Holy furnace

Chapter 95

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"It finally appeared!" Li Haoxuan has been in Shiwan Dashan for more than two months. In the first month, he practiced the fire emperor's red flame energy in the cave. In the second month, he was trapped in the miasma swamp and created ten Fang Ju destroyed the big formation, and now, he finally has to face the terrifying ancient alien species of the Black Water Profound Snake!

Li Haoxuan swung his arms, and quickly flew towards the Black Water Profound Snake!The black water mysterious snake made such a big noise, it will definitely attract all the disciples, and maybe others will be there first!None of the people who can become Silian's disciples is a simple person, even Han Feiyu, who is in the middle and lower ranks, can possess the supernatural power of summoning the magic seal!

"Roar!!" Another voice sounded, the whole mountain was almost cracked by the deafening roar, and Li Haoxuan felt a great power spreading far away!Only after he flew close did he see clearly what the real black water snake is!

This black water black snake is about fifty feet long, its huge head is as big as a hill, and its two pupils are even bigger than the big water tank in Jingxianting!But at this time, the Blackwater Profound Snake was in an extremely embarrassing situation. There were tiny cuts all over its body, and Juanjuan's blood flowed down from it. Even the scales were blown away a lot, and some parts were even bloody!

"Roar!!" The Black Water Profound Snake was moving rapidly, and when it saw Li Haoxuan who suddenly appeared in front of him, without saying a word, the dragon swung its tail and drew towards Li Haoxuan!

The Blackwater Xuan Snake is huge in size, and the power on its tail is even stronger. It has the power to split mountains and rocks. Even with Li Haoxuan's ability, he didn't dare to catch it easily, so he quickly dodged it!

boom!The tail of the black water black snake hit the ground heavily, almost tearing apart the entire mountain!

"Didn't Zitian say that the black water snake is only ten feet long? Why is it now fifty feet?" Li Haoxuan took a breath when he saw it, it was too powerful, this black water snake is not simple If a single person can deal with it, even he is not absolutely sure to kill it.

"Kill!!" Behind the Blackwater Profound Snake, dozens of people marched mightily forward, mana surged, and among them, even treasures were constantly shot out, slashing at the Blackwater Profound Snake!All the people stayed far behind, not head-to-head with the Blackwater Profound Snake, they all used mana and treasures to fight against the enemy. A lot of blood was stained on the skirts of several of them, obviously they had eaten a lot of blood in the previous battle. deficit!

"Stop him, don't let him enter the miasma swamp!!" Just when Li Haoxuan was hesitating whether to do it together, someone from the crowd in front of him shouted loudly towards Li Haoxuan.

"He wants to escape back to the Miasma Swamp? Hey, that's just right! The Miasma Swamp is my home field!" Li Haoxuan seemed not to have heard the other party's words. I don't want to fight against the black water mysterious snake at this time, it will only be a wedding dress for others.

"Roar!!" Seeing Li Haoxuan backing away, the Blackwater Snake was overjoyed, and its forward speed was a little faster again. The huge snake body rubbed against the mountain and made a rustling sound, and countless towering ancient trees were crushed and passed by. Became shattered crumbs!

The Blackwater Xuan Snake is like a giant flood dragon, constantly twisting its body and moving forward, its speed is very fast, not much faster than flying, and it slaps the mountain with its giant tail from time to time during the forward process, every time it slaps it can Cracked a small piece of the mountain, and occasionally swept across the sky with its giant tail. Every time the black tail of the black water was raised slightly, everyone would retreat. The black water mysterious snake's giant tail was drawn, and it was blown up on the spot, turning into a cloud of blood mist in the void!

Like a group of demons dancing wildly, the giant tail of the black water snake became his most powerful means of attack, and even some treasures were beaten so dimly and irrelevantly that they were almost drunk. The ordinary Sanlian disciples were completely reduced to cannon fodder, and many of them were inferior. But the medium-grade treasures have tiny cracks on them, as if they will crack at any time, only the existence of high-grade treasures can cause damage to the black water snake!From the sky dome are constantly falling colorful magical powers, but on a body as huge as Heishui's black color, any magical powers are as insignificant as the stars on the sky.

Among all the treasures, a cyan ruler is the most domineering. Every time it is swung, it can leave a hole in the body of the Black Water Profound Snake. The cyan ruler spans the void, about a foot high, The cyan light shot out is almost five or six feet long, enough to leave terrifying wounds on the black water snake, and even able to resist the black water snake's giant tail whip!

In addition to the giant ruler, there is also a black snake grinding plate with a radius of about five feet, which is suspended in the sky and sprinkles a little light. Every time it falls, it seems to be able to crush the ages!This black grinding disc contained supreme power, and once it hit the head of the Black Water Profound Snake directly, driving it completely mad, rolling around in the mountain, almost tearing down the hill!However, the Blackwater Profound Snake is gifted after all, and its physical body is as powerful as a top-grade treasure. Although the black grinding disc is powerful, it cannot suppress the Blackwater Profound Snake in a short time!

Except for these two most powerful magic weapons, the rest of the people all united, sacrificed their treasures, and shot a torrent of treasures, directly hitting the injured back of the Blackwater Profound Snake!

One low-grade treasure is not terrible, but the power of dozens of low-grade treasures combined is beyond doubt. It is so powerful that it directly blasted a big hole in the back of the black water snake, and a lot of blood gushed out. Dye the earth red!

Then, another large piece of brilliant light descended from the sky, it was a huge colorful palm!This huge five-colored hand is formed by the condensation of the big void handprints made by everyone together. It is so powerful that every time it is shot, it can make the Blackwater Xuan Snake scream!

There is no doubt about the power of the black water mysterious snake, but it is also difficult to resist the joint attack of dozens of enlightened monks behind him.

While enduring the severe pain, the Blackwater Profound Snake sped up and fled towards the miasma swamp. His giant tail kept whipping, and finally knocked out another Sanlian disciple!

"Roar!" The black water snake roared, its eyes as big as a water tank were extremely bright, the mountain in front is where the miasma swamp exists, as long as he can enter it, he can get rid of these hateful ants behind him!

In the end, the black water snake turned around sharply, opened its bloody mouth, and spit out a burst of poisonous mist as black as thick ink, and then its body shrank rapidly, turning into a laughing figure of about ten feet, quickly surpassing the jungle, and submerging in Into the miasma swamp!

"The body has shrunk? Could it be... is it the supernatural powers of Fa Tian Xiang Di? Or his own innate secret skills?" Li Haoxuan thought in surprise after seeing the black water mysterious snake quickly shrinking its body and entering the miasma swamp!

He has heard about this magical power, once practiced, he can control his body freely, whether it is large or small, the great power is as high as a mountain, and the small power is as fine as dust, it is almost impossible for non-advanced monks to use it.

"Not good, the black mist is highly poisonous, and the detoxification pill is ineffective!!"

"Ah! My mana, my mana is imprisoned and cannot function!"

"Brother Li, help me, I can't keep flying anymore"

"Very poisonous, very poisonous..." Suddenly, there were extremely frightening voices in the black mist, and then there were several consecutive bang bang bang bangs, as if something had fallen from a high altitude.

"Boom!!" In the end, a powerful disciple of Silian made a move in the black mist, and unleashed a magic trick, using the aura of heaven and earth to simulate the power of the wind, quickly blowing away the poisonous mist that enveloped the place. .

When the black mist dissipated and the world returned to clarity, the tragic scene at the scene made people palpitate!There were a few bloody figures lying here and there on the ground covered by the black mist before, and their outlines could be vaguely seen. All of them had black faces, and a lot of blood overflowed from the corners of their mouths, all of which were covered by the highly poisonous black water. After being poisoned to death, he fell from a high altitude and almost smashed into a pulp!

"Senior Brother Gu!!" There were also many people who survived relying on the protection of treasures or Silian disciples. One of them almost broke his liver and gallbladder after seeing the miserable situation below him, and was about to fly towards the ground immediately, but was caught by the people around him. Disciple Silian grabbed her.

"They all contain highly poisonous poison. If you go down, you will definitely die!" the Silian disciple said lightly, but his eyes were looking at the miasma swamp in the distance, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"It's you!" Suddenly, that Sanlian disciple raised his head, fixed his eyes on Li Haoxuan, and shouted loudly, "If you didn't stop the Blackwater Xuan Snake because of your greed for life and fear of death, these people wouldn't have died either. Pay the price for their deaths!!" After speaking, a powerful aura erupted from that Sanlian disciple, and rushed towards Li Haoxuan with a bang!

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