Tie Zhuzi smiled even more mysteriously, his small eyes were full of treacherous light, he wanted to hug Tian Yunzi's neck, but he couldn't reach it due to the huge difference in size, he had no choice but to stretch out his hand instead of pinching his waist with both hands, a pair of With a high-spirited look, he said: "Today's film is completely different from the films you have seen before. I will keep you surprised after watching it."

A slap almost slapped Tie Zhuzi until he vomited blood, Pu Tianyun yelled impatiently: "I said you kid, what are you pretending to do with me, and show any movies quickly."

Tie Zhuzi rubbed his reddened shoulders with an ugly face. He always forgot that the guy in front of him couldn't think like ordinary people. In his eyes, such mysterious things seemed impatient, and he couldn't do anything if he suffered a loss. , whoever let him find it by himself, besides, he can’t do it even if he wants to get it back. This Tian Yunzi is tall and strong, but he can’t stand him. Was it because of him that he was not bullied? He closed the curtains while muttering, then quickly took out a disc from a secret place, powered on both the color TV and the DVD player, and put the disc on. go in.

Tian Yunzi looked suspiciously at this kid who was pulling the curtains and being cautious, what kind of good film is used like this? Don't look at him usually giving people a sturdy look, but it doesn't mean that he is really lacking. Mindful, brave and silly are two different meanings. I stared at the screen until the two people who came out of the TV, a man and a woman, were still speaking bird language that I couldn’t understand, and they said it like this. He took off all his clothes, and in an instant he understood what kind of film it was. He had only heard about it, but hadn't seen it with his own eyes. It was just passed on by word of mouth among men, but it has always been a beautiful story. It is a colorful film in legends. With big eyes, he stared closely at the black man thing and the white woman thing rolling, an inexplicable thing rolling in his body, he didn't know what it was like, and he didn't know what it was like. I know why there is this feeling, it seems that he has grown up all of a sudden, really grown up.

It is the age of seventeen or eighteen years old, the love is just beginning, and the youth is flying. At this time, the boys also start to pay attention to the girls around them. At this time, the boys already have a little curiosity and impulsiveness towards the opposite sex. Tian Yunzi's body develops early. This puberty He arrived early, not to mention that the big thing below him has long been criticized, and he gradually understands what it means, but he understands it in a hazy way, and it's not real, but watching this colorful film today touched him It seemed that he understood something all of a sudden.

When the red-eyed Pu Tianyun came out of Tie Zhuzi's house, his mind was full of women's white things. It was the first time he faced such stimulation and temptation. How could a young man like him bear it and swear around? Touching the woman's figure, the downside is so hard and uncomfortable, but during this period of time, people have all gone to work in the fields. Rural people, living on the land, rely on their own one-third of an acre of land all day long, so they count on Seeking a good harvest, I don’t work in vain all day long, and treat the land as my darling, as long as I am not a lazy and treacherous bastard, I usually spend the whole day in the land.

Walking on the quiet road, the people I see occasionally are not only old people but also children. If there is no woman at this time, maybe nothing will happen to Pu Tianyun who was just stimulated. Unfortunately, it just so happened that she appeared at this time A woman, a woman among women, a woman of extreme femininity.

Twirling her big butt, shaking her willow waist, drawing her eyebrows and eyes, her face is thickly covered with face powder, making her face look so white, she sprinkles perfume on her body for free, and you can smell it from a long distance away The fragrance, the lipstick on the red lips is so bright, and the clothes are more cool and bold, but in the summer, they are wearing a popular purple dress that can only be seen in the city, and the white legs are exposed outside like that. She was wearing a pair of high-heeled sandals with a pair of flesh-colored silk stockings on her feet. The V-shaped open collar exposed a large part of her front, and the tulle skirt could vaguely see the traces of the inner cover, and matched with the exposed straps, I can even know that the cover is still black, and the two big bulging pieces are falling down like that. I don't know how it grows, and I don't know what it ate when I was a child. How come it is so big!

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