Holy furnace

Chapter 783 Two Dao Devices

"Hua Wentian, the city lord of Huangxiao City?" Li Haoxuan was taken aback, and then asked, "Didn't it mean that this year's city lord of Huangxiao City was just a newcomer? In that situation at that time, the mighty newcomer might not have this fighting power, right? Moreover, I feel that the other party is very likely to possess a Dao weapon!"

Regarding what happened that day, Li Haoxuan had the absolute right to speak, that situation was really extremely dangerous, almost an instant later, everyone would have to finish the game!As for him being able to feel the aura of Taoist artifacts, it is normal. He had felt the aura of Daoist artifacts in Jiangshan Shejitu in the infinitely small world many years ago. That kind of suffocating terrifying coercion can easily infer the existence of the Taoist device.Would a mighty man who lacked a state of crime still hold a magic weapon to fight?Unless this magic weapon is made of supreme divine material such as fairy tears green gold, it is useless to Da Neng at all.

"It should be that the rumors are wrong." Lei Tian shook his head, he didn't know the specific situation, and said, "But it was indeed Hua Wentian who saved us at that time, and my father told me this! What we saw was ten thousand times more dangerous!"

"What do you mean?" Li Haoxuan asked dumbly, hearing the lingering fear in Lei Tian's tone.

"Did you know? At that time, there was not one powerful person who attacked us, but a total of five!" Lei Tian said solemnly, even now he still feels flustered, no one can face five powerful people and still maintain Be calm, even if all this is in the past!

"What!" Li Haoxuan gasped when he heard the words, he was also taken aback, even his heart stopped for an instant, and the cold sweat gushed out almost instantly, which made him terrified!

"It's indeed five great powers!" Lei Tian took a deep breath, and said, "When Hua Wentian rescued us and counter-pressed the opponent, another four great powers appeared. They have been hidden in the space since the beginning. In the middle, I want to wipe out everything in Huangxiao City! But it is a pity that the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole are behind, and our many holy masters in Nanling have already understood the same thing when the opponent made a move. The Dao pattern secret method of space teleportation is engraved inside, and it is not until the last moment that it jumps out, and moves all the opponents to the outside world to fight. Otherwise, ten great powers will be enough to sink a radius of [-] miles. At that time, Huang Xiaocheng will really There is no possibility of recovery!"

"Ten extremely powerful battles!" Li Haoxuan sighed, and he felt endless yearning after being afraid. If he could watch this battle up close, it would definitely be of incalculable benefit to his cultivation career!

"What happened to the final outcome?" Li Haoxuan asked nervously, as if he had personally participated in that supreme battle.

"We won a big victory, beheaded four opponents, and was escaped by one of them." Lei Tian said proudly, "If the Heavenly Demon Palace wants to come to the Southern Region to play wild, it doesn't even look at whose territory it is here! This time, Tie Fengyuan's father also He made a move, and he took out the opponent's two great powers with a long spear! I have to say, the might of the Tie family's combat power is really not just talk, and Tie Fengyuan may be stronger than his father when he enters the bigu state in the future. Absolutely It's a big threat!"

"It seems that they are both powerful, and there is a huge gap between strength and weakness." Li Haoxuan nodded when he heard the words. The Patriarch of the Tie family can fight two against one, which is enough to show his combat power. The blood of the Tie family is very important and worthy of him face.

"Then the rest of the people have gone back to their homes? How about Xu Chengjie and Ling Tian?" Li Haoxuan asked, after all, they are monks who belong to the same Donghuang.

"All the major holy places have established palaces in Huangxiao City, and many descendants of the holy places have been taken back to recuperate! As for the two of you Donghuang and the reincarnated son, the young master of the dead is cultivating in the city lord's mansion. I heard that this time Duanmu Yuhe Zhang Wudao was the most injured, and it is very likely that he will lose part of his Taoism. However, the means of the two great shrines may not be able to turn things around. Maybe it can help the two of them break through the barrier in one fell swoop! In short, this is their own business , no one can tell."

"What about the Nanling Conference? After this kind of thing happened, the Nanling Conference will not continue?" Li Haoxuan asked. He had already decided that if the Nanling Conference would not be held, he would go to the Wind Clan and hand over the ancient scriptures. After returning, go back to the Eastern Wasteland directly, and will not stay in the Southern Territory any longer.

"How is that possible?" Lei Tian said, "The Nanling Conference is a grand event announced by the two great gods. How could it be stopped after being disturbed by the people of the Tianmo gods? If this is true, the faces of the two great gods Where should I put it? What's more, everyone came here for the Taoist artifacts and the emperor's scriptures. If they are allowed to go home like this, will many holy land families be reconciled? Maybe they will think that the two big shrines are too deceiving. The descendants of the disciples of the sect have suffered such great grievances. It’s fine if you don’t give them some compensation. What’s the point of letting them go home? Therefore, the two major shrines have already spoken, and the Nanling Conference will not only continue to be held, but also There will be even greater benefits!" Speaking of this, even Lei Tian showed excitement and said excitedly.

"Oh? What's the bigger benefit?" Li Haoxuan looked at the excited Lei Tian and asked.

"Hey, this time the Heavenly Demon God's Palace came to the Southern Region to make troubles. It can be said that we lost our wife and lost our army. Not only did we lose four great demons, but we also captured three Taoist artifacts. The level of damage, but I heard that it has been repaired by the people of Liuli Palace and Ice Palace in the past few days, and these three Taoist artifacts will also be placed in the peak mountain range, as a reward together with the original Taoist artifact, so, There are a total of four Dao artifacts in this Nanling Conference, and those who are capable will get them. No one in the entire southern region will force the Dao artifact acquirers to hand over the Dao artifacts! However, there is still only one person who has the right to view the Emperor's Scripture. The strongest can watch it! However, even so, there are three more Dao artifacts, which are enough to make up for all losses! Hey, if we can get a Dao artifact at that time, and use the magic power of the three of us to jointly activate it, it will definitely be great! Kill the Quartet!"

"Sure enough, it's such a big temptation!" Li Haoxuan was also moved. No one would be indifferent to the temptation of Taoism. For Li Haoxuan, the attraction of the Emperor's Scripture is really not that great. The palace or the ice palace is really too dangerous. If there is a saint to supervise, maybe one can see through the Lihuoshen furnace in his dantian at a glance!By that time, it's all over!

"Let's go and see Gongsun Bubai, let's have a long-term plan! We may have to do a good job!" Li Haoxuan said, and walked out together with Lei Tian.

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