Holy furnace

Chapter 710 Destruction of the Reincarnation Pool

"Hmph! Aren't you very majestic before? Holding a supreme magic weapon, you can kill whoever you want, why now you are frightened by our words?" A celestial being stepped forward, looked at Li Haoxuan with a displeased expression and said .Previously, he killed Li Haoxuan twice in a row in a short period of time, which was a great shame to him, but now he finally waited for this opportunity and naturally he would not let it go, he couldn't help but sneer.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, his face suddenly turned extremely pale, because he didn't realize until now that Li Haoxuan is a supreme human devil, who might kill someone if he disagrees with him, and he Once they set their minds on killing someone, none of them can stop them, they will all die!Sure enough, after hearing his words, Li Haoxuan's expression immediately turned cold. He chose to talk to the other party because he wanted to understand the truth of the matter, not because he had to talk.

"The third brother doesn't mean that." The old man in white hurriedly stepped forward, took the third child behind him, and explained to Li Haoxuan sincerely, "What he meant was that you don't want to worry too much now. In fact, although our methods are different , but there is no essential difference in the purpose they want to achieve, they are all to get rid of the demons, and to give freedom to all the monks in the entire Xianwudongtian!"

"Moreover, what the third brother said is indeed somewhat reasonable. Now that you are holding the supreme magical weapon, is there anything else that can trap you in the entire Immortal Sword Sect and even the entire Immortal Martial Cave?" said the white-clothed old man with a pious expression.

"You don't need to put a high hat on me. I know that there are many saint relics in Xianwudongtian, and there are even almost complete god formations like the reincarnation pool. And retreat." Li Haoxuan sneered, "Are you so sure that I can mobilize the complete Demon Killing Formation?""

"If even you can't do it, there will be no hope for Xianwu Dongtian! The five of us are not far from the end of our longevity, and we can only last for hundreds of years. When the five of us die, Xianwu Dongtian will perish !” said the old man in white.

"Where is your soul-fixing pearl?" Li Haoxuan asked suddenly after pondering for a moment.

"Why do you ask this?" The five immortals changed their expressions at the same time when they heard the words, and asked Li Haoxuan.

"It's not difficult to know whether what you say is true or not, just look at your natal soul!" Li Haoxuan said, "If you can talk to me openly and honestly, it will prove that everything you said is true. If it’s true, I’ll naturally spare no effort!”

"Don't you think this is too reckless? Showing your natal soul in front of you is equivalent to handing the lives of the five of us into your hands. To be honest, you haven't trusted us to that extent yet!" A person Xian opened his mouth and directly rejected Li Haoxuan's proposal.

"What the fourth brother said is reasonable, and your request is a bit difficult." The old man in white shook his head, also expressing that it was unacceptable.

"If you want me to take risks for you, you have to pay corresponding sincerity. Do you only allow state officials to set fires and not allow people to light lamps?" Li Haoxuan said, "I also don't know whether the formation eyes you are talking about are real demon-slaying formations, or What kind of Zhuxian Formation exists, but there is no doubt that I will pay a huge risk, and may even be left there forever by you. I agree to go and have shown our sincerity. You even let me take a look at your Can't Yuanshen do it too?"

"It is absolutely impossible at this time, and there is no need to discuss it again." The old Taoist said, and said firmly, "Our primordial spirit is not only related to the lives of the five of us, but also related to the stability of the entire Xianwu Dongtian. I can't take the entire Xianwu Dongtian. adventure!"

"A few days ago, killing the king was like killing a dog, but now you are taking the responsibility of the Immortal Martial Cave Heaven on your own body? It's ridiculous!" Li Haoxuan sneered at him and said disdainfully.

"There is no need to discuss this issue anymore. It's not that the positions are different, but that the methods are different. Killing a few people is to protect the majority. I have repeatedly emphasized this point. If you don't agree, it's your business and has nothing to do with us." A celestial being spoke, and Dao sounds burst out.

"It's okay not to show your primordial spirit, but you need to agree to another condition!" Li Haoxuan was too lazy to go around in circles with the other party, and said directly, "This condition is also not negotiable. I am not asking for your opinion, but Announce my decision! If you agree, everyone will be happy, if you don't agree, I will kill until you agree!"

"You can talk about it," said the old man.

"Unlock the reincarnation pool!" Li Haoxuan said.

"Impossible!" As soon as Li Haoxuan's words fell, the five immortals spoke resolutely!The reincarnation pool is the source of their immortality. Once the reincarnation pool is unlocked, they will be like all ordinary people. Once they die, they will truly die!Because their primordial spirits are very special, it is impossible to directly seize the ordinary body of the king. Once they enter the Zifu, the body will immediately collapse. Only then can they seize the house!

Destroying the reincarnation pool is equivalent to depriving them of their immortality, it is equivalent to knocking them down from the altar, and there will be no immortals in the world from then on!And once they lose their immortality, they will be extremely passive in the face of Li Haoxuan, because Li Haoxuan has the ability to kill them, and he can kill them easily. With Li Haoxuan's speed, the five of them will have no chance even if they want to run, and they will be killed in an instant. Chasing and killing, no matter how you say it, you can't escape death!At that time, even if the soul is alive, what's the point?It can be said that life is worse than death!

"I said, I'm not asking for your opinions, but announcing my decision!" While speaking, Li Haoxuan instantly soared into the sky, pouring all his life's divine power into the cold iron behind him with a bang!Immediately, the unparalleled tyrannical coercion manifested in the world, almost causing the entire Immortal Sword Sect to tremble violently, and then, a huge and incomparably huge river sword map descended from the sky, turning into a rolling river and crashing into the entire reincarnation pool with a bang!

All of a sudden, the sky collapsed, and countless divine chains of order flew out from Li Haoxuan's body, filling the entire world. An unimaginable explosion covered the entire Immortal Sword Sect, shattering one ancient formation after another, and shattering one building after another. The Immortal Temple that has existed for 3000 years!

When the smoke cleared, the Reincarnation Pool, which had been filled with immortal light all this time, completely became history, because everything within a three-mile radius was blasted into a bottomless pit by Li Haoxuan with his cold iron sword, and the billowing hot air Emerging from the big pit, where is the shadow of half of the reincarnation pool?

Li Haoxuan stood in the ruins of smoke and dust, panting slightly. Even with his current strength, it still takes a lot of divine power to unleash the power of the cold iron sword, but seeing the reincarnation pool shattered, Li Haoxuan could not help showing Happy smile!

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