Holy furnace

Chapter 848 Fighting alone in the world

"Another master!" Seeing this man in black who suddenly appeared, Li Haoxuan's eyes flashed with shock, and he felt a pure breath of law from the black Taoist robe passed on from the other party. , it turned out to be a low-grade magic weapon!

Magical artifacts are second only to Taoist artifacts. Although they are only low-grade magical artifacts, they have intertwined with the Dao pattern of Dharma, possessing extremely powerful power. Although with Li Haoxuan's current cultivation base, a piece of A low-grade magic weapon is nothing, but being able to use a low-grade magic weapon as a Taoist robe is enough to show the opponent's background. Even Lei Tian, ​​the young master of the Lei family, does not have a magic weapon-level Taoist robe!

Of course, this does not mean that this man is more powerful than the Lei family. After all, the Lei family is one of the Nine Gods Palaces. Apart from the Liuli Palace and the Ice Palace, no other forces can really say that they can overwhelm the Lei family. The head of the family probably did this to sharpen Lei Tian's Taoism, otherwise, if he had the magic weapon Taoist clothing on him, Lei Tian's martial arts would be ruined!

Li Haoxuan was secretly startled.He didn't expect powerful characters to come out one after another, but he knew that these characters were just like himself, as long as they were given enough time, they would grow faster and faster. Although he was not afraid of anyone one-on-one now, these characters If people unite, he is not sure of victory, because these people are all the geniuses in the world of cultivation throughout the ages, amazingly talented, and no one knows where they can go in the future!

"Brother Li, this is the nihility of an ancient Taoist sect in Nanling. It ranked No. 20 in the Nanling combat power list three years ago. It has supernatural powers. Although it is not as good as Hong Fangyu, it is not much different, and this time The body is strong, and it is said that he has cultivated the indestructible golden body of the ancient gods, and the mana that can be contained in the body is almost unlimited. He can tear apart the heartbeat with bare hands. This man is ruthless, and legend has it that he once killed a strong man in the mid-stage of Heart Attack in Bigu Yae, and he is famous and invincible!" Seeing the black-robed man who just appeared, Lei Tian's expression changed drastically, and he took a step forward. To fight against the enemy together with Li Haoxuan.

Gongsun Bubai beside him was also roaring with mana, his tyrannical combat power was looming, and he was about to show a shocking blow at any time.

"No problem!" Seeing that Lei Tian and Gongsun Bubai were about to make a move, Li Haoxuan quickly sent a voice transmission, saying: "Although the three of them are tyrannical, they may not be able to do anything to me! You just wait and see what happens, don't make a move!"

"En?" Lei Tian just moved, and Wu Wuyi already felt the fluctuation of vitality, turned his head, and said disdainfully: "So it's the young master of the Lei family! What? You want to fight me too?"

"Neither one, others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid! If you have the guts, just try to touch me?" Lei Tian is worthy of being the young master of the Lei family and the head of one of the future Nine Gods Palaces. Afraid, but also fearless, he said forcefully.

Although Wu Wuyi is tyrannical, Lei Tian doesn't believe that this person can really be lawless!He deeply knows that in this world, everyone has to abide by certain rules of the game. Only when they become emperors or quasi-emperors can they truly have no scruples. Otherwise, whoever breaks the rules will be severely punished. imagined punishment.I am the future head of the Lei family, if the other party really dares to attack me, then the Lei family will definitely not mind taking the quasi-emperor weapon of the Lei family and turning Nanling upside down!

"Hmph! I know you have the Dao Talisman planted by the Patriarch of the Lei Family in your body. If I attack you, I will immediately encounter a powerful backlash!" Wu Wuyi flicked his fingers and said lightly: "But I don't care , as long as I don't kill you, it's okay to make you suffer a little bit!"

"Okay! Wu Wuyi, in your capacity, do you still need to argue with him?" Hong Fangyu casually glanced at Lei Tian, ​​and then said: "Why, Wu Wuyi, I haven't seen you for three years, do you think you are the one who is cursed by the Void God?" Dacheng, can you compete with me? But I'm afraid you will be disappointed, you couldn't beat me three years ago, and you can't beat me today, I will always stand in front of you."

"Really? Three years ago, I lost to you not because my cultivation was inferior to yours, but because your middle-grade magic weapon, the Ruyi Heavenly Sword, was so powerful. I have also cultivated an indestructible golden body, even if you have the Ruyi Heavenly Sword, I can't help it!" With a proud expression, Wu Wuyi said: "In two years, our Nanling's combat power list will be replaced. I must defeat you and take you as my stepping stone, so that I can accumulate luck and step into the peak of my heart in one fell swoop when I break through the field of heartbeat in the future."

"Oh? It seems that you, like me, have fully comprehended the method of the realm of heartbeat? You can take that step at any time in the realm, but because you still need to prepare something as a background, you are reluctant to step into it That heavy realm? But that’s right, with our current cultivation base, we can even fight with our bare hands against the average peak heart-beating powerhouse. Now prepare for a while, and when we really hit the heart-beating field, we will get more heart-beating laws, maybe there will be more If you get a gift from Dao and realize a trace of Guiyuan artistic conception, it may not be impossible to break through the realm of Yuanhua in a short time. Yes, your idea is very good, but this time you re-arrange the combat power list, you still have nothing Hope, you will still fail again in my hands. I am an old enemy with you, and I am still an opponent you will never be able to defeat. I will leave you with invincible demons and shadows in your heart. You want to wait until after you fight with me Attack the heartbeat again? Unfortunately, this is a mistake of yours." Hong Fangyu spoke slowly, as if everything was under his control, showing strong confidence!

"You two do it if you want to, but don't bother me." At this moment, Wu Lieyang spoke suddenly, looked at Li Haoxuan, and said in a serious tone: "This kid doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, so he dared to speak wild words to me. I will kill him with one move first, and then I will fight you one more time, so that you can know that my Panwu supernatural power is truly invincible!"

While speaking, Wu Lieyang slapped out his palm, and the palm instantly turned into a hundred feet in size, and he grabbed Li Haoxuan!

"Hahahaha, Wu Lieyang, what are you in a hurry for? Didn't I just say that? Just give me this kid, how about I capture him and then exchange the disk of God with you?" Suddenly, Hong Fangyu laughed loudly, It was also a palm shot, which actually smashed Wu Lieyang's palm in an instant. At the same time, his other hand moved slightly, and immediately there was a huge earthquake, and a golden light slashed towards Li Haoxuan!

"It's all nonsense! It's just killing someone, and you still have to talk about it?" At the same time as the golden light came out, the nothingness dressed in black appeared in front of Li Haoxuan's back and on top of his body. The rays of light radiated all over the place, and one finger pointed at the center of Li Haoxuan's eyebrows!

"That's right, what you're talking about is nonsense! All of you are going to die!" Facing the finger that suddenly appeared in front of him, Li Haoxuan's expression remained unchanged. A layer of pitch black, punching nothingness one by one!

All of a sudden, like billions of volcanoes erupting together, the sun was destroyed, the moon sank, and the arrogant and invincible nothingness just now was punched and exploded in the void, and the whole person turned into a wriggling mass of flesh and blood!

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