Holy furnace

Chapter 649

After staring at the vast mountain range for a long time, the heavy stick king suddenly trembled, his face turned pale and he exclaimed in surprise, feeling that his primordial spirit almost left his body at this time and flew towards the mountain range.Not only him, Nine Arrow King and others also spoke at this time, and everyone felt extreme fear!

The primordial spirit is the essence of life. If there is a problem with the primordial spirit, it is not just a matter of cultivation. If you are not careful, your soul will fly away. At this time, your own primordial spirit is not controlled by yourself and wants to leave the body. Such a thing was unheard of, and it made everyone turn pale!As far as their current state is concerned, once the primordial spirit leaves the body, the kung fu will dissipate in a moment, and even if the ancient emperor is resurrected, he will be powerless.

"What did you see?" Li Haoxuan asked in surprise.

"I saw a group of five-color divine lights surging, as if a certain powerful existence was sealed!" The Charming King said with lingering fear, "I can't see the specifics, but the aura is so real, it almost makes me feel alive." crack!"

"I saw a Feixian Waterfall, with endless divine light dripping from the sky..."

"I saw a golden sea. In the sea, there are endless creatures floating up and down. Every creature is not complete, but they all exude a powerful pressure..."

Nine Arrow King and others spoke one after another, all telling what they saw and heard, each of them was different.After finishing speaking, everyone looked at each other, and felt a burst of panic!

"Haoxuan, what did you see?" Chunyangzi asked.At the previous moment, Chunyangzi saw a dry well manifested among the mountains, with infinite ghost energy overflowing from the dry well, and even the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling, which was extremely terrifying.

"I only saw ancient trees and lakes." Li Haoxuan said seriously, "Don't you all see it?"

"I see." Wan Qianqiu nodded, then shook his head, and said, "I first saw the lush old trees and the blue lake, and then it seemed that there was a breeze blowing across the lake, and then I saw it from above the lake. All kinds of visions!"

"So do we." The rest of the people nodded and said.

"Maybe it's related to the realm. Haoxuan, your realm is stronger than ours. Maybe it's because of this that you are not tempted by the vision of the lake like us." Chunyangzi finally said, and only this answer can Explain why what Li Haoxuan saw was different from theirs.

"Maybe." Li Haoxuan nodded and said. Although he said so, he had his own thoughts in his heart. The vast mountain range in the distance was definitely not as simple as what he saw. The breath alone was enough to shock the world. Well, at least it is a high-energy level energy machine, otherwise it would be impossible for him to have the illusion of almost dying at a glance.Moreover, the reason why I was not confused by that lake is most likely because of the Lihuoshen furnace in the dantian, or because of my half body.

Because Li Haoxuan is very clear that the realm is his weakness, his current real realm is only Lingxu Nine Heavens.

"Roar..." Right here, a loud roar suddenly came from behind them. It was deafening, and it almost caused the world to be shattered by the roar. The sound wave hit, and a large area of ​​ancient trees was directly smashed into powder. The sky is full of dust, and the sky is blocked out!

Li Haoxuan and the others looked back, and immediately saw a small mountain peak that was not too tall collapsed instantly with a bang, and behind this small mountain peak, the unicorn monster that they had seen before reappeared, with a mighty force of three thousand miles !

At this moment, the unicorn looked even more powerful. Its [-]-foot-high body could shatter the sky and the earth, its rich energy and blood rushed straight to the sky, and purple meridians were buried in it like mountains. On the body, it looks extremely majestic, and it is staring at the nine of them!

"What! Why did it come here!" Seeing this, the Charming King couldn't help exclaiming!The power of this monster is still deeply imprinted in their minds until now. At the previous moment, this monster attacked the four great kings including Changqing King who was holding a magic weapon with an invincible posture. As a result, one of them was beheaded with one blow. This kind of strength made them almost look up, and they couldn't resist with their strength. At that time, they thought that if they really confronted him, they might be killed by his voice. , and now, this monster really reappeared and came straight towards them. This scene almost made them despair!

"I'm sorry, everyone, I can't stop the old man alone, and there are only a few of you in a radius of a hundred miles, so I have to ask you to help the old man, hahahaha!" Just when everyone was almost at a loss, a loud laugh spontaneously It was from the direction of the monster that everyone found out that there was a king-level powerhouse holding a spear in front of the monster. It was the Evergreen King that Wan Qianqiu had mentioned!

"King Changqing, you have such a vicious mind! You want to use us as a backstop? It's not that easy, even if you die, we will drag you with you!" Nine Arrows King was furious when he heard this, and shouted loudly.

It wasn't until this moment that they understood why the monster suddenly turned around and attacked them. It was because King Changqing was obstructing it, wanting them to distract the monster so that they could escape.

"Hahahaha, people are not for themselves, and heaven and earth are destroyed. If this old man wants to survive, he must sacrifice a few of you. If you want to blame, blame your own lack of strength, otherwise you can come and kill this old man?" Changqing Wang laughed. , flew rapidly in front of the monster beast, from time to time he used his spear to cut out a series of divine lights, and kept approaching Li Haoxuan and others.

"I haven't seen you for hundreds of years, but your rules of conduct, King Changqing, are still the same as back then. It's disgusting!" At this moment, Wan Qianqiu spoke, and said to Wan Qianqiu who was flying fast.

"En? Who should I be? It turned out to be you! I didn't expect Wan Qianqiu, who was useless back then, to grow up to this point. It's not bad! It just so happens that the old man gave you advice for a few days back then, which is considered a great favor to you. Take it as a debt of gratitude for the old man." Changqing Wang laughed loudly, and his speed increased rather than decreased.Behind him, the distance between the unicorn beast and him became closer and closer, and thunder after thunder continued to fall from the sky, making loud noises, but wherever he passed, no one was spared from landslides!

"I've lived for so long and seen countless shameless people, but if you want to say that the most shameless person is you, Changqing King!" Wan Qianqiu responded with a sneer, and now he doesn't want to argue with him, the most urgent thing is what to do In order to save lives.

"If you want to die, you have to pull your back!" The Nine Arrow King shouted angrily, and directly opened the bow and drew the string. With a bang, the nine arrows were fired at once, and the nine purple divine lights flew into the air in an instant, roaring towards the Evergreen King. In front of King Evergreen.

"The strength is good!" Changqing Wang said lightly when he saw this, and at the same time he swung the spear in his hand, and suddenly a peerless spear shot out, blasting the void with a bang, directly smashing the nine long arrows into the void .

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