Holy furnace

Chapter 678

"After the careful creation of the ancestors and thousands of years of self-directed evolution, although Xianwudongtian cannot become a real big world, it is evolving in that direction! The strength of the demons that exist here is suppressed by the laws of the ancestors. In the realm of bigu, it lasts for 3000 years! Although our ancestors sealed our souls in the fixed soul orb, we still have a limit, and we cannot keep ourselves forever. The same is true for the heavenly demons. According to the calculations of our ancestors, the heavenly demons have the longest lifespan There are still 500 years! If he still can't break through the Xianwu Dongtian or break through the realm within 500 years, then he will die of old age in the Xianwu Dongtian."

"500 years is too long, we can't wait, I believe that the demon can't wait too! If he wants to break through the realm, he can only come to the Demon Killing Formation, because all the laws above the bigu realm in the fairy cave are sealed by the ancestors. In his big tomb, only by entering that tomb can he feel the laws above the heart-beating state, and he can break through the realm and prolong his life! And once the heavenly demon breaks through the realm, the heavenly demon in the heart-beating state wants to kill us. , as easy as flipping the palm of your hand!"

"Although we obtained temporary immortality and immortality because of the Soul-fixing Orb, we also paid a huge price for this, that is, the law of the heart-beating state was divided into five, and the few of us also cannot break through the state. After 3000 years of practice, it is still only the heart-beating triple heaven!"

"In other words, within 500 years, the Heavenly Demon will definitely come to the Demon Slaying Formation to regain his power! But we can't afford to wait, so we can only let him come earlier and force him to come to the Demon Slaying Formation while we are still alive! Otherwise, once we die of old age, the Immortal Martial Cave will be destroyed without attack, and no one can stop the Heavenly Demon from being born!"

"No one knows whether the ancestors left the holy soldiers handed down from generation to generation, because the ancestors counted the heavens, the heavens and the earth, and people. He can see things that we can't see, so even the demons can't be sure whether the ancestors are or not. What was left behind! The legacy of the holy soldiers is a pretense to summon here all the monks above the bigu realm in the entire Xianwudongtian, whether it is an old king who has been hiding for many years and does not want to be found by us, or a junior bigu who has been promoted initially. As long as all the bigu powerhouses gather in the demon-slaying formation, the demon will definitely come!"

"This is a game, and for this game, countless people must sacrifice for it, because only in this way can the false ones be confused with the real ones, and the demons can be fooled! So I will not stop any fight in the Demon Killing Formation. From the beginning, I sat here for the purpose of suppressing demons, and everything else has nothing to do with us!" The Taoist in white said in detail, although his speech was a bit incoherent, and even his organization was slightly disordered, but Li Haoxuan could understand the other party's feelings. That kind of decisive mood, this is the last fight before dying!

"For thousands of years, what we have followed is the principle that we would rather kill a hundred by mistake than let one go. As long as we think that he may be a demon, we will shoot and kill him! It has been more than 3000 years. At the beginning, we still We will be sad because we killed a monk by mistake, and in the end we have become numb, because there are too many creatures born and died before our eyes, and we sit and watch the world constantly changing, but we have never changed, always Surviving in the world, this kind of feeling makes us gradually become immortals detached from the world, we become extremely indifferent, because life becomes more and more cheap in our eyes, and after a monk in the bigu realm dies, another one will eventually appear , There is no shortage of time in this world, and there is no shortage of monks, but today, we finally discovered that we are still human, and we still lack time!"

"In the past 3000 years, have you successfully found the Heavenly Demon?" Li Haoxuan asked after a long silence.From the faint words of the other party, Li Haoxuan seemed to see a boundless sea of ​​blood, and could even feel the blood and killing that could not fade away after thousands of years from the other party. What kind of murder was committed, how many creatures were slaughtered, although everything they did was right, but this method still made Li Haoxuan feel a tremor in his heart!

"Yes!" the Taoist in white said bluntly, "even more than once! It's a pity that the few of us failed to kill him, because every time the demon made a move, he would not act alone. He would initiate an alliance and then hide behind the alliance." The five of us are invincible in the Xianwu Cave, no matter how many people are in front of us, it is meaningless, but the reason why the demons are called demons is because they are born demons, as long as anyone has a heart Demons, they can instantly transfer to another person, so anyone can be a demon, and we can't kill everyone!"

"Among the countless killings in the past, even when I killed the opponent, he was still a demon, but when he was about to die, the demon left his body, and I can only make mistakes again and again, there is no other way! "The white-clothed old man looked calm, as if he really did what he said before. Thousands of years have made him extremely indifferent and calm. The life and death of all living beings really can no longer affect any of their decisions. Killing the demon, everything has become secondary.

"Heavenly Demon will definitely come?" Li Haoxuan asked with a sigh.

"If he wants to break through the realm, then he has to come! If he wants to leave Xianwudongtian, then he also has to come! For thousands of years, the lineup of the entire Xianwudongtian has never been as good as it is now Huge, hundreds of Bigu Realm cultivators are all gathered in one place, if the Heavenly Demon comes here, it is equivalent to thousands of lives, such an opportunity is unpredictable, why doesn't he come?"

"Maybe he can guess that this is a game." Li Haoxuan worried.

"I said, even if he knows, he will come. Because he can't afford to wait and waste. If he doesn't want to die of old age in 500 years, then he will definitely come today!" the old man said firmly.

"As long as the Heavenly Demon enters the Demon Killing Formation, can you find him?" Li Haoxuan asked suspiciously, "If so, why didn't you gather all the Bigu Realm monks in Wuliang Mountain before? With your status, it is easy to do it at this point!"

"We have killed so many monks, do you really think that everyone will obey me? Although the Immortal Martial Cave is not big, there are too many places to hide. It is not realistic to force all the monks in the Bigu Realm here. If the monks in the Bigu Realm are outside, then this matter is meaningless! Only if they rush to come, this matter can be successful! The Demon Killing Formation has collapsed since the battle that year, and the few of us have spent thousands of years. We only waited until the Demon Killing Formation repaired itself, but it can only be used once, so naturally we can only use it when the opportunity is greatest!"

"The Demon Killing Formation can sense the primordial spirit form of the Heavenly Demon. Once the Heavenly Demon enters the Demon Killing Formation, we can find and kill him!" the Taoist in white said firmly!

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