Holy furnace

Chapter 647 Evergreen King

"Is it a monster with already enlightened intelligence? According to legend, the Bear Demon King was transformed by a demon bear." Nine Arrow King's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he said.

"The Bear Demon King must have taken some natural and earthly treasures to be able to transform into a human form. Otherwise, it would be almost impossible to transform into a human form with his strength." Li Haoxuan explained, "The real big demon is born with a powerful bloodline. Strength, their bodies are stronger than humans, and they are extremely arrogant in their bones. Some big monsters regard human races as blood food, even if they have reached the peak of their cultivation, they are unwilling to transform into human forms, and even if they transform into human forms, they will still retain their own power. The characteristics of the monster clan! How can it be compared with something like the bear demon king?"

He had fought against the Heavenly Demon God Palace and the Tianyao Sect during the trial of the Xianmen back then, and he knew that the great demons in the Tianyaomen would retain their own unique characteristics of the demon clan, and it was impossible for them to truly transform into humans.Moreover, monsters that do not take shape are more terrifying than monsters that take shape, because the two evolve in different directions. A monster that cultivates in the shape of a beast will abandon some of its humanity and use extremely cruel methods to sharpen its own body. , Once you choose to attack, you will abandon your fear, and you will never die. It is definitely a headache and terrifying existence.

After reviewing the road map again, Li Haoxuan led the crowd to detour, and chose to turn over a small mountain on the right, bypass the place where the monsters were, and then return to the main road.After choosing the route, Li Haoxuan walked at the front, and the Nine Arrows King was in charge of breaking the back. A group of nine people moved forward rapidly. When encountering a not-so-powerful alien beast, Li Haoxuan would directly scare it away with imposing coercion, trying to avoid it from happening. Any fight!

Wuliang Mountain is the world of monsters and beasts, once a fight is made, it may turn into a large-scale battle, which is very unfavorable to them!What's more, the sky is full of terrifying big birds that are constantly circling, and the flight is almost blocked, only land travels.

"Boom!" Suddenly, there was a shocking loud noise from a distance, and a huge cloud of smoke suddenly rose into the sky, heading straight towards Xiaohan, and all kinds of divine lights danced wantonly, covering the sky and the sun!

Li Haoxuan and the others looked intently, but they saw four kings fighting in front of them. Each of the four kings held a supreme weapon that shone with celestial light, and could shatter ancient trees with every blow. Hitting Dayue horizontally showed an extremely powerful power!

"What a powerful divine weapon, did you find a chance in the Wuliang Mountain?" Nine Arrow King and the others all changed their faces and said in surprise.They had already experienced the strength and sturdiness of these ancient trees before, and even if they had to use a lot of mana, they could still shatter some of them, but now, under the magical weapons in the hands of the four kings in the distance, these ancient trees seemed incomparable Fragile, it can sweep a large area with a single blow!

The mana fluctuations on those people are undoubtedly at the king level, and the only explanation for this kind of power is the magical weapons in their hands!

Boom!There was another loud bang, but the four of them joined forces to interrupt a mountain abruptly, and threw the whole mountain down, as if they were trying to suppress something!The next moment, there was a loud roar, and the previous mountain peak instantly shattered into countless fragments, splashing in all directions!Then, a monster with a single horn and similar to the legendary unicorn was born out of nowhere, surrounded by purple light, as if there were electric lights flashing around it!

As soon as this monster appeared in the world, it immediately showed powerful power, and with a loud roar, it shattered a huge mountain peak in front of him. Those four magical soldiers who don't know where they came from blocked the sound wave, and the four kings must die instantly in battle, there is no suspense!

"Hiss! Is this really just the periphery of Wuliang Mountain? If so, how powerful should the monsters in the core area be? Human immortals are invincible, right?" Nine Arrow King and the others changed their colors on the spot, and were almost overwhelmed by the scene in front of them. Frightened to death, there are countless ancient trees and old vines on that mountain peak, each of which is extremely tough and powerful, but they are nothing in front of monsters, and the mountains and rivers collapse with a roar!

After a loud roar, the monster became more violent, the unicorn on its forehead glowed, a purple divine thunder suddenly appeared, and with a loud thunderbolt, all the tangible things in front of it were instantly annihilated into nothingness!Facing such mighty power, holding a divine weapon is useless. Although the divine weapon is safe, it cannot protect the people behind him!Under this divine thunder, one of the four kings was chopped into coke on the spot, and then turned into nothingness on the way of falling, leaving behind a divine weapon that fell between the mountains and made a crisp sound !

It was a peerless magic weapon, but everyone was trembling at this moment, and they had no intention of taking it away at all!If you lose your life, what is the use of a divine weapon?The fall of one king made the three kings even more anxious. They kept squandering their divine power, and one after another huge divine lights continued to strike at the monsters!However, everything is useless, and it depends on whose hands the peerless magic weapon is in. At least in their hands, they cannot display their full power. Apart from the loud clang, they failed to leave any injuries on the monsters!

But the monsters became more and more courageous as they fought, roaring to the top of the world, stepping on the void, and from time to time, divine light split the sky, shattering one mountain after another!The dangerous aura emanating from him became stronger and stronger, making everyone feel hairy.

"Let's go!" Finally, Chun Yangzi was the first one who couldn't bear the coercion, and said to everyone.Although he is protected by Li Haoxuan, he is the only existence here who is not a king, and it is really difficult to contend against the coercion of such a monster.

Li Haoxuan nodded when he heard the words. Although he was surprised by the strength of this monster, he didn't want to make a big move here. It's just that the battle in front of him made them have to detour again. This time, the distance is not far away, just need to avoid that Only a few peaks are enough, and it will soon return to the main road.

"It seems that there are other opportunities in Wuliang Mountain, not only magical weapons, but also immortal medicine!" On the way, the gibbon king suddenly said, with a surprised expression on his face.

"What's going on?" The heavy stick king was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked first.

"I recognized one of those four people." The Gibbon King recalled it carefully for a moment and said, "Although I can't see it clearly, it should be exactly the same as what I guessed!" After finishing speaking, the Gibbon King looked at Wan Qian Qiu, no more talking.

"You can see it too?" Wan Qianqiu said in surprise when he heard the words, "Since the ape king also had this idea, it seems that what I guessed in my heart is indeed true! The one who held a spear among the four previous kings The king should be the Evergreen King!"

"King Changqing?" King Nine Arrows was shocked when he heard the words, and said in a low voice, "How is that possible! King Changqing was a character 500 years ago. Legend has it that he has been sitting for many years. How could he still exist in the world now? And that person looks like he has thick black hair. , Shouyuan should be in his prime!"

"That's why I said that there are not only magical weapons in Wuliang Mountain, but also immortal medicines." The Gibbon King said, "King Changqing was a figure 500 years ago. According to the truth, he should have been enlightened a long time ago. But you also said, that's just It’s just a legend. Since it’s a legend, who can prove it’s true or not? This time Wuliang Mountain is unsealed. Is it true that there are not many people who died in the legend but appeared in the world alive and kicking? Moreover, a hundred years ago, I and Changqing The king met once, and he was indeed gray-haired that day, but his realm was getting deeper and deeper, and there was no sign that he was about to transform into a Tao, so why is it impossible to last another 200 years?"

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