Holy furnace

Chapter 795 Horror Stone Spear

"Pfft!" It's not that they are not strong, and now Lin Rongrong may have to avoid the edge if several people take action at the same time, but Li Haoxuan's speed is too fast. Void stepped out from the battlefield in one step, and the big hand like a cattail fan directly pressed down, and with a puff, the person holding the ancient jade artifact before was shot into a blood mist!

Everyone only heard a loud puff, and then a flower of blood splashed down, several pieces of bones flew horizontally from the ground, and the battle was over in an instant. Being directly slapped to death by Li Haoxuan, he can't even resist, only if the gap between the two is so large that it is difficult to measure, otherwise such a thing will never happen!

"Kill!" The rest of the people are all red-eyed at this moment. They have fought to this point and they know that they have absolutely no way out. They can either continue to fight and kill the opponent, or they can only die here, violent corpses in the wilderness, or even without bones. live!Therefore, each of them has raised their combat power to the limit, and displayed various secret techniques, and the brilliance soared to the sky!

Zheng!The ancient bronze sword soared into the air and turned into a blue dragon, roaring in the void, and the dragon's tail would collapse the mountain. The huge dragon beast roared and swallowed towards Li Haoxuan, and mysterious talismans manifested around its body, which made Li Haoxuan feel To the great pressure!This is definitely a heavy weapon, but the other party has not been able to unlock the real use method of this ancient sword, otherwise the power will definitely be more than that, it can be called unrivaled!

clang!Li Haoxuan greeted him with his fists, one punch after another punched on the blue dragon, sparks shot out, and the dragon collapsed with a clanging sound, the sword holder vomited blood, his internal organs seemed to be ruptured!Seeing this scene, Li Haoxuan believed that this sword was extraordinary and definitely had a great background, otherwise it would definitely be smashed by his fist. He was very confident in his fist, because it was fused with a cold iron sword. It was broken long ago, and it cannot be spared!

"Hey!" At this moment, a red light streaked across the sky and shone in front of Li Haoxuan, burning the ground into a bottomless hole!Not far away, I saw a monk holding a fiery red magic lamp, and when it shook from time to time, strands of divine light shot out, terrifying and powerful, almost burning the void!The cultivator's divine power was surging, and he kept urging the magic lamp, all kinds of terrifying brilliance poured out, all forcing towards Li Haoxuan, wanting to burn his whole life to death!

However, what everyone didn't expect was that Li Haoxuan didn't dodge. A giant fiery red dragon rose from its surface, swallowing red rays of light into its belly with a single mouthful. Then, he spit out a mouthful of dragon's breath with a puff, enveloping the opponent, almost burning him to ashes!In terms of the scorching heat of the sun, what kind of magical powers and secrets can compare with the fire emperor's red flames?

The next moment, Li Haoxuan took a step forward, swung his fist and threw it at the opponent's magic lamp, clang!There was a loud noise, and the terrifying divine light collided with Li Haoxuan's fist. Li Haoxuan's divine fist was not torn apart as imagined, but the brilliance above the divine lamp shook for a while, flickering, as if it would be annihilated at any moment!Then, Li Haoxuan punched again, clang!This time, the sound of gold and iron intersecting was even worse, followed by a click sound. The next moment, before the brilliance on the magic lamp was released, several cracks appeared on the magic lamp, and finally there was a sound of collapse. It shattered into pieces and flew out in pieces!Then, a golden fist rushed in from outside the magic lamp, and slammed on the opponent's chest with a bang, directly dented his entire chest, and died!

hum!When the opponent's physical body was smashed, a three-inch-tall villain suddenly jumped out from between the eyebrows of this body. The villain was wearing a red battle armor, which kept his primordial spirit immortal.

"Even the Yuanshen soldiers can't save you!" Li Haoxuan snorted coldly, grabbed the shot with his backhand, and with a puff, the three-inch Yuanshen including the Yuanshen soldiers were directly shaken into nothingness!

"You're doomed, even if gods come, they can't save you!" The young man in armor has been watching coldly, with various runes beating on his body, and he is preparing his own big killer. When he was almost dead and injured, he finally finished his preparations. When he took a step forward, a gray stone spear appeared in his right hand instantly!The whole body of this stone spear is made of gray stone. It looks extremely old and fragile. There are even stone chips falling from the spear body, as if it will decay at any time!

However, at this time, everyone showed a look of horror, even Lin Rongrong's face changed drastically, and her eyes were fixed on the stone spear in the opponent's hand!

With the appearance of this stone spear, the vitality of heaven and earth within a radius of tens of miles suddenly gathered towards this place, and all of them were submerged in this stone spear. In an instant, the vitality within a radius of hundreds of miles was absorbed by it empty!Immediately, a bright brilliance was released from the stone spear, and a rush of fighting spirit soared to the sky, which was terrifying. In this rush of fighting spirit, it seemed that a song of killing immortals echoed in everyone's ears !

"The legendary spear of killing immortals in ancient times! It is said that this spear once pierced through an immortal!" Lei Tian said coldly, staring at the spear in the man's hand with a solemn expression.

"It's just an imitation of magic weapon!" After being surprised, Lin Rongrong's face returned to calm, and she said calmly, "And this spear has existed for too long, it should be a product of ancient times. The stone should have rotted into ashes long ago, and it still exists in the world today, but it was sealed by the predecessors with the Dao pattern to slow down the speed of decay! Since he has been unsealed today, there will be no such gun in the future!"

Lei Tian and Gongsun Bubai looked at the stone spear at the same time when they heard the words, and immediately discovered that there was a seal on the stone spear, but now that the seal was released, it made the stone spear swallow the energy of the ten directions in an instant , making it temporarily return to the top!But they can all feel that this will be the last glory of this stone spear. After this battle is over, the stone spear will never last forever in the world!Except for the imperial soldiers made of divine materials, there is no power that can stop time, and they will eventually be submerged in the long river of time and turn into ashes!

"It turned out to be a forbidden weapon!" Li Haoxuan immediately felt relieved when he heard this.

"Forbidden weapons are also divided into three, six, and nine grades!" The man in black sneered, "Although this stone spear is a middle-grade magic weapon, it can give me ten strikes. If you can catch it, you will win!" said After that, the opponent directly stabbed with a spear, and suddenly, the howling of ghosts and gods suddenly sounded, and the world lost its sound!

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