Holy furnace

Chapter 807

The sharp spear that he smashed before turned into a huge fire dragon at this time, soared into the air with a bang, and opened its mouth wide to swallow the young master of the undead!

The young master of the undead immediately took a step forward when his face changed slightly, and the space blurred again. Then, the young master of the undead stepped out from behind the fire dragon, and stamped his backhand on the fire dragon, causing the fire dragon to cry out in mourning, and the world collapsed!

Boom!Just as the fire dragon dissipated, several rays of divine light reappeared in Li Haoxuan's hands, all exuding incomparably powerful divine power!The soul of the young master of the dead is endless, and Li Haoxuan's mana is also endless, which can continuously provide him with combat power needs. Moreover, there are one hundred and eight thousand kingdoms of God in his body, and each kingdom of God has a huge amount of energy stored in it. Vitality, it is almost impossible to let him run out of mana!

The young master of the undead was very calm. At this moment, his hands formed different Dao seals, and they moved slowly and powerfully in the void. Suddenly, the entire void became blurred, emitting a mysterious and mysterious feeling. Xuan taste.In the next moment, his whole body disappeared into this world, so that Li Haoxuan's sky eyes and broken silver eyes couldn't see through the opponent's body, as if he jumped out of this world all of a sudden!

"Is it another kind of unrivaled holy art?" Li Haoxuan was surprised. As expected of being a descendant of the Holy Land, the connotation is really too deep, and various magical powers and secret arts emerge one after another. Now this kind of holy art is even more powerful than the previous one, and it can be transcended directly. , as if not in this world, can dissolve all attacks invisible!

Li Haoxuan waved his hand, and several rays of divine light came out together, and with a snort, a big crack was cut into the void again, however, there was still no trace of the young master of the dead, he seemed to have really disappeared.However, Li Haoxuan didn't believe that he could use this secret technique for a long time, and he was still stabbing out one shot after another, each shot was stronger than before, aimlessly attacking in all directions, almost destroying the entire area. The sky has collapsed, and the powerful divine power is terrifying, moving everyone!

"This is still a person!" Seeing Li Haoxuan's performance, even the monstrous cultivator couldn't stand it anymore, and everyone's faces were extremely ugly!Because every shot of Li Haoxuan now requires extremely strong mana as a support, does the other party really think that his mana is infinite?

Finally, after Li Haoxuan fired dozens of shots, the undead young master in black armor reappeared in the world, and calmly stepped out of the void behind Li Haoxuan!At this time, the undead young master had a cold face, holding a black Fangtian painted halberd in his hand, and his whole body exuded a mighty power like a vast ocean!

"That's a magic weapon!" When the young master of the dead appeared holding the Fang Tian painted halberd, all the spectators trembled in their hearts, because they felt the strong pressure of the magic weapon from the Fang Tian painted halberd. It is definitely a middle-grade magic weapon!And such a magical weapon held by someone like the young master of the undead can definitely sweep away all enemies, even Duanmuyu and others have to stay away here, because he is enough to exert the power of a middle-grade magic weapon to a full extent , It is not a problem to kill the heart-beating monk, one blow is enough!

"I want you to die!" The young master of the undead said coldly, this was the first time he was forced to use a magic weapon against the enemy, it was a great shame, only the blood of the other party could wash away this humiliation!Now, in order to win, he has spared no effort at all costs, and it doesn't matter if he uses the magic weapon!He is very confident that as long as he sacrifices this Fangtian painting halberd, the entire Sunset Mountain Range will be invincible. Originally, this was prepared for Duanmuyu and those who are strong in heart, but now he has to use it in advance!

Li Haoxuan sneered disdainfully, stretched out his right hand, and took out a golden spear from the void!At this moment, Li Haoxuan had no choice but to express his gratitude to the old saint who imprinted the Mad God Art in the void, because without the Mad God Art, he would not be able to defeat the man in black in the Cangfu of Zhongzhou, nor would he be able to get The opponent's magic weapon, the stone spear!And facing the young master of the undead who is now holding a medium-grade magic weapon, if he does not have a stone spear in his hand, the outcome is already determined. No matter how strong Li Haoxuan is, he will not be able to defy the sky, and he will be beheaded on the spot!

The young master of the undead is many times stronger than the monk in the Cangfu. The medium-grade magic weapon in his hands can definitely emit unparalleled divine power. If Li Haoxuan fights with him, even if he uses the mad god art, he will have no way to survive and will still be beheaded. Kill, Li Haoxuan himself knows this very well!But it's different now, he also holds a medium-grade magic weapon, since that's the case, the ending is destined to be rewritten, Li Haoxuan has no fear of the other party!

The golden divine spear in his hand is indeed the stone spear obtained from the Cang Mansion, but in order to deceive people, Li Haoxuan wrapped it with his own blood and rendered it a red gold color, because this stone spear has an extraordinary origin, if it is recognized I'm afraid there will be big trouble!

"Another middle-grade magic weapon!" Many people were shocked when they saw this. They thought that this battle would end, but they didn't want it to start again. Li Haoxuan also had a middle-grade magic weapon. guess the ending.

"Even magical artifacts can't save you!" The young master of the undead had no choice but to make a move, and he was surprised that the other party was also carrying a magical artifact, but at this time he had no choice but to take the initiative to have a chance to win the battle, otherwise he would only Be more passive!Moreover, he is very confident in his Fang Tian Painting Halberd, and he is definitely one of the strongest middle-grade magic weapons!

Boom!The young master of the undead made a move, with disheveled black hair and menacing eyes, he swung Fang Tian's painted halberd and slashed down at Li Haoxuan, splitting the sky in an instant. Cracked the ground and swept towards Li Haoxuan!

"Keng!" The halberd flew horizontally, and a strange light flashed on the pitch-black halberd blade. It was frightening and extremely lethal. The halberd fell to the sky and anywhere, and it could definitely kill the existence of the state of mind!This Fangtian painted halberd has really exerted its great power in the hands of the young master of the undead. It is worthy of the word "magic weapon".

Li Haoxuan took a step forward and dodged the opponent's halberd with a sky mark, because his stone spear was only a forbidden weapon and could not fight for a long time, so he didn't want to use the stone spear to fight against the opponent until the critical moment!

At this time, the young master of the dead came over like a god of killing, his deep eyes were icy cold and frightening, he was walking in the void, his powerful aura traversed the sky, trying to kill Li Haoxuan.

"Boom..." The young master of the dead held up Fang Tian's painted halberd, and slashed down. A jet-black knife light that was tens of miles long shot out, smashing and smashing, and rushed towards Li Haoxuan.It was the killing light rushed out by the halberd blade, accompanied by streaks of murderous aura soaring into the sky, it was terrifying!At this moment, it seemed that the entire Sunset Mountain Range was shaking, and the ground was cracked in one blow, and an abyss tens of miles long was split open, as if the world was destroyed. Even the entire sky seemed to be cut off, it was extremely terrifying!

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