Holy furnace

Chapter 838 Bigu Level 6

When Tuobahuang finally made his move, Li Haoxuan was actually in the most dangerous situation. At this time, the power of the curse that ruled the seven kills completely invaded every corner of Li Haoxuan's divine body. This curse is expelled, the curse is a brand new power, different from any energy he has encountered before, even more mysterious than the realm of heartbeat!

The power of the curse continued to erode Li Haoxuan's body, and even surged into his dantian, melting his mana.

When all his mana was almost melted, a bronze-colored sacred furnace appeared in the center of Li Haoxuan's dantian.As the power of the curse poured in, a grayish-white layer appeared on the bronze-colored sacred furnace.

At this moment, the sacred furnace suddenly trembled slightly, and the gray curse attached to it was immediately shaken down. At the same time, with a soft buzzing sound, a gap was opened on the cover of the sacred furnace. Suddenly, all the curses All the power was attracted by this sacred furnace!

The first to bear the brunt is the dantian. With the revival of the divine furnace, the golden ocean of mana began to reappear, even bigger and vaster than before. Afterwards, in Li Haoxuan's blood, in the flesh, and in the primordial spirit, the spirit of the five decays of heaven and man They were attracted by all of them, and they were all swallowed by Li Vulcan Furnace.

In the vast golden ocean, a few drops of bright red donated blood swirled, exuding an ancient prehistoric aura, and faintly felt the coercion of a real dragon.

With the continuous rotation of these few drops of blood, one of the drops of blood suddenly exploded with a bang, turning into a cloud of blood mist, which merged into Li Haoxuan's eight extraordinary meridians. The body is rippling.

"The power of the curse, it turned out to be nothing more than that! It just so happens that I am only a step away from breaking the level, so take your power of the curse as a stepping stone to break through!" Li Haoxuan's eyes suddenly opened, black pupils Shining brightly among them!After experiencing the five declines of heaven and man, Li Haoxuan has a deeper understanding of mana and heartbeat, especially after refining this cursed power from the Vulcan Furnace, Li Haoxuan seems to have finally sensed the opportunity to break through in the dark!

In the chaotic sea of ​​Xianwudong, Li Haoxuan had already experienced this kind of prosperity and decline once. Now that he meets him again, he has long been familiar with it. Sure enough, this level of curse is not considered for Li Vulcan furnace. What, instead, a trace of the true meaning of the curse was fed back to his primordial spirit.Suddenly, there was a light click from Li Haoxuan's body, and another layer of shackles was opened!

Ever since Li Haoxuan entered Nanling and fought all the way since breaking through the barrier in Xianwu Cave, he first fought against Tie Fengyuan at Xianyu Lake, then almost died in the killing of Da Neng, and then entered the Sunset Mountain Range and fought against Tuobahuang. After that, he fought against the young master of the undead, Tie Fengyuan, and previously fought against the Monkey King. In just a few days, his battle almost never stopped. This kind of continuous battle made Li Haoxuan's aura already reached its peak , The feeling of breaking the level is getting stronger and stronger!

Now, under the pressure of the five declines of heaven and man and the help of Lihuo Shenlu, Li Haoxuan finally took that step naturally, towards the sixth heaven of bigu!

Breaking through the level at once, Li Haoxuan's coercion suddenly became stronger several times!He opened his piercing eyes, and with a wave of his right hand, a white jade porcelain bottle appeared in his hand, and then, a wisp of milky white liquid was pulled out by it, turning into medicine and sinking into his body.

Boom!The powerful vitality brought by the innate spiritual milk immediately made up for part of the vitality that Li Haoxuan had lost before, and even instantly filled him with the spiritual energy he needed after breaking the level!To a certain extent, the congenital spiritual milk is really no less than the holy medicine, it is enough to life and death, especially in this kind of war, it is almost equivalent to a second life.

"Not good!" Feeling Li Haoxuan's intimidating aura, Tie Fengqiang and Lei Tingguang's expressions suddenly changed. Although they didn't know what happened to Li Haoxuan, they all had an ominous premonition in their hearts. I'm afraid it will not be so easy to deal with the aftermath today. up!

"Kill!" Looking at each other at an extremely fast speed, Tie Fengqiang and Lei Tingguang shot at the same time, because Li Haoxuan's momentum made him startled, and he didn't want to wait any longer.

However, before they could make a move, Li Haoxuan made the first move!

After breaking through the level, Li Haoxuan was extremely powerful and powerful, he punched Tie Fengqiang with one punch, the power of this punch made Tie Fengqiang's face change drastically, and he avoided it almost without thinking!

However, Li Haoxuan was already angry at this time. People from the Tie family had been making trouble for him from the very beginning. This time, he couldn't bear it anymore. Killing a Tie Fengyuan could not establish his prestige, so he would kill another Tie Fengqiang!

With a single punch, Tie Fengqiang would have to avoid the edge temporarily, but Li Haoxuan was too strong, once he got the upper hand, even the divine body of Qingxu Guan would retreat, let alone Tie Fengqiang?Immediately, the five stances of the Shattering Fist were continuously thrown out, one punch after another, turning the area where Tie Fengqiang was located into a vacuum!

At the same time, Li Haoxuan pinched the seal with his left hand, and immediately there were two startling dragon chants, and then two real dragons, one black and one white, emerged, intertwined with each other, and turned into a diagram of Yin and Yang!At this time, Li Haoxuan had already smelted the second drop of true dragon blood, and his mana was already stained with the mysterious dragon's power, and the power of the Yin-Yang God Map became even stronger because of this, really like a huge dragon. It's like a prison, and the iron wind is shrouded in it!

Afterwards, Li Haoxuan condensed a fiery red broadsword in his hand, and five fire dragons appeared in a swipe, constructing a supreme dragon city, the fire dragon burning city with the fire emperor's red flame!The Fire Emperor's Chiyan Qi is a quasi-emperor-level supernatural power, no less than the Judgment Seven Kills, especially in the hands of Li Haoxuan at this time, finally has a trace of quasi-divine supernatural power!

With the double seal of Yin-Yang God Map and Fire Dragon Burning City, Tie Fengqiang was immediately trapped to death. The iron spear kept sweeping, but he still couldn't escape. This is the embodiment of Li Haoxuan's full combat power. Feng Qiang can be broken so easily, he is not worthy of the title of Retrograde Slayer!

However, the two layers of seals are not enough, since he intends to truly establish his prestige and get rid of the current situation, Li Haoxuan finally decided not to hide his clumsiness anymore, and showed his true strength!

After trapping Tie Fengqiang with two quasi-emperor-level seals, Li Haoxuan made another move, constructing a Daluo formation with one hand, and an illusory sword appeared in the other hand!

Suddenly, the sound of a surging river resounded in the sky!

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