Holy furnace

Chapter 690

boom!With the roar of the old man in white, the five-color sword on Li Haoxuan's chest exploded immediately, and the huge five-element divine power surged towards his dantian, intending to completely explode his entire dantian!

However, when the divine power of the five elements poured into Li Haoxuan's dantian, the originally silent Li Vulcan Stove trembled slightly, and then the red lid was lifted off, absorbing all the divine power of the five elements with a bang, and then closed with a click Furnace cover, calm down again!

In the distance, seeing the five-color divine light flashing away from Li Haoxuan's body without any waves, the grinning face of the Taoist in white suddenly turned extremely pale. The five-element divine power is one of their trump cards, and it contains the original divine power of the Immortal Martial Cave Heaven. Now blasting into the opponent's body is enough to cause huge damage to Li Haoxuan, but now the opponent is not only not injured, but his vitality has become more vigorous as if he had taken a supernatural power pill. This situation puzzles him and also makes him horrified!

Only Li Haoxuan knew what happened!The divine power of the five elements is the origin of the world, and it is the same as the two qi of yin and yang. It is a great tonic for the current Lihuoshen furnace. How could he let such a great tonic rush into the dantian?Moreover, when Li Haoxuan was breaking through the realm and Lingxu that day, the place Xu Ziyue prepared for him was the Great Formation of the Five Elements Absolute Territory. The divine power could not cause any damage to his meridians at all. Instead, under the action of the Dao Body, it turned into the most original divine power, which instantly recovered Li Haoxuan's damage!

"Dang!" All the changes happened in an instant. After absorbing the divine power of the five elements, Li Haoxuan's mana roared, and with a strong shock, the ancient sword that had turned into iron was broken with a bang, and he returned to the peak amidst the surge of energy and blood!

"Extinction Taixu!" While Li Haoxuan was recovering, the white-clothed old man had also recovered as before. He raised his hand and played an incomparable divine law of order, using the original power of the entire Immortal Martial Cave to suppress Li Haoxuan!At this moment, it seemed that the whole world was crushed, the law of the Dao filled the void, and endless stars appeared in the dark sky, pieces of starlight fell from the sky and merged into the Dao map, and then, the Dao map in the sky boomed With a loud bang, it instantly evolved into a real universe, and instantly shrouded the goodness in it!

This is an unrivaled holy art, which evolves a universe in the void. Li Haoxuan had seen this kind of holy art when he fought against the opponent for the first time. At that time, the opponent opened his mouth to collapse, and the universe suddenly collapsed, bursting with endless divine power!Now, the old Daoist in white and the power of the three great immortals unleashed the Extinction Taixu, which immediately made Li Haoxuan feel an unparalleled pressure!

At this time, Li Haoxuan seemed to be in a big universe, and this universe did not collapse as before, but started a kind of decay and extinction, this is an irreversible process!The endless starry sky is withering and declining, like a catastrophe!During the catastrophe, the stars fell and disappeared, and so did Li Haoxuan. A mysterious power appeared in this universe and began to devour the vast divine power in his body. This time, even Li Haoxuan suffered a big loss. Countless energy was swallowed up in a short while, even his jet-black hair turned gray, and his combat power began to drop significantly, as if entering the twilight years, his vitality and blood decayed!

"Roar!" Li Haoxuan let out a loud roar, and several spirit stones flew out of his body, dotted in the starry sky in a specific order in an instant. In his own body, he seized the good fortune of the world with the spirit-gathering array!Suddenly, the entire starry sky was in chaos, the two forces were tearing each other apart, and the big stars were shattered into the starry sky one by one!

At this time, Li Haoxuan was like a god and a demon, his gray hair kept flying, his murderous intent split the sky, his divine power was like an ocean, and he actually took all the divine power of this universe as his own, the energy and combat power in his body began to recover, and his gray hair regained his strength. Turn into black!

Rumble!Under the Gathering God Formation and Li Haoxuan's Destruction Fist, the entire virtual universe was almost shattered!

"Let me open!" Suddenly, Li Haoxuan's fist was filled with a ray of terrifying divine power like the light of chaos, and the entire universe was cracked in the vibration of the punch, and Li Haoxuan who was like a god's mansion Linchen couldn't be trapped at all!

Suddenly, Li Haoxuan swung his fist, the movement was very slow, but it was terrifying enough to tear people's souls apart, the heavens and myriad worlds were about to be beaten to the ground.

"Boom!" Li Haoxuan punched out one punch after another, with an extremely focused and decisive expression. At this moment, everything in front of him no longer existed, whether it was the Dao or the Xinghai, they were all shattered and turned into nothingness!In the end, Li Haoxuan stepped out of it in one step, and landed a punch in the horrified eyes of the old man in white, hitting him until he coughed up blood, and his body almost exploded!

"Kill!" The white-clothed old man roared loudly. He is a celestial being, possesses unrivaled means, and now he is fighting with the strength of three people. Even in such a situation, it is not enough to say that he is too weak, everything can only be said that Li Haoxuan is too strong!However, after all, he is a human immortal with three elements united in one, even if he is seriously injured, he is enough to use the killing technique. Seeing Li Haoxuan taking another step forward, countless black lights suddenly appeared on his body, covering the entire void , hit Li Haoxuan as many as possible to submerge him, this is the strongest secret technique of the old man in white, it is enough to defy the sky!

"Pfft!" Li Haoxuan finally coughed up blood, the might of the God of Destruction Fist could not block all the black lights, his body was pierced by several black lights, the blood flowed across the sky, and there were bone stubbles on his chest, exposing the void Except for the battle with the divine body, Li Haoxuan has never fought to such a state!

However, Li Haoxuan was fearless, he didn't care about the horrible injuries on his body at all, he went forward bravely with the Destroyer Fist, unrivaled in the world, with one punch, the old man in white was sent flying more than [-] feet away, blood gushing wildly!

"Boom!" Li Haoxuan threw out punch after punch, vowing to kill the old man in white!

However, at this moment, two extremely powerful pressures suddenly rose from the east, and then appeared in Wuliang Mountain in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, they reached the sky above Li Haoxuan, standing side by side with the other two exhausted human immortals. The two immortals who were beaten up by Li Haoxuan before, are now resurrected!

"Human immortals don't die..." After seeing this scene, everyone was terrified. Human immortals can be resurrected from the dead, and there is no end to the war. How can this be fought?They seem to be able to see an extremely miserable ending at this time!

What's even more frightening is that the two immortals who had just been resurrected used the secret art of duality to oneness on the spot without saying a word, superimposing the combat power of the two together, and the mana roared instantly, and the killing intent split the sky , coming towards Li Haoxuan to kill him!

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