost overwhelming the entire Chunyang Hall. The main hall of Yang was broken down on the spot.

puff!Feng Tianxing was the first to bear the brunt, coughing up more than 20 waves of blood on the spot. The coercion of the Bigu Realm was by no means something he could resist. If it wasn't for the effect of the Chunyang formation, he would have died under this coercion without any suspense.Even so, he was still coughing up blood, unable to continue to preside over the Chunyang formation, Feng Tianxing was seriously injured, Ke Feiyang was even more unbearable, his realm was much lower than Feng Tianxing, under such coercion almost It exploded directly, the seven orifices bleed, and the whole body is cracked!

If Li Haoxuan hadn't blocked the coercion in front of him at a critical moment, Ke Feiyang would have died!The strength of this coercion is beyond everyone's imagination, except for Li Haoxuan.

The strength of Li Haoxuan's primordial spirit is unimaginable. Back then in the alchemy pavilion, he could rely on the eight sounds of the heavenly dragon and the word om to block the spiritual coercion of the eighteen alchemy protectors, but now there are only more than twenty coercions of the initial stage of bigu. , it is difficult to cause the slightest damage to it, and it is even impossible to make it swing the lower skirt.

Facing the golden sword of martial arts falling from the sky and the various supernatural powers bombarded from all directions, Li Haoxuan frowned slightly, and five powerful hands of vitality instantly condensed from the void, respectively grasping Cheng Susu, Xu Jiayi, Feng Tianxing, Ke Feiyang, and Chen Han first. In his hand, Li Haoxuan moved sideways, his figure disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was already outside the Chunyang Hall.

Although the Chunyang Great Hall is guarded by the Chunyang Great Formation, the Great Hall will surely collapse in a real fight!Due to the relationship between Cheng Susu and Xu Jiayi, Li Haoxuan didn't want to destroy the place too seriously, so he didn't choose to take a direct violent action, but chose to change the venue and came to the square outside!

This is the training ground for thousands of disciples of the Chunyang Sword Sect. The area is vast, and there is enough space for them to protect Cheng Susu and others.

After appearing on the square, the five great hands of vitality suddenly flew into the air and merged into one, turning into a big golden hand of vitality, lying above the five people, shining with golden brilliance!

Boom!In the next moment, a huge golden sword glow swept out from the Chunyang Hall, and struck towards Li Haoxuan!At this moment, it seemed that even the void was crushed, and the dull aura enveloped the entire square, making Cheng Susu and the others turn pale. breathe!

The supreme sword energy is rippling with the coercion belonging to the peak powerhouse of the bigu realm, and it wants to destroy the ten directions!

The Martial Dao Golden Sword is a high-grade spiritual weapon, which comes from the Immortal Sword Sect. It has extremely powerful power, which is much stronger than the Heavenly Sword in Huo Gang's hand. Moreover, its attributes can greatly increase the combat power of the holder, making Shen Langtao His combat power has reached its peak at this time!

No one in the entire kendo alliance dared to face Shen Langtao, who was holding a golden martial arts sword, because no one was his enemy, even Shangguanyi was the same, so after being found by Shen Langtao, he simply joined the kendo The alliance is not because of Shen Langtao himself, but because of the powerful sword in his hand!

This is Shen Langtao's blow from the air in the Chunyang Hall. Holding the martial arts golden sword, he is like an invincible myth. With a confident and great aura rippling in his body, he walks towards the square step by step Come on, every step he took, there was a shocking sword energy roaring in his body, and the golden martial arts sword shone with bright golden light, rendering his whole body extremely dreamy and sacred!

Around him, illusory Dao swords emerged one after another, in different shapes. Each Dao sword exuded a powerful sword intent, each of which was soaring to the sky, almost occupying the entire sky. The sword seemed to be solid, with misty brilliance flowing down from the top of the Dao sword that shot straight into the sky, it was extremely terrifying, and the radiance of gods descended into the world almost drowned Shen Langtao's real body.

Many monks who appeared on the square following Shen Langtao were all horrified, they had never seen Shen Langtao urging the Martial Dao Golden Sword so much, almost showing all the power of the Martial Dao Golden Sword to the fullest!If such a blow comes to the world, no one among them will be able to bear it, even if everyone strikes together, they may not be able to contend with it, because this kind of sword intent is too strong, and even a little closer will cause pain in the body, and there is a kind of attack that will happen at any time. The feeling of being split by the sword intent is simply unbearable!

Under the big hand of Yuan Qi, Feng Tianxing kept coughing up blood, and his face was as pale as paper. The power of Shen Langtao and the Golden Martial Sword was far beyond his imagination, which made him horrified. If one day has never faced this kind of power, one day one cannot imagine the power of the Martial Arts Golden Sword. This kind of power is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and one cannot help but be impressed!

"The lord's majesty! With this artifact in hand, it's just a casual practice. If you can't make one move, you will be killed!" Behind Shen Langtao, a monk spoke in amazement, believing that Li Haoxuan must die, because of the aura on Shen Langtao's body Almost beyond the realm they could imagine, no one can compete with it, it can be called invincible posture.

"Kill!" Shen Langtao made a move, thousands of swords moved together, and blasted towards Li Haoxuan at the same time, the blazing light flooded the entire world.

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