Holy furnace

Chapter 681 Massacre

"Pfft!" The five immortals all looked indifferent and cold, holding golden long swords in their hands and killing everywhere. One of the immortals raised his sword again and slashed down in the void, immediately chopping off a bloody man. Head, even if the other party is proficient in concealing magical powers, it still can't hide it from the eyes of immortals!

And with the death of monks one after another, a large amount of blood and the source of life were swallowed up by Wuliang Mountain, making the whole Wuliang Mountain even more gloomy, and the coercion on the big tomb in the distance became stronger and stronger. Full of darkness and violence!

"Pfft" "Pfft..." At this time, the five great immortals all attacked one after another, landing in different mountain ranges, and started killing.

"The five masters of Xianjianzong are not as good as immortals, animals, and animals. For the sake of the holy soldiers, we will all be killed. If you don't want to die, let me kill you! Kill! Kill!" Among the crowd, there were powerful monks who raised their heads to the sky and shouted, and countless swords fell from them. Gushing out of the body, it turned into a torrent of knives and shot towards the human immortal in the sky, intending to cut him into pieces!Now that the matter is up to now, King Feng knows that it is impossible for the human immortal to leave anyone alive. If he still dares not attack the human immortal at this time, then the only way is death!

This sentence permeated the void for a long time, and it exploded in everyone's ears like a voice from the sky, making everyone's beliefs start to burn wildly!When all the bigu monks began to give up their lives, even the immortals had to be afraid, and even paid a certain price for it!At this time, everyone started to attack like crazy, and even some Feng Wang directly rushed to the human immortal without saying a word, and started violently, even if it was death, he would take a piece of flesh from you!

"Hey!" Human Immortal swept across with his sword, cutting the several kings below him into blood mist. However, there were fierce and fearless kings everywhere in all directions, and they attacked at the same time. It left a terrible wound on his body!

"Roar!" The Human Immortal, whose face had always been calm, finally went mad, looked at the huge wound between his chest and abdomen, raised his head and let out an angry roar, bursts of sound waves, and with a loud bang, all the surrounding kings were shocked to death!

"Human immortals can also be injured, and being injured means dying! You are not invincible after all, hahahahahaha" In front of him, a blood-stained King Feng stood in the air, looking at the man whose clothes were stained with a large amount of blood. The immortal laughed.There is a pair of orange battle armor on his body that is glowing. This is the magic armor that he found from Wuliang Mountain. It is because of this battle armor that he was able to survive the sonic boom of the human immortal.

"Death!" The human immortal's eyes were full of anger, and it seemed that countless stars exploded in his eyes in an instant, and he said coldly to the Feng Wang in front of him.

As soon as the human immortal finished speaking, the body of the Feng Wang exploded suddenly, turning into a blood mist!At such a close distance, even a top-grade spirit weapon armor couldn't stop Renxian's attack, and he was beaten into a piece of scrap iron on the spot!

On the other side, the old-faced immortal is invincible, really like an immortal descending, he points out from time to time among countless bigu strongmen, and every time he points out, a bloody light will wither, representing a seal The fall of the king!

boom!Suddenly, a powerful coercion fell from the sky, and he was not under him. The immortal turned his head, but saw dozens of kings attacking at the same time not far away, using a certain formation to condense everyone's divine power together. Turning into a huge palm, he slapped his head hard!This is an extremely powerful combined strike technique, far from being as simple as one plus one, if one is hit this time, even immortals will be beaten to pieces!

"Swipe..." Elder Cang frowned slightly, and left a few afterimages behind him during his steps, which appeared behind everyone in an instant, pointed out, and there was a sound of puff, the former king of seal fell, and appeared between his eyebrows A huge blood hole was formed, and Juanjuan's blood flowed out.

"Pfft..." Afterwards, the human immortal slashed out with a backhand sword, and chopped off several kings with a snort!The faces of those Feng Wangs changed drastically, and they died before they could react to what happened. Large swaths of blood spilled from their tattered bodies, staining the entire sky red.

"Kill!" Another group of kings slayed to the sky, each of them possessed divine weapons and battle armor, and used the supreme divine array to superimpose the strength of themselves and others, wanting to compete with the immortals!It is a matter of life and death, everyone has contributed their most powerful unique skills and formations, all for Zhu Xian!This kind of power is so impressive, I didn't expect ten kings to be able to threaten his existence after being connected with each other!

"Boom!" A muffled sound resounded, the peak blow of the fusion of the ten kings was so powerful that it almost smashed the void into pieces!If these people were separated, they would be no different from ants in front of immortals, but now they are united so that even immortals have to avoid the edge for the time being!When the human immortal retreated, another group of kings rushed to kill them in the distance. All of them were powerful, armed with divine swords and long spears, roaring and shouting endlessly, making this area extremely terrifying!

The accumulation of more than 3000 years of Xianwu Dongtian bloomed at this time, and countless monks of the older generation who had proclaimed themselves for many years showed their ultimate combat power at this time!

More and more kings have chosen to join forces to fight against the enemy, causing the five immortals to encounter great resistance. They can no longer reap lives as unscrupulously as before. How strong is the power of hundreds of bigu united together? At this point, you have the answer, you can slaughter the immortal!

All this happened too quickly, within just a few breaths, the five great immortals had already gathered together again, their bodies were all stained with blood, some from others and some from their own.

"Kill!" At this time, there are crazy kings everywhere in all directions, they are all united, and they are coming from all directions to kill the five great immortals. They are not afraid of death. There are sword lights tearing the sky and earth, there are gun lights shining in the world, there are sword lights smashing the void, and there are divine fists that kill everything!

When these attacks came at the same time, the entire mountain range was almost flattened, the ground cracked, and a powerful divine light shot up into the sky, almost shaking away the dark clouds in the sky!

The five great immortals were immediately surrounded by infinite magic, and a sword light suddenly appeared in front of them, almost beheading them all with a "clang" sound!Although the body of a celestial being is as indestructible as a king kong, blocking the opponent's attack and breaking the opponent's long sword in the void, but the endless slaughter has really come this time. At this moment, it seems to be connected The gate between the region and the human world was pushed open, and countless kings were like evil spirits rushing from the region. Their killing intent and killing intent instantly gathered into a vast ocean and bombarded the five great immortals!

The faces of the five immortals instantly turned extremely pale. This is the power of sentient beings. When everyone in the whole world wants them to die, even they have to bear extremely huge pressure and price!

boom!At this moment, the sky and the earth turned pale, and endless avenues of the Great Dao appeared in the void, covering all the kings. At the same time, the great tomb began to slowly fill with peerless holy power, making the world tremble.

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