Holy furnace

Chapter 775

While talking, the three of Li Haoxuan had arrived at the entrance of the Golden God City. At this time, the gate of the realm was blown up by Li Haoxuan, and Tie Fengyuan retreated. Nothing could stop them from entering the city. The big man in the room has long been forgotten, and the two small characters are just, who will take them to heart?It's too embarrassing!

The Golden God City was formed by the Taishang Daoist, who invited a powerful man who was short of criminals to use the law of space. Li Haoxuan and others entered the city and found that there were about 40 monks in the God City. There was no doubt that they were all extremely powerful monks of the younger generation. Most of them are bigu eighth to ninth level powerhouses, and many of them have entered the state of half-step heartbeat!Don't look at the number of more than forty people, but this has basically gathered all the monsters in Nanling. Excluding the limited number of people in Zhongzhou in the Eastern Wilderness and Northern Territory, there are no more than 30 people in Nanling who are eligible to enter this city!This threshold is enough to show the high standards of this grand event, but everyone who can enter the city of God is a top genius, because no matter what era they are in, anyone who can enter the Seventh Heaven of Bigu before the age of 30 can be regarded as a monster. , Even Qing Shi, who is called Xianmiao, does not have this kind of talent, the difference is too far.

Li Haoxuan looked around, and immediately recognized most of them, they were all strong men whom Lei Tian had pointed out before!Duanmuyu and Zhang Wudao from Liuli Palace and Ice Palace sat at the top respectively, Meng Xianer sat between them, and the rest sat in different positions. The mysterious descendant Zhang Weiyi, the Holy Son of Reincarnation, the Young Master of the Undead, Chen Zhan, Feng Yifei, Lin Rongrong, Yan Teng, Ao Wuyan, Zhang Xiafei, Xu Chengjie, Ling Tian.They are all supremely powerful men with great backgrounds. These people either have old friends with each other, or have heard about each other's achievements. Although they think highly of themselves, they all admit that the other party has the qualifications to make friends with them. They have already talked about each other, except Tie Fengyuan who is still sitting in the distance with a gloomy face, chilling.

Lei Tian looked at Tie Fengyuan who was not far away and smiled coldly, and he and Li Haoxuan sat down at random.The space in the Divine City is not large, but there are enough tables and chairs, and there are Immortal Brewed Divine Fruits on it, as well as many delicacies, all of which are rare and rare in Huangxiao City. For those who are well-informed, although these things are precious, they have not really caught their attention. It is the Meng Xianer who is the leader who is the object of appreciation. At the same time, many people are secretly discussing and speculating about the grand feast the goal of.

"Xian'er once heard that this era is unprecedented in ancient times. Not only are there many kings, but there are even more than five gods. It is recorded in ancient books that the great gods can even challenge the ancient emperors. It is a pity that Xian'er has seen it. Superficial, although I yearn for the power of the divine body, but I can't see it as I wish, all of you are dragons and phoenixes among the people, I wonder if there is anyone who has seen the divine body before?" At this time, Mengxian who was sitting at the top The son suddenly opened his mouth, and his bright eyes were kind, attracting everyone's attention.

"It's rare for a god to appear in ten thousand years, and sometimes even tens of thousands of years. Now, even if it is a rare world, there probably won't be too many gods. What the fairy heard is probably a lie."

"That's not necessarily the case. We Ziwei have great luck. Throughout the ages, more than one great emperor has stopped here, engraved with the emperor's Dao pattern, and has long been favored by the Dao. It coincides with this great generation of outstanding people. It is not incomprehensible for a few gods to appear. Things! I heard that there is more than one divine body in Donghuang alone, and it is not a big deal for the entire Ziwei to have five divine bodies."

"Oh? Have there been a lot of gods in Donghuang?" Mengxian'er was surprised when she heard the words, and turned to look at Ling Tian from Qunxingmen and Xu Chengjie from Qianchonglou and asked, "I wonder if Young Master Ling and Young Master Xu can share with us some related information?" What about the deeds of the divine body?" While speaking, Meng Xian'er personally made two glasses of good wine for Ling Tian and Xu Chengjie using the Supreme Immortal Art, and served them in front of them.

"Thank you fairy." Ling Tian and Xu Chengjie took over the fairy wine and thanked at the same time.Being able to get Mengxian'er to personally mix drinks is also a very face-saving thing for them, so Ling Tian said after thanking him, "It's good to say that Donghuang has more than one god, but it's too much to say that there are many gods." Passed. In fact, as far as I know, there are at most two god bodies in Dong Huang, and as for the others, although they are rumored to be god bodies, they are most likely just some king bodies with super physique."

"Well, it's reasonable to think about it this way." Meng Xian'er nodded and said, "I just don't know where the two gods came from, and what kind of gods are they?"

"It is said that there is one statue from Lingxiao Temple and one from Taiyi Daomen. As for what kind of physical body it is, I don't know." Xu Chengjie nodded and said.

"En? How could it be Taiyi Daomen? We have a divine body in Qingxu Temple. This cannot be wrong. Xu Ziyue told me personally. Could it be that Xu Ziyue is wrong, and the one fighting me is just a king's body? Impossible Xu Ziyue's identity is mysterious, and she has an ancient inheritance in Qingxu Temple, so it's impossible not to tell whether she is a divine body! That's right, Qingxu Temple must have blocked the news, and I don't want to make a big show!" Hearing this, Li Haoxuan was surprised, But soon figured out the key.Qingxuguan is no better than Lingxiao Temple and Taiyi Daomen. They have extreme magic soldiers and incomplete emperors, and they are not afraid of what methods will be taken against them by interested people. It's different, if the news leaks out, it is very likely to cause some people's fear, and make the entire fairy gate face a threat!

"Lingxiao Temple and Taiyi Daomen? Well, they are both holy land-level fairy gates. Isn't there a god body in Haoting Wonderland?" Someone asked. The Qiang Xian sect all possessed extreme divine weapons, their luck was strong, and their background was deeper than that of the whole Ziwei, no less than any holy place.

"I haven't heard any legends about the divine body in Haoting Fairyland." Xu Chengjie shook his head and said, "I heard that there seems to be a divine body in Qingxu Temple, but we don't know if this news is true or not. It is only spread in a small area. But In my opinion, this news may not be true."

"I don't know if the two young masters have ever seen the divine body with their own eyes? I think everyone here is like Xian'er, and I really want to know the true combat power of the legendary divine body." Meng Xian'er asked again.

Hearing this, everyone present raised their heads and looked at Xu Chengjie and Ling Tian.It's about the strength of the gods, no one doesn't care, they are the strongest of the younger generation, their physique is unmatched, and they think highly of themselves. If there is anything that can be pressed on their heads throughout the ages, except for the young ancient emperor , and only the divine body!

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