At night, the sky is dotted with stars, and a round of bright moon shines in the sky, accompanied by the remaining heat of summer.Wang Bin, who was lying on the bed, was really annoyed.So with an irritable mood, he went out on foot in the afterglow of the moonlight, preparing to go to his fish pond to take a rest.

Just when Wang Bin walked to the door of Wang Erwa's house next door, a strange voice "Ah! Oh! Oh..." drifted into his ears, which immediately aroused Wang Bin's curiosity.

He stopped and looked around, but no one was passing by.It was then that he cautiously approached the window of Wang Erwa's house, and when he saw the afterglow of the bright moon, he gently pushed aside the plastic paper pasted on the window.

The scene inside stunned him immediately.On the bed, Liu Gui and Zhang Chunmei, the secretary of the village branch, overlapped each other (the man was on top of the woman, and the woman was on the bottom), and they were doing something unsuitable for children on the bed.Wang Bin had never seen such things before, his face turned red, and he squatted down immediately.After the duel between the two little Wang Bins (virtuous and evil) in his mind, he finally mustered up his courage, swallowed his saliva, and once again stuck to the window to admire carefully.

Zhang Chunmei is a well-known glamorous woman in the village. She dresses up beautifully every day and relies on men to earn money outside to support her family, while she does nothing at home.Because of this, the gossip in the village: "Zhang Chunmei often does some shady things with some dubious people." Wang Bin didn't believe it at first, but after seeing it, it really confirmed the gossip of the gossip women in the village. , are not necessarily entirely fictional.

At this time, Liu Gui was lying on Zhang Chunmei's snow-white jade body.One hand is constantly kneading on her pair of round and straight peaks, while the other hand is walking between her crotch.Zhang Chunmei's lips parted slightly, and her eyes were tightly closed.From time to time, beautiful groans came out of his mouth, as if he had taken a stimulant, which not only stimulated every nerve of Liu Gui, the secretary of the village branch.It was even more aroused, and the fire of desire in Wang Bin's lower abdomen was burning little by little.

Just when Wang Bin was watching with enthusiasm, he was suddenly patted on the shoulder from behind.Wang Bin was taken aback and just wanted to yell.Another delicate fragrant hand gagged her mouth in a flash.Immediately behind, the person behind whispered the air of fragrant orchid in Wang Bin's ear and said softly: "Don't call, if you don't want to be caught, then don't call."

Wang Bin heard the voice very familiar, and thought, isn't this the widow in the village who is as famous as Zhang Chunmei——Chen Fang?Wang Bin nodded obediently.Seeing Wang Bin nodding in agreement, Chen Fang slowly let go of Xiang's hand.

Wang Bin turned his head to confirm whether the person behind was the beautiful widow he had guessed.But the moment he turned his head, he just happened to kiss Chen Fang's delicate red lips.Wang Bin was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to one side, and said in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, Sister Chen, I... I didn't mean it."

To Wang Bin's surprise, instead of being angry, Chen Fang was still laughing (without making a sound, only facial expression) in her ear, and said something that made him blush with great interest: "Giggle , I don't mind, as long as you want, we can actually be like them." Chen Fang's tone was full of charm, and also mixed with provocative charm.

After Wang Bin heard what Chen Fang said, he immediately went to Wang Erwa's house to take a look.At this time, Liu Gui had already brought his little brother into Zhang Chunmei's back garden, doing sprinting exercises non-stop.Seeing that Wang Bin's heart was burning right now, especially what Chen Fang said just now, it made him even worse and added a little yearning to him.

"I...I..."' Wang Bin hesitated and lowered his head, like a little girl meeting her in-laws for the first time.Blushing, not knowing what to say at this time.Just when Wang Bin was hesitating, Chen Fang grabbed Wang Bin's hand, and then he followed behind Chen Fang like a good boy, and the two left Wang Erwa's house.

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