Holy furnace

Chapter 704 Strong and unmatched

Looking at the dozens of kings in the side hall in front of him, Li Haoxuan's expression became extremely dignified, his silver eyes opened instantly, and the power of the great way filled the void, so as to spy on the dozens of kings in front of him!

When he just saw these kings holding high-grade spirit stones, Li Haoxuan was also shocked by the wealth of Immortal Sword Sect, but after the shock, Li Haoxuan immediately discovered a shocking fact, that is, none of these people in front of him The Yuanshen wave is just a physical body!In the practice world, the primordial spirit is the essence of all life, and the death of the primordial spirit is equivalent to the complete annihilation of this living body, just like seizing a house. After a monk is taken away, his physical body can continue to survive, but the flesh The primordial spirit in the shell is no longer the original self, but replaced by others!

But now the situation before Li Haoxuan's eyes is that although each of these dozens of kings has extremely vigorous vitality, and you can even hear the sound of powerful qi and blood surging in their bodies, their primordial spirits are All of them were imprisoned by some mysterious means, or their primordial spirits had already been pulled out by others, and then they used other supernatural powers to ensure their physical immortality, making them all become human beings. the living dead.

"All of them are running a kind of Supreme Heart Sutra independently!" In Li Haoxuan's delusion-shattering silver eyes, the magic power in the body of dozens of kings is running according to a certain route, and this is the tyranny of these people. The root cause lies.

"A powerful physical body and a deficient Zifu, this is the best body to seize!" Looking at the living dead in front of him, Li Haoxuan thought in his heart.

Suddenly, his heart beat violently, and he suddenly thought of an extremely crazy possibility!

"Could it be that these kingships are the secret of their immortality?" Li Haoxuan's face became extremely solemn, and the vast divine power began to surge slowly. If the facts are as he guessed, he doesn't mind letting go of these All the living dead were killed to break the immortal bodies of the five great immortals. Moreover, the primordial spirits of these people were no longer there, leaving their bodies empty, even if they were killed, it would not be considered a crime at all.

"Your honored guest is here. I'll welcome you if I'm lost, and I hope you will forgive me!" Just as Li Haoxuan was about to make a move, there was a flash of fairy light in the distance, and the five immortals came across from a distance, one step at a time. When they arrived in front of Li Haoxuan, the leader was an old man in white, and said to Li Haoxuan with a smile.

"A few days ago, you wanted to kill me and then hurry up. We will never stop dying. Why are you being so hypocritical today?" The five masters came out together, and Li Haoxuan immediately knew that his plan was impossible to succeed, so he responded with a sneer.

"We always believe that there are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests." The old man in white who was the leader didn't mind Li Haoxuan's attitude, and said to Li Haoxuan indifferently, while speaking, he waved his sleeve with his right hand, displaying the supernatural powers in his sleeve, Immediately, he put the bodies of dozens of King Feng into his sleeves.

"They are your so-called immortal bodies?" Li Haoxuan didn't stop him, looked at him coldly, and then said.

"You can think so." The old man in white didn't deny it, nodded and said, "We give them everything they think of, and they donate their bodies for us. All of this is a fair trade, and there is nothing to criticize."

"That's a fair deal." Li Haoxuan snorted disdainfully, and then said, "Does this mean that as long as I kill you dozens of times, you will never be able to come back to life?"

"Frankly speaking, I really don't think we have such a big hatred with you. At most, we can only say that we have different positions. Why do we have to face each other? Moreover, we welcome you in today to resolve this gap and let you understand our relationship. Really painstaking."

"Are you still planning to persuade me?" Li Haoxuan shook his head, and said, "If I could really be persuaded by you, I wouldn't have broken your five-element formation back then! If the so-called demon removal was to pay for all the monks at the Bigu Realm here Life, then I don’t think it’s a celestial demon, so let’s not get rid of it!”

"Some things have to be done by someone, you should know that." The old man in white said with a sigh.

"But as long as I'm here, you can't stop me, and you all know this very well." Li Haoxuan was extremely strong, and directly stepped forward and said, "I know that Immortal Sword Sect is not simple, and there may be saints among them, but after all, thousands of Years have passed, as long as I want, I can break your Immortal Sword Sect at any time!"

"With the Supreme Magic Artifact, Immortal Sword Sect really can't stop you." The white-clothed old man's complexion changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice.That day, the strength of the magic weapon behind Li Haoxuan left an indelible shadow on everyone, and he killed five of them at the same time with a single sword. By the way, the whole world collapsed, and even the mana in their bodies trembled under this breath. They even suspected that even if the five elements were combined, it would be useless, and they would be killed instantly, which is absolutely unreasonable!

"Then don't try to stop me, or challenge my bottom line." Li Haoxuan said in a sonorous tone with mana roaring from his body, full of energy and blood.At this time, he possessed supreme majesty, no one dared to look him in the eyes, and no one dared to refute his opinion.

"Did you come to Xianjianzong today just to show off your power in front of us? Just relying on a magical weapon, thinking that you can be lawless and treat us as soft persimmons? After all, you rely on foreign things. If you don't have a magical weapon, you What's the point?" At this time, a tall human immortal with a dignified expression stepped forward, walked straight in front of Li Haoxuan, and said to Li Haoxuan condescendingly, looking at Li Haoxuan as if he was looking at an animal lying on the ground. Ants.

"What am I?" Li Haoxuan raised his brows and said with a sneer.While speaking, Li Haoxuan pinched the seal with his right hand, forming a sword formula, and swung the sword casually and quickly towards the god with a clang!Immediately, the great river was mighty, roaring boundlessly, and with a bang, it turned into a picture of the way of the sword and printed it on the chest of the tall immortal. Immediately, with a pop, the immortal did not even realize what had happened, his body was already When it exploded, it turned into a cloud of blood mist, not even a bone stubble was left.

"I'm really nothing, but killing you is like slaughtering a dog!" Li Haoxuan said lightly to himself.Up to now, although he can only draw one corner of the Dahe Road Map, he has become more and more handy, and he no longer has to work as hard as before. Moreover, he dismantled Yubu and integrated it, making the Dahe Sword's speed It was also getting faster and faster, almost as soon as the thoughts were together, the Dahe Sword had exploded.

"Huh? Are you reborn so soon? Very good!" Li Haoxuan sneered under the horrified eyes of the old Taoist in white and the others, and took a step across the side hall to appear in the apse.

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