Holy furnace

Chapter 823 The Mysterious Great Lake

"It's Tuobahuang, why is he here!" At the same time Li Haoxuan discovered Tuobahuang, Gongsun Bubai and Lei Tian had already found each other's traces, but everyone agreed that there was no change, because the treasure hunting mouse was not far away If the Treasure Hunting Mouse is disturbed because of this, everyone will fall short.Therefore, after a short look at each other, everyone turned their heads away at the same time, reaching a certain tacit understanding, and the well water does not violate the river water.Although Tuobahuang is strong and powerful, he is not his opponent even in the slightest step, but he also knows that Li Haoxuan is a very special person, and there are not many people who can catch him, but Li Haoxuan can catch him empty-handed. Eligibility to stay here.

"Leave him alone." Li Haoxuan secretly sent a voice transmission, and at the same time opened his sky eyes and began to scan the bottom of the lake. Since the treasure hunting mouse is staying here, this big lake is definitely not simple, and there must be fairy treasures. Sure enough, there is a mystery in this big lake The existence of the power of the lake made it impossible for his Tianyan to visit the bottom of the lake. It was cut off about three feet deep into the lake, and there was an inexplicable energy that could not be surpassed.But he didn't dare to go ahead and peep, because that would need to stimulate the vitality of the heaven and earth. If the vitality of the heaven and earth fluctuated, the treasure hunter might flee in an instant, and the gain would outweigh the loss.

Li Haoxuan and the others didn't know that this wait lasted for three days, until the three days had passed, the treasure hunting mouse still hadn't left, and was still wandering around the lake endlessly, which made Lei Tian almost give up. If the treasure hunting mouse had not been famous for a long time, he might I'm leaving, after all, it's a waste of time to wait like this.On the other hand, Tuoba Huang was extremely calm, hiding in the dark like a rock, without any sense of anxiety, as if he had cut off his five senses and became a real rock.

"This Tuobahuang is extremely dangerous. It may be from a certain savage tribe in the Great Wilderness Ridge!" Gongsun Bubai said through voice transmission. He had experienced in Shiwan Dashan for a long time, and he had seen some savages whose ancestors lived in Shiwan Dashan for generations. , these savages also know the method of cultivation, but they are majoring in the physical body. Each of them is like a beast among humans, with infinite strength. Moreover, these people are all good at hunting monsters, and they are well versed in the way of hunting. They look carefree but patient. It's so good, you can even wait for a big monster without eating or drinking for dozens of days in silence, and once they show their power, they will immediately have monstrous blood, and their power is unmatched!This kind of person is really extremely dangerous. He has the character of a poisonous snake and the combat power of a tiger.

"It's okay, if people don't offend me, I won't offend others. This treasure hunting mouse is not his, it was born with him. It is our chance for us to find this place, so don't pay attention to him." Li Haoxuan shook his head and said lightly. After the seal, his temperament changed greatly, as if he had really transformed into the lord of the human race, and his gestures and feet showed great majesty. Although the domineering aura on his body was restrained at this time, but That kind of power is even more fierce, it seems that even the world will obey his orders, the words are full of confidence, and there is no fear of anyone.

"Huh? The treasure hunter jumped away, and there seems to be something wrong in the lake!" Suddenly, Lei Tian sent a voice transmission, and his face showed a look of surprise.Sure enough, the treasure hunting mouse on the lake in the distance stopped wandering around at this moment, and began to run towards the shore quickly, with a panicked expression, as if it was avoiding something.

"Wait a minute, don't be impatient, let's talk about it." Li Haoxuan stretched out his hand and held Lei Tian who was about to rush out, and said, "Tuobahuang didn't move, eh? Look, the treasure hunting mouse has slowed down. He didn't want to rush out." flee, but want to stay on shore."

While Li Haoxuan and the others were communicating, the speed of the treasure hunting mouse really slowed down. Finally, it jumped to the shore and turned its head, looking eagerly at the huge lake in front of it. Consider what.

"Gudong!" Suddenly, there was a slight sound in the quiet lake, and at the same time, a little brilliance overflowed from the lake and filled the surface of the water, and then quickly dissipated, turning into the purest spiritual energy of heaven and earth and dissipating in the water. between heaven and earth.

Then, there were waves on the Great Lake again, like a breeze blowing, one after another water halos appeared on the lake surface, swaying around in circles, and as these water halos continued to undulate, the lake surface of the Great Lake began to subside rapidly , and the aura of heaven and earth here suddenly became richer many times, as if all the water had turned into aura of heaven and earth at this time.

"It's so strong, it's several times stronger than before! Could this great lake be formed by the condensed spiritual energy of heaven and earth?" Gongsun Bubai said excitedly with a look of surprise on his face.He has just broken through, and what he needs most is this kind of pure heaven and earth aura, which is of great benefit to him, but at this time, he dare not absorb it, for fear that some kind of change will make them miss a big opportunity.

"This large lake has a radius of hundreds of miles. Such a large lake is definitely left by an ancient sage. Let's wait, maybe there are ancient scriptures hidden in it!" Li Haoxuan said, he was also shocked by these auras, these auras The richness and purity of the spirit are no less than middle-grade spirit stones or even top-grade spirit stones, and if the entire Great Lake is filled with spirit energy, how big a hand would it have to be?More importantly, Li Haoxuan didn't believe that this big lake was just as simple as having aura!

"Gentlemen, everything should come first, first come first, right? I have been guarding here for half a month, and you all want to take advantage of it?" Just when everyone was surprised, a loud voice sounded from their primordial spirits. Tuobahuang in the distance sent a voice transmission to them.

"The treasure hunting mouse was the first to discover this place, and the treasure hunting mouse is not yours, right? Besides, if this fairy was born before we came, then we won't fight with you, but isn't he not born yet? The principle of first come first, second come It doesn't work, right? Besides, we've been waiting here for five days." Li Haoxuan said calmly through voice transmission, it's about the inheritance of the saints, and it's impossible for them to quit.

"Okay!" It seemed that he was considering the possibility of killing the three of Li Haoxuan himself. After a moment of silence, Tuobahuang shook his head dejectedly, and said via voice transmission, "Then we will not violate the river, and the saint's secret treasure can be obtained by those who are capable!"

"Okay!" Li Haoxuan said directly, at this moment, with a crash, all the water above the lake receded, wisps of fairy light flashed from the bottom of the lake, making strange noises, and then, the three of Li Haoxuan leaned over to look, and suddenly found that A huge rift valley appeared at the bottom of this great lake.

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