Holy furnace

Chapter 840 Judgment Field

ps: Tie Fengqiang will kill tomorrow!


The sound of metal clashing could be heard endlessly. The Dao pattern shield in Tie Fengqiang's left hand received Li Haoxuan's sword forcefully, and immediately there were bursts of sound of piercing gold and cracking stones. All the runes on it were flickering frantically. A few strands of dao patterns were even shattered in an instant, making it difficult to compete with Li Haoxuan's Dahe Sword Intent and Shattering True Intent.

Afterwards, Li Haoxuan swung his sword continuously, each sword was a real Dahe sword!At this time, he absorbed the medicinal properties of the Innate Spiritual Milk, and his mana roared continuously, even giving him a feeling that his mana would never dry up!

On the sharp blade of the sword, the sharp light flickered, and the swordsmanship shot across the sky, blazing and glaring, and every sword slashed the void. Although it was still blocked by the ancient shield with the Dao pattern in Tie Fengqiang's hand, the ancient shield The dao pattern on it is rapidly dimming, and it seems that it may be completely wiped out at any time.

The confrontation between the two brought the battle between the two to its peak. This is a time of life and death, and no one will hold back. Tie Fengqiang also displayed his supreme means.

However, at this time, Tie Fengqiang's body shook violently, and a bloodstain burst out on the tiger's mouth in his left hand. The bright red blood spilled down, staining the hand holding the shield red. So far, his Judgment Spear has not yet failed. He stabbed once, because he was suppressed by Li Haoxuan, and he had no choice but to resist passively.

At this time, he also had to admit that this person was too strong, and that Tie Fengyuan's death in his hands was not wronged at all, because he was an outstanding man who could go back and defeat immortals, and he even reached the state of heart-beating when he stood in the field of bigu Come on, let him be terrified, and even saw his own death in a certain moment!

"Enough!" Tie Feng shouted powerfully, and after resisting Li Haoxuan's stormy attack, his body retreated fiercely, his eyes were as bright as two magic lamps, shooting through the void, staring at Li Haoxuan and said: "Really Do you think you can defy the sky? Today I will cut you off and let you know that you are nothing in front of Xindong!"

While speaking, Tie Fengqiang's hair was flying, and even more powerful divine power was rippling from his body. The Spear of Judgment in his hand shook slightly, and immediately a blood-colored gun light swept across dozens of miles, causing a big explosion in the void, as if about to strike It's like entering another level of domain, and the whole body exudes trembling fluctuations!

"Tie Fengqiang is in a hurry, and has resorted to taboo methods!" In the distance, a descendant of the Holy Land, who saw Tie Fengqiang's current state with bright eyes, said in a deep voice.

"Taboo method? This person is really so strong, is it worth Tie Fengyuan to do this? I remember that this kind of taboo method can't last long even if Tie Feng is strong, and it is inevitable that he will not be backlashed!"

"This is the power of the Tie family's bloodline. Every time you use it, the Tie family's mysteries in your own bloodline will be weakened by one point, and your future achievements will be lower. No one will use it unless it is absolutely necessary. This is a path that leads to self-destruction. Return! If Tie Fengqiang continues to use this method, his way forward will be ruined!"

"He is determined to kill the other party! I just don't know if he can succeed. This young man is too strong. He definitely has the ability to kill immortals. Maybe he can compete with Duanmu and others!"

"I can't see through his realm, but he may have stepped into the realm of half-step heartbeat, otherwise I really can't think of where such a genius can come out! The king's body is nothing more than this! I just don't know the legend. How powerful will the divine body be!"

"It is rumored that Duanmu is just a king's body, and it is far from a god's body!" Many strong people onlookers were talking about it. At this time, all the monks below the bigu ninth level retreated, and the only ones left were elites, only them Can carry the aftermath of the battle between two people!The monkey king is still bathed in the divine flames, and seems to be undergoing some kind of transformation. In front of him, Chen Zhan, who is wearing a black armor, has a fighting spirit, his powerful mana is condensing, and it seems that he is preparing for a peerless blow. !

"Clang!" Tie Fengqiang, who used taboo means, launched a fierce counterattack. The spear of judgment in his hand seemed to be given life instantly. pain.This is a taboo supernatural power, even more powerful than the secret art, almost pushing Tie Fengyuan to two small realms, but Tie Fengqiang naturally knows the danger of this supernatural power, and can only support him to use more than ten breaths , if Li Haoxuan cannot be killed within this period of time, then everything is over!

At this time, behind Tie Fengqiang, a Judgment Field opened up. It was a crimson starry sky, full of bloody smell, which seemed to be transformed by Tie Fengqiang's own blood.

In this field, Tie Fengqiang's combat power has been enhanced again. It seems that there is a great power bless him in the dark, making his attack become peerless. When a spear stabs out, everything is destroyed. This is the supernatural power of the iron bloodline, if it weren't for Li Haoxuan's supernatural power of melting soldiers and refining his body, he couldn't bear it at all.At this time, he was fighting with a strong man with eight levels of heartbeat, which was a full eleven small realms higher than him. His ability to remain immortal could already become a myth!

puff!Li Haoxuan was shot flying, coughing up a mouthful of blood from the corner of his mouth, however, his eyes shone with brilliance, and he was not afraid at all, because he knew that Tie Fengqiang's state would not last long, as long as he survived this period of time, It's time to kill Tie Fengqiang!

Boom!Li Haoxuan's body was full of energy and blood, and he fought hard, sword against spear, the two collided constantly, shaking out blazing divine light, tearing the sky apart, and there was a big river roaring from time to time, rushing left and right in the judgment field, although not yet It can break open the domain, but it makes the bloody smell much lighter!

"Hey!" A bloody light swept out, more than 80 feet long, and flew past Li Haoxuan's neck, almost beheading him. The thick gun light hit in the distance, blasting a huge mountain range into flat ground, The beast was instantly blasted into dust!

"Om!" The Judgment Spear rang loudly, and one after another divine light shot out from the tip of the spear, endlessly, Li Haoxuan couldn't help but change his face, and had to fight with all his strength, using the Dahe Sword and the Daluo Formation to build a He created a self-sealed field, and at the same time cast the Skyline Holy Art to integrate into the Dao.

However, it was useless at all, the space here was completely suppressed by the Judgment Domain, Li Haoxuan was instantly knocked out, and he had no choice but to resist!

puff!Another bloody gun light flew to the distance against Li Haoxuan's body, cutting a huge wound on Li Haoxuan's body, and blood flowed horizontally!Afterwards, the momentum of the gun remained undiminished, and with a pop, it turned a mountain range into ashes.

At this time, everyone changed their colors, Tie Fengqiang's attack was too sharp, it was just a casual blow, almost destroyed the main mountain range, and I don't know how many lives died in it!However, the eyes of everyone looking at Li Haoxuan became more awed. The person who had been shot by the other party had mana transpiration at this time, and his treasure body recovered in an instant. It was shocking, and ordinary people would have died long ago!

"Let's see how long you can last!" Tie Feng shouted strongly.

"Ten more breaths, I will kill you!" Li Haoxuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said coldly.

The war broke out again. At this time, the ancient Daowen shield in Tie Fengqiang's left hand was completely connected with his left hand, as if it had life, while the bloody spear in his right hand merged into the bloody field behind him, as if it had transformed For the mouth of a giant beast, it can devour the world.

"Boom!" Afterwards, Tie Fengqiang led Fang Tianyu to suppress him, intending to directly suppress Li Haoxuan with the Judgment Domain!At this moment, Tie Fengqiang showed the taboo supernatural power of the Tie family to the fullest, trying to shake Li Haoxuan to death in the void.

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