Holy furnace

Chapter 833 The divine body is the divine chapter!

"The two young masters are worthy of being from the great emperor's family, and they can recognize the divine language emperor's script!" Song Yunxuan said after all the runes were hidden in his body.

"How could I recognize this kind of writing?" Duanmuyu smiled wryly when she heard the words, shook her head and said, "I only saw it once on the top floor of our Buddhist scriptures pavilion, where there is an imperial script left by our ancestors, which is said to be a dream characters, but none of us know them. Even our palace lord knows nothing about this font."

"It is said that the imperial language of the divine language does not look at the shape, but the traces of the Dao in it. Unless you are an ancient emperor, no matter how high your cultivation level is, you will not be able to penetrate the mystery." Zhang Wudao said: "In our palace, there is There is also this kind of divine script, although it has been concealed from the murderous intent and divine power, it still possesses unimaginable divine power, if it is not a disciple of this palace, just looking at it can make the primordial spirit directly transform into Dao."

"Miss Song has the blood of the Great Emperor. Could it be that what just manifested is really the Divine Language Emperor Wen?" Zhang Wudao and Duanmuyu asked modestly.At this time, they didn't dare to put on airs in front of each other. How noble is the status of a person who has the divine language and imperial language in his blood?Who knows if the ancient emperor left anything in his blood?This manifested Divine Language Emperor Wen is an example. If the real Divine Language Emperor Wen was born, a single word would be enough to crush the ages, even a saint would not be able to bear it, and would be crushed to powder in one blow.

"This is Emperor Wen Daoyun." Song Yunxuan shook his head and said, "It is the projection of the power of the Great Emperor deep in our blood!"

"Hiss!" Duanmuyu, who had been silent in the ancient well, gasped again. Sure enough, Song Yunxuan's blood contained the power of the Great Emperor!This news is too frightening. As long as anything has anything to do with the word Great Emperor, it will immediately become unfathomable, let alone when it involves blood inheritance?If the power of the great emperor is revived, I am afraid that even the extreme magic weapon will not be able to stop it.

"Could it be that the ancient emperor left a backhand in his blood? Yes, it is very possible! Since he is the heir of the emperor, the emperor should naturally protect him with all his strength. Since he did not leave any extreme magic soldiers, he must have left behind something else , I am afraid it is the power of the great emperor deep in the blood, if it is played at a critical moment, it will definitely be shocking!" Duanmuyu thought in her heart.

"The bloodline of the emperor is extremely complicated." Song Yunxuan continued: "Not everyone has the bloodline of the emperor, because this bloodline is too noble. Generally speaking, only one person with this bloodline will appear in the world every 5000 years! As long as the earth is awakened Bloodlines can be projected from the Divine Language Emperor Wen, but this kind of projection cannot be converted into combat power for the time being, and can only be calculated from this!"

"That's right." Song Yunxuan nodded and said, "Shenyu Diwen is the language used by the Great Emperor to communicate with the universe's will. With this kind of writing, I can communicate with the avenue of God's will and deduce some things that I don't know! Human cultivation, and the current realm of the two young masters."

"The two young masters are going through the gate of life and death right now!" After a pause, Song Yunxuan spoke again, and said in a deep voice.

"As expected of the blood of the Great Emperor, this kind of insight is too strong, we are far behind!" Zhang Wudao smiled wryly, and did not deny this statement.

Legend has it that there is a method in the world that can shed the original body and condense a new physique!For example, if Xianmiao practices this method, it is very possible to condense a king's physique, and from then on, she will be reborn and fight the emperor's way!However, this method is too heaven-defying and suffers from heavenly punishment, so anyone who practices this method will surely have a catastrophe of life and death, also known as the gate of life and death!Once you step through this door, immediately, the sky is as high as the sky, but once you can't pass through, it will be completely wiped out, and everything will be empty!

The difficulty of passing the gate of life and death is too great, compared with the catastrophe when the mirror was broken, it is simply a drop in the bucket. There have been many outstanding people throughout the ages, but there are only a handful of people who have really passed the gate of life and death. Counting with hands, such an example has been placed before, how many people have the courage to try again?

"The two young masters are people with great perseverance, I admire them!" Zhang Weiyi also showed a dignified expression when he heard the word "life and death gate", and said in a deep voice with a slight salute to the two.

This salute was not Zhang Weiyi's opinion that his own strength was not enough, but purely admiration for the spirit of the two of them.This is a road of no return, like moths to a flame, but the two young masters still took this step under such circumstances, which is indeed worthy of admiration.

"I don't know one thing." Zhang Weiyi said afterwards.

"Please speak." Duanmuyu raised his hand.

"With the talents of the two young masters, even if they don't perform this kind of heaven-defying Nirvana, they are enough to rule the world. Looking at the whole Ziwei, those who can steadily surpass the two young masters in the same realm, except for those gods who have not yet been born , I really can’t think of how many other people there are, if that’s the case, why bother the two young masters?” Zhang Weiwei asked puzzled.

"The times are different now, and Ziwei's dominance doesn't mean anything, let alone domination under the divine body?" Duanmuyu sighed, looked up at the endless sky and said: "This is a big world, and everyone has predicted that it will not be long. In the future, we will fight another great emperor! Although we are not weak, we are still not enough in front of the god body, not to mention, in this vast and boundless universe, who knows what kind of genius there is? Maybe even the god body is not the only one. There will be a stronger existence!"

"If we want to compete on the emperor's road, the gate of life and death is our only choice, otherwise we are doomed to be mediocre. You have never seen the god body, and you don't know the power of the god body!" Zhang Wudao also said: "the gate of life and death is Our only chance."

"Is the divine body really that strong?" Song Yunxuan asked in a deep voice with a trace of unrest flashing in his eyes.In her opinion, to be as strong as Duanmuyu and Zhang Wudao is already a limit in terms of combat power. It is almost impossible for any one of them to be stronger than them in the same realm.

"If he is not the fifth level of Bigu now." Duanmuyu shook his head when he heard the words, pointed to the direction where Li Haoxuan was, and said indifferently: "He is just entering Bigu, then he can barely compete with the divine body!"

"Impossible!" Song Yunxuan's complexion changed drastically, and he said, "You can fight against the peak of Xindong when you first enter Bigu, and the divine body is not a myth. Even if you can fight at a higher level, it is impossible to be so strong!"

"The divine body is a myth!" Duanmuyu said solemnly: "You have never really faced the power of the divine body, and you will never imagine the power of the divine body! Just like you, it is a kind of power that comes from the blood, which is enough to overturn all recognition. You know! Back then, Emperor Renwang was only in Yuanhua realm, but stretching out one hand and pushing all the powers horizontally, isn’t this a myth? This is a myth!”

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