Holy furnace

Chapter 97

"Pull in all directions!!" Wang Ziwen stared at Li Haoxuan and said in a cold voice. In an instant, the aura filled the sky, thousands of rays of light, thousands of auspicious colors, and the aura of endless heaven and earth rolled in, almost flooding the entire space!

At the same time, Wang Ziwen threw the Xuanqing Ruler in his hand, and the Xuanqing Ruler was immediately divided into eight parts, surrounding Li Haoxuan!As the Xuanqing Ruler was divided into eight parts, the vitality of endless heaven and earth gushed out towards the space inside the Xuanqing Ruler, sealing Li Haoxuan inside it!

Li Haoxuan tried to absorb these auras of heaven and earth, but found that there seemed to be some rules contained in these auras of heaven and earth, which could not be absorbed!As the aura of heaven and earth continued to gather and compress, Li Haoxuan also felt a little bit of pressure, and it became a little difficult to even move!

Xuan Qingru continued to radiate blue light, placing Li Haoxuan in the middle.

This supernatural power seems to be able to seal off a space. Li Haoxuan waved his fists and shot out pieces of brilliant golden light, but they were all blocked by Xuan Qingrui, unable to break through the prison. In the end, he was locked in it, unable to move. !

"Wang Ziwen went crazy and used the Bafang Prison at the bottom of the box!"

"This time, the winner should be decided! Many people are drinking hatred in Wang Ziwen's prison in all directions, and even the disciple of Silian was wiped out!"

"Now that he uses Xuanqing Ruler as his background, he can cast the Eight-Direction Prison to seal the sky and lock the earth. No matter how strong Li Haoxuan is, he probably won't be able to get out of the trap! Even if he wants to cast the phantom of Taixuan Mountain now, he probably won't be able to do it."

"Wang Ziwen is too powerful, especially after getting Xuanqing Ruler, the power of the Bafang Prison is greatly increased. I heard that Yuanhua has suffered a lot from it. If there is no Despair Demon Knife, I am afraid that he will also suffer hatred!"

Many Silian disciples were discussing in the distance, waiting to see how Wang Ziwen killed Li Haoxuan!Anyway, now that he is in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, he will not be blamed by the law enforcement officers for killing the other party. Bloodshed and murder are indispensable for this mission, and the blame can only be blamed on his own lack of strength!

Just when everyone thought that Li Haoxuan would be defeated, Li Haoxuan's fist suddenly waved in the prison in all directions. Although his movements were very slow, he exuded an incomparably terrifying power!

Wisps of powerful coercion emanated from Bafang Prison, almost breaking the soul, Bamian Xuanqing Ruler trembled continuously, making a buzzing sound, as if to be overwhelmed by this supreme momentum!

"What... what is this? I seem to feel a destructive force!"

"Look, Xuan Qingchi is trembling, Bafang Prison seems to be collapsing!"

Wang Ziwen was also shocked. No one could feel his pressure. The prison space composed of Bamianxuan Qingrui seemed to collapse at any moment. With supernatural powers running and continuous infusion of mana, the Bafang Prison may have been shattered long ago!

"Boom!!" There was a deafening sound from the Bafang Prison, and Li Haoxuan's speed began to increase. Every time he punched, a shocking power was born, constantly impacting the Bafang Prison built by Xuan Qingru. !

As Li Haoxuan kept punching, tiny cracks began to appear on the walls of the Bafang Prison, and then these cracks continued to expand, and finally completely cracked, the entire Bafang Prison was opened by Li Haoxuan's fists!

Countless cracks appeared, and the Bafang Prison was about to disintegrate. It made a terrible sound and began to collapse.

boom! !

Li Haoxuan's thick black hair danced wildly, each punch was heavier than the next, and the square prison was continuously cracked, and finally a big collapse occurred.

"Boom!" Li Haoxuan blasted out with his last punch, everything ceased to exist, Bamian Xuanqing Chi flew back upside down, united in the void, and the vast amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy dispersed instantly, and was scattered by Li Haoxuan's supreme fist !

This is absolute power, enough to break through all obstacles!No amount of divine channeling can stop Li Haoxuan's invincible fist!

Li Haoxuan stepped out of the shattered Bafang Prison, and punched Wang Ziwen in the distance. Endless divine light emerged, turning into an ancient dragon and blasting towards Wang Ziwen!

"Roar!!" Wang Ziwen yelled, he was beaten back by Li Haoxuan, even with the power of Xuanqing ruler, he couldn't compete with the current Li Haoxuan, he kept flying horizontally, a lot of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

In the end, Wang Ziwen was punched in the left arm by Li Haoxuan, and the whole left arm exploded and turned into a cloud of blood mist. A large amount of blood gushed out, and the stubble was exposed in the air. It was extremely tragic!

"You are very good. You can force me to use the God of Disintegration Fist, which is better than Han Feiyu!" Li Haoxuan blasted Wang Ziwen's left arm with one punch, stayed in the void, looked at Wang Ziwen and said.

Within the inheritance space, Li Haoxuan's skill has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has directly practiced the sixth level of Condensed Yuanjin!Therefore, after the law enforcement officer taught him the fire emperor's red flame energy and the follow-up condensed energy, he recommended him to practice another supreme magical power in the magical power pavilion!

Although the supernatural powers in the Shentong Pavilion cannot be compared with the five ancient supernatural powers, there are also some supernatural powers with supreme power. The law enforcer recommended to Li Haoxuan the most suitable supreme boxing method for him, the Destroyer Fist!After practicing to great success, one punch is enough to destroy all obstacles!

"It turned out to be the God of Destruction Fist? He actually practiced the God of Destruction Fist?"

"This is the most top-level supernatural power in the Shentong Pavilion. It cannot be cultivated under the sixth level of Ning Yuan Jin. His Ning Yuan Jin has already been cultivated to the sixth level?"

"It is said that if it can be refined to great success, it can evolve into the Great Destruction Fist, which is not under the five great magical powers!"

"The Godly Fist of Destruction, the power of one punch is enough to destroy everything!" Everyone watching the battle in the distance changed their faces greatly, and they did not expect the Fist of Destruction to be born!In a sense, the Destruction Fist is even more terrifying than the five great supernatural powers, because the first condition for practicing the Destruction Fist is the sixth level of condensed energy. Moreover, the Destruction Fist has growth potential, and after a certain level, it can evolve into a more The terrifying Divine Fist of Destruction is not far behind the five great magical powers!

"What? Destruction Fist?" Wang Ziwen also deeply understood the horror of this set of punches, and screamed loudly in the distance.

"Send you on your way!!" Li Haoxuan's expression was icy, and he punched out again, his divine light was full of light, and he was invincible. This time, Li Haoxuan's Destruction Fist directly sent Xuan Qingchi far away, making it fly away again. Can't protect Wang Ziwen's body!

"Everyone help me, let's kill this beast together, or we will all die!!" Wang Ziwen yelled at the dozen or so Silian disciples in the distance in horror. At this time, he was desperate, and if no one helped him, he would die undoubtedly!

"Boom!" Just as Li Haoxuan was about to punch again, a powerful force suddenly erupted from the Silian disciples not far away, and another Silian disciple planned to join the battle!

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