Holy furnace

Chapter 65 Brother Hua

Li Haoxuan did not disclose the matter of the two-horned gray wolf, and Huang Fujing also hoped that Li Haoxuan could keep this matter a secret!After all, the two-horned gray wolf is of great importance and priceless, many times more precious than the Gale Leopard. The blood of the wolf god contained in him alone is enough to exchange for a large number of spirit stones, let alone his body and claws!Therefore, the fewer people who know about this matter, the better.

When Li Haoxuan returned to the infinitely small world, he really discovered the beauty of the infinitely small world!

The concentration of aura here is about three times that of the outside world, and the aura is mild and easy to absorb. The moment he returns to the infinitely small world, the infinite aura will automatically pour into his body and begin to repair some hidden wounds accumulated in his body!

After all, he spent nearly a month in Shiwan Dashan and fought several battles, leaving some trauma to his body.

It happened to be night when they returned to the infinite small world, so they went back to rest, and did not go directly to Guanlan Pavilion to exchange for spirit stones!However, all the gains have been distributed on the way, and there is no need for everyone to exchange them together. They can exchange spirit stones whenever they are free. There is no limit to this!

Li Haoxuan intends to return to Courtyard No. [-]!Although there is no curfew in the infinitely small world, most people will still choose to go back to retreat and cultivate. There are countless teleportation arrays in the infinitely small world, and each courtyard corresponds to its own teleportation array. Li Haoxuan bid farewell to Huangfu Jing and others, and walked towards Jing The teleportation array of Xianting.

"You are Li Haoxuan?" When Li Haoxuan approached the teleportation formation, he suddenly felt a strong fighting spirit from a distance!It was a person whose whole body was shrouded in darkness. It seemed that a layer of mana had formed a coat to cover him, making Li Haoxuan unable to see clearly.

This fighting spirit was as real as it was, crushed from the depths of the sky, and pressed on his body, it actually made his blood boil, and he wanted to fight with it immediately.

"Who are you?" Li Haoxuan calmed down, suppressed his restless blood, and said to the person in the distance who couldn't see his face clearly.

"The God-killing Halberd will be stored in your place for the time being, and Gongsun Yong will come to pick it up in person soon, I hope you understand what to do then." The other party did not answer Li Haoxuan's question, but said something on his own, and then, The majestic fighting spirit receded like a tide, and the person in the darkness also quickly sank into the darkness, completely disappearing.

"Is it Gongsun Bubai?" Li Haoxuan looked at the empty dark place and said to himself, "Sure enough, he is worthy of the name of being invincible in the world! Just a ray of fighting spirit can make my mana agitated! His mana is so powerful! The purity is definitely not inferior to mine! At first, I thought that Li Vulcan Furnace in my body was enough to dominate the infinitely small world, but now it seems that there will be Gongsun Bubai first, and then there will be Zitiandu. In the future, I don’t know how many masters will jump out! Okay, Only when there is pressure will there be motivation, and I will use you to sharpen myself and make myself stronger!"

Li Haoxuan's eyes sparkled, he was not afraid of these rumored invincible characters, he had never really fought, no one knew who was stronger and who was weaker!Afterwards, Li Haoxuan stepped into the teleportation array and returned to his own No. [-] courtyard.

Li Haoxuan sat cross-legged in the training pavilion in the No. [-] courtyard, slowly absorbing the aura of heaven and earth nearby, and suppressed it from the Vulcan Furnace at his dantian, constantly helping him refine his mana, making his mana constantly changing and pure and deep.

During the month of the return trip, Li Haoxuan and the others were mainly on their way, and basically had no time to be so quiet and meticulously take care of their bodies!It wasn't until this time that Li Haoxuan completely calmed down, and only then did he realize how many hidden wounds he had in his body!He didn't want to show his full strength in front of others. It was a helpless fight with the two-horned gray wolf. If he didn't use all his strength, he would definitely die. "The two-horned gray wolf is too strong. Even though he was killed at the last moment, his counterattack at the end of his death is no small matter. Although he has been recuperating for a month, some hidden wounds have not completely healed! I don't feel much now, but if I If I let it go, it is very likely that it will happen when I hit a higher level in the future, and I will fail to pass the level!"

Li Haoxuan looked inside his internal organs, and found that some of the blood vessels were still ruptured, and there seemed to be a force that was constantly causing the new blood vessels to burst again!

"The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant's nest! If you want to have invincible strength, you must first have an invincible physique!" Li Haoxuan was very aware of the importance of his own physique, so he did not let these hidden injuries go unnoticed, but Do your best to mobilize your own mana, and constantly repair those broken blood vessels!

Li Haoxuan's whole body was glowing, and the rich golden light covered the entire practice pavilion with a layer of golden light. Li Haoxuan found that after the battle with the two-horned wolf, his physical body became stronger and stronger, and he could often hear the sound of his physical body. In the roar, the muscles and bones are moving!Li Haoxuan kept mobilizing his own energy and blood to repair his body!

Li Haoxuan's physical body kept making roaring sounds, and the golden light moved autonomously like breathing. It was not until five hours later that the roaring sound gradually weakened!After such a long period of recuperation, his body finally got rid of his stubborn illness and regained his peak combat power!

boom!Li Haoxuan punched out, and the void trembled. He found that he seemed to be more powerful than before, as if he had infinite mighty power in every gesture, and he could directly blow up a master of the Dacheng realm!

The day and night wheel hanging in the void is still extremely quiet, which means that the infinitely small world is still in the dark at this time.

"What is that mysterious giant eye?" When Li Haoxuan recovered from his injuries and began to calm down, his thoughts drifted back to the giant eye he saw in the depths of the Grand Canyon!

He always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something, but he couldn't remember it!

In the end, Li Haoxuan sat cross-legged, with his five hearts facing the sky, letting his consciousness completely empty, and merged into the empty space.

The golden light on Li Haoxuan's body began to rise again, and a huge galaxy was slowly reflected above his head!

Countless stars rotate in this galaxy, beautiful and beautiful, and various celestial bodies appear from time to time, colorful!

The phantom of the galaxy is simulated by the aura of heaven and earth, but it exudes bursts of ancient breath, as if it exists forever.

Ding! !

The day and night wheel suspended not far away suddenly made a soft sound, and immediately, the phantom of the galaxy above Li Haoxuan's head shattered and turned into bursts of spiritual energy, as if nothing had ever happened.

"En?" Li Haoxuan slowly opened his eyes, he seemed to have had a dream, he saw a dreamy and beautiful starry sky, but after careful recollection, he found that everything was foggy and couldn't be seen clearly.

In the end, he shook his head and stood up. Don't think about things that you can't figure out for a while, otherwise it will only increase your troubles.

After cleansing himself with the dust-dispelling art, Li Haoxuan re-entered the infinitely small world with the storage ring.

At this time, the infinitely small world has already brightened up!After all, the sun, moon and stars are not real, and the alternation of day and night is only a flash.

hum!The large teleportation array leading to Jingxian Court flashed blue light, and four figures appeared on the teleportation array in an instant.

"Senior Brother Hua, congratulations on your great achievement and advanced to the tenth level of the Chongxu Sutra!" One of the four people stood with his hands behind his back, and the other three surrounded him, saying flatteringly . "That's right, Senior Brother Hua has reached the top of the tenth rank now! As long as you go to the Guanlan Pavilion to verify your cultivation, you can immediately get the title of Yilian's disciple, and you will be able to occupy a place in the tenth rank by then!"

"Of course! Brother Hua was able to stand against Gongsun Yong when he was still in the ninth heaven. Now that he breaks through the tenth heaven, he can naturally rank at the top of the top ten list. Given time, it is not impossible to shake Dongfang Xiong's position!" The third With a wave of his sleeve, the Renmin University said in a complacent manner, as if it was not Senior Brother Hua who had advanced to the tenth level, but himself.

"Hey, Senior Brother Dongfang once pointed me out, and he was kind to me, so don't make mistakes." The man called Senior Brother Hua showed a smug look on his face, then coughed, and said seriously.

"Yes, yes." The person who spoke before nodded and bowed immediately, and said again and again, "But the ranking on the top ten list is one yard. Although Senior Brother Dongfang pointed out you, Senior Brother Hua, but the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. If he knows that Senior Brother Hua You should be very pleased to be able to follow in his footsteps." "Well, Brother Dongfang has a big heart, so he should be very pleased." The other two also said one after another.

"Hehe, what you said is also reasonable. Brother Dongfang really helped me a lot before I entered the infinitely small world. He can be regarded as half of my guide. If he knows that I can enter the top ten rankings, he will really feel happy Let's be pleasantly surprised." Senior Brother Hua finally said, "Well, I haven't entered the infinite small world for nearly a month, and I don't know what happened in this month. Let's go to Guanlan Pavilion with me."

"By the way, Senior Brother Hua, I heard from Junior Brother Zeng that your cousin Ying Xiangtian was injured by a newcomer in Jingxian Court. Is there such a thing? However, our Ninth Layer disciples have no such restrictions, senior brother, you are now in the Tenth Layer, and it is inconvenient to make a move, but we can do it for you." One of them stepped down from the teleportation array and said to Senior Brother Hua.

"Well, it's true." Brother Hua's face turned cold, and he said, "It's a man named Li Haoxuan, who got a little bit of immortal fate from somewhere, and directly cultivated to the tenth level of the Chongxu Sutra from the outside world, and even abolished it." With Ying Xiangtian's skill, if it wasn't for the chief steward's kindness to allow him to come to the depths of Taixuan Mountain to recuperate, I'm afraid he will be disabled for the rest of his life!"

"What? It turned out to be the tenth level of cultivation? Doesn't that mean that he has entered the infinitely small world?" The three of them were shocked, they didn't expect it to be such a stubble!They themselves are only at the ninth level of cultivation, and if they meet a master at the tenth level, they will die anyway! "Well, it's indeed the tenth level of cultivation! But Senior Brother Xia once told me that Li Haoxuan is just entering the tenth level of cultivation for the first time, and his magic power is not strong. If he didn't come into the infinitely small world, he would temporarily Forget it first, if he comes in, then I will make his life worse than death!" Senior Brother Hua said coldly.

"That's natural! What kind of person is Senior Brother Hua? He can compete with Gongsun Yong at the Ninth Level Realm. Now that he has stepped into the Tenth Level Realm, is it comparable to ordinary Tenth Level disciples? If Li Haoxuan really dared to appear, Senior Brother Hua raised his hand." You can suppress him in no time!" Another person said loudly, "Brother Hua, let's go to Guanlan Pavilion now to find out if this kid came to the infinite small world!!"

"Well, this is what Li Haoxuan looks like, please show me." After finishing speaking, Senior Brother Hua raised his hand and threw out a jade slip, a brilliance flashed on the jade slip, and a phantom human figure appeared in the void, take a closer look , it was Li Haoxuan.

At this moment, the blue light of the teleportation array behind the four of them flashed, and another person appeared on the teleportation array platform.

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