Holy furnace

Chapter 809 Chasing and killing the young master of the dead

Boom!A few moments later, Li Haoxuan shot again, even the wound on his body hadn't completely healed, the stone spear in his hand was already here again, and it rapidly enlarged under the horrified eyes of the young master of the dead!

hum!When Li Haoxuan's stone spear stabbed at him, the young master of the undead once again used the previous space secret technique, merging himself into the void, in order to avoid this powerful spear, because he was really not sure how to block it in this state. If he really resisted, it would definitely aggravate his injuries, and he might even fall here!

However, Li Haoxuan had already anticipated this kind of change, the stone spear in his hand shone brightly, and the void was shattered with a bang!Click!When the big space crack appeared, the undead young master dressed in black armor immediately fell out of the space and rushed to the distance. If he was involved in the big space crack, the consequences would be disastrous, and his entire body would be smashed to pieces. The scriptures are useless, and they will fall on the spot.

Pooh!When the young master of the dead appeared, Li Haoxuan's stone spear swept across immediately, and a spear shot out and directly chopped off the young master's left arm, blood flowing profusely!Then, Li Haoxuan took a step forward, and punched out a Destroyer Fist with his left hand. With a bang, his left arm was directly smashed into a blood mist and turned into nothingness!

"Roar!" The young master of the undead yelled, he was furious with hatred, but the ending could not be changed, he gave Li Haoxuan a hard look, turned around and left, and flew towards the distance!Now that he had no choice but to retreat, his left arm was chopped off, and his vitality and blood were exhausted. There was no way for this battle to continue. If it was true and continued to fight, something unexpected might happen!

"The young master of the undead lost?!" In the distance, everyone showed expressions of disbelief, as if they couldn't accept this fact for a while!That is the long-renowned undead young master, a strong man who once cut the heartbeat, and an invincible existence among the younger generation. He has never been defeated since his debut, but now he is defeated. Li Haoxuan's body is broken, and even his left arm is broken. Beheaded!This is a sensational news, destined to sweep across the five domains in a very short period of time, causing an uproar among all the people present, even those who are evildoers also showed strange expressions, as if they did not expect such an ending to happen!

Seeing the undead young master fleeing in a hurry in the distance, many people inevitably feel sad for the death of the rabbit and the fox. This is a peerless master who was once regarded as a lifelong enemy by them, but now he was defeated in advance, and even his life was at stake. Almost lost, this result made some people almost unacceptable for a while!However, all of this has finally become a fact. Although Li Haoxuan also paid a very tragic price, he finally won, defeated the young master of the undead, and almost killed him on the spot. Pass down through the ages!

Everyone was amazed and impressed by Li Haoxuan's powerful combat power!However, Li Haoxuan's heart was awe-inspiring. Only after he had actually fought against the young master of the undead would he know how terrifying this person is. He is really too powerful. Not only is his combat power tyrannical, but his vitality is even more amazing. The evildoer has already fallen after being stabbed twice by him. You must know that this is a middle-grade magic weapon, and its lethality is hard to guess. , I have to say that the young master of the undead is indeed shocking, and the ancient scriptures in the valley of the undead indeed have mysteries that ordinary people can't match, almost called immortality!

Although he has severely injured the young master of the undead, he knows that the other party's life is safe, as long as he is given a certain amount of time, he will definitely recover, and the broken arm will also regenerate. Such a strong man cannot fall easily, as long as there is time, everything can be restored Come!And once the opponent recovers, it will be Li Haoxuan's real crisis when he brings the magic weapon to kill him. At that time, Li Haoxuan will not be able to use the weapon, even if he has the mad god formula, he will not be able to resist the opponent's divine power, unless he can break through again and enter a higher level. Level, only in this way can one's combat power soar again. After all, the gap between the realms between the two is too big, and the opponent is half-hearted, but he is only the fifth level of bigu, and there is a difference of five sub-levels between them!

Only by breaking through again can you protect yourself, otherwise it will be dangerous!Li Haoxuan knew very well in his heart that the difference between the two of them was too great, even if he had a strong background, he could only compete with him, if he really wanted to give up the life and death battle of the magic soldier, he really might not be the opponent of the young master of the undead!

But it is not possible to break through the level at any time, it takes time and opportunity!And before that, all he needs to do is to do everything possible to kill the young master of the undead here, so that he has no chance to find his own revenge!

Boom!At this moment, Li Haoxuan directly used the Mad God Art. While his own blood was depleted, his fighting power and speed increased to the original two steps at the same time. One step forward seemed to reach the end of the sky, directly behind the young master of the dead, and he raised his hand. With a punch, it hit his back directly, causing him to cough up blood, and how many bones were broken!

"The young master of the undead is in danger! If this continues, he will definitely die!" Some monsters frowned. Although they didn't understand why Li Haoxuan's combat power had increased so much in a short period of time, they knew very well the powerful divine power contained in Li Haoxuan's fists. It takes a lot, just four or five more punches, the young master of the undead will be dead, and his body will be blown up!

"It's a pity, is a generation of killing gods going to perish here?" Someone whispered to himself, feeling sorry for the situation of the young master of the dead.However, even so, there will be no one to help. It is taboo for others to intervene in a battle between the two, unless they are allies of the other party. However, all those present are monsters, and they all have their own dignity and pride. No matter how strong Li Haoxuan is, they will I disdain to join forces with others to fight against, not to mention, if the young master of the undead really died here, it can only show that his own strength is not good enough, and no one can blame others. In the world of practice, this kind of thing can happen at any time. The evildoer, everyone has long been used to it, and will not do anything other than sigh and sigh, and will not make a move for it, because it will definitely offend Li Haoxuan, and now Li Haoxuan has become a man of power and is regarded by everyone as an enemy , who would jump out to offend him at this time?Very unwise!

Click!Li Haoxuan chased and killed the young master of the undead, and the two of them flew across hundreds of miles in an instant. At this time, the stone spear in Li Haoxuan's hand had begun to rot, and it was difficult to deliver a peerless blow. He could only attack with the magic fist, constantly Wielding the God of Destruction Fist, each punch carries a golden fighting spirit, which almost explodes the void, causing the young master of the undead to cough up blood continuously!

However, the young master of the undead is an evildoer after all, and sometimes uses space secrets to avoid shocking blows. Although his injuries are getting worse, but he has ancient scriptures, Li Haoxuan may not be able to consume him if he really consumes it. If Li Haoxuan's Crazy Art retreats, he can escape!

"It's against the sky!" As the two walked forward, all the monks were dumbfounded. It was hard to believe what they saw before them. Seriously injured and dying, no one can imagine such a situation, because no one thought that the young master of the dead would be forced to such a situation!

"Who is he that can kill the young master of the dead? It's just..." Someone shouted, but it was difficult to think of a word to describe Li Haoxuan.

"Pfft!" Another blood flower bloomed, and the young master of the undead screamed, feeling that his internal organs were almost shattered, and a big mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth, which was horrible!

"Boom!" At this moment, a powerful aura suddenly flew in front of the two of them, and a moment later, Tie Fengyuan, who was wearing a black iron battle armor and holding a spear, appeared in front of Li Haoxuan, with a cold face, without a word Said it was a single shot, straight to the center of Li Haoxuan's eyebrows!

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