Holy furnace

Chapter 86

When the day and night alternate and the Pearl of Fire and Sun descends again, the entire infinitely small world appears unusually quiet. Whether it is Guanlan Pavilion or other restaurants, the shops are all empty, as if the entire infinitely small world was destroyed overnight. It's like being evacuated, and many privately operated teahouses have closed down directly, and everything reveals an unusual taste.

Compared with the calm market in the infinitely small world, today's large teleportation array is extremely lively, and the crowds are not enough to describe it. It seems that in just one night, the people of the entire infinitely small world have been transferred here. !Looking around, there are dense figures everywhere, and in front of all the crowd is an extremely tall five-color altar!

This five-color altar is engraved with countless mysterious divine runes and talismans, and the five-colored divine light is constantly shining. On this high platform, there are seven to eighty people standing randomly, all of whom have extraordinary appearances. Unconsciously revealing a strong aura.

The sleeves of many of them were occasionally blown up by the wind, and four golden lotus flowers appeared, one by one, four lotus disciples! !

"It turns out that disciple Silian is really not a legend, and in this way he can once again compete for a place in the elite pavilion of the inner sect!" Everyone in the crowd was discussing in low voices. Disciple Silian had appeared for a month. Coupled with the wanton recruitment, many things were hard to hide from everyone, and many secrets were leaked out.

"It is said that this task is too difficult, so these disciples of the four lotus are allowed to show up and invite the disciples of the three lotus to go together." Someone said solemnly, "almost all the disciples of the three lotus have been poached, even the newly promoted Brother Dongfang is also in it."

"Of course! This is the last chance. Of course they must find ways to improve their combat power! I don't know who will win this mission!"

"This is beyond what we can guess. The Four Lotus Rankings are not absolute, and the top five rankings of the Four Lotus Rankings have never appeared. It is difficult to measure the strength of everyone."

"Last time, Senior Brother Gongsun almost killed Yuan Hua and was imprisoned by the law enforcement officers. It is said that he was released three days ago and his skills have greatly increased. I wonder if he will have the opportunity to compete with these Silian disciples this time?"

"No way, Senior Brother Gongsun has already reached that level, but he can still increase his strength greatly? What level does that have to be? Can't he have already broken through?"

"I don't know about this, but the increase in strength is absolute. It is the news revealed by Gongsun Yong, who said that if he fights with Yuan Hua again, he can be killed with ten moves!"

"Look, Senior Brother Gongsun is here!!" Suddenly, someone stretched out his hand and pointed to the distance in the sky.

"It really is Senior Brother Gongsun! That's great! He must have broken through. It is said that the prerequisite for becoming a disciple of Silian is to break through and enter the consecration realm. Now Senior Brother Gongsun will definitely be able to become a disciple of Silian and compete with the rest of them!"

"Look, Senior Brother Gongsun does have four golden lotuses on his cuffs, and he has truly become a disciple of the four lotuses now!"

"Hmph!" Yuan Hua, who was standing in the front row, had a cold expression on his face when he heard the discussions of the people around him, and he snorted heavily. Qi's expression changed and he was speechless.

"Yuan Hua, that's all you have." A young man in sackcloth and gray clothes stood beside Yuan Hua, who glanced at Yuan Hua, showed a bewitching smile, and said disdainfully.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Yuan Hua glanced at the other party and said coldly.

"Hey." The strange young man chuckled, not paying attention.

In the end, Gongsun Bubai came to the field, and with a wave of his sleeve, Yuanhua's coercion was completely disintegrated. A sneering smile appeared on his cold face, "Do you dare to fight me now?"

"Don't worry, the [-] mountains will become your tomb!" Yuan Hua's face was cold, turning a blind eye to Gongsun Bubai's provocation. He still clearly remembered the infinite horror in the fifth level of prison robbery. At such a juncture, He didn't want to offend law enforcement again.

"I'll wait for you to die!" Gongsun Bubai averted his eyes, didn't bother to look at him again, and stood alone in the center of the crowd, leaving an incomparably stalwart back for the crowd behind!

"He has become stronger. It seems that he hadn't entered the enlightened state when he fought against Yuanhua. Now Yuanhua is in danger." Li Tian stood beside the man in yellow robe, frowning slightly.

"Don't worry, Yuanhua didn't use the ultimate strength of the Consecrated Light Realm in that battle, but suppressed himself at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Nine Heavens, half a step into the Consecrated Light Realm, and Gongsun Bubai knew it himself. A bloody battle." The eyes of the yellow-robed youth seemed to be shining with the light of infinite wisdom, as if there was nothing he could hide from him.

"The number of people has arrived, why hasn't the Law Enforcer appeared yet?" A person on the five-color altar looked a little impatient and said to the people around him.

"The Lord Law Enforcer has his own reasons for not showing up, just wait." Another person replied.

"Jialan, don't leave my body for three feet after you reach the [-] mountains! I can keep you safe within three feet, and don't make a move until the critical moment." Standing on the edge of the five-color altar were two The woman, both of them wore masks on their faces, completely covering up their appearance.The one who spoke was a girl wearing a silver mask, with a terrifying aura flowing from her body.

"Yes." Another girl in a green dress nodded quickly.

"En?" At this moment, the girl with the silver mask suddenly looked up, and he felt a wave of mana coming from a distance, approaching rapidly!

"Another person has been promoted to the disciple of Silian?" Everyone on the five-color altar is a master, and at the same time sensed this wave of mana, all looked up to the sky, and after a few breaths, a blue figure appeared in the field , slowly descended from the sky and landed on the high platform.

"Who is this person? Why haven't I seen it before? Could it be the unborn Silian disciple?"

"It's not like! Didn't you see it? The disciples of Silian on the stage were also very surprised. They didn't seem to know this person, so he shouldn't be a disciple of Silian."

"That's right, look at his sleeves, he hasn't even embroidered a single lotus flower, how could he be a disciple of the Four Lotuses?"

"I got it! He is Li Haoxuan, the second on the top ten list, no, he is now the first Li Haoxuan on the top ten list!

"What? Li Haoxuan? That Li Haoxuan who defeated Gongsun Yong with one punch? But he is only in the tenth realm, how dare he step up to the five-color altar? Is he courting death?" Someone in the audience recognized Li Haoxuan's identity, All of them turned pale with shock, they didn't expect that someone would be so bold as to forcibly ascend the five-color altar without the invitation of disciple Silian!

"Boy, who are you? Non-Silian disciples are forbidden to step on the five-color altar, get off!" Li Haoxuan had just landed, and someone on the stage was already making trouble. One of the Silian disciples glanced at Li Haoxuan's sleeve and said loudly. Stepping forward, pressing Li Haoxuan's body with his own aura, he yelled loudly.

These Silian disciples are all lawless characters, except for Silian disciples of the same rank as him, no one can get into their Dharma eyes!

"Good dogs don't block the way, get out of the way." As soon as Li Haoxuan fell down, he immediately felt a strong coercion on his body, couldn't help being furious, and directly pushed back with one sentence!If the other party spoke well, he might not be so angry, but it would be too deceiving for the other party to be oppressive as soon as he opened his mouth!

This kind of coercion is nothing to Li Haoxuan, but if another person from the tenth level comes over, he will be crushed to his knees immediately!No matter how weak a strong person in the enlightened state is, he cannot be compared with a monk in the foundational state, unless he has a heaven-defying celestial relationship like Li Haoxuan, and his accumulation is strong enough!

"You're looking for death!" The man was stunned for a moment, then his face changed drastically, he shouted angrily and directly raised his right hand to slap Li Haoxuan's face!

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