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Chapter 21 Fake copper coins?

After Ye Mei left, I washed my face and sat down on the bed again, and began to silently practice according to the "Subduing Heart Method" handed down by my master just now. There will be a glorious light appearing on the head.Taoists, Buddhists and other Taoist practitioners also practice meditation through meditation, and the glory will shine brilliantly on the top of their heads, but this kind of light is invisible to the naked eye of ordinary people, and it can be regarded as a kind of expression of spirit.Haoguang has different colors depending on the depth of practice.Divided into yellow, red, white, blue, black, these five colors.The Buddhist ones are yellow or red, while the Taoist ones are mostly white.

It’s just that there is a shortcoming of the “Subduing Mind Method”, which is that it will affect people’s xinxing and gradually change people’s character. This is also the biggest harm of this kind of mental method. Greed will follow, and only by controlling one's state of mind can one cultivate to the highest level, which is the so-called "heart building".

I really didn't expect to meet a black cat that was lowered by someone in this small town. In fact, animals with lowered heads are very different from ordinary animals. Big changes, the tongue is white and green, and the abdomen is full, and the belly is as big as a drum.

I was thinking wildly, and suddenly felt that the copper coins on my chest were brighter, and there was still a luster in the middle.

How is this going?I was a little surprised, and involuntarily grasped the copper coin tightly, and suddenly the red light inside turned into a huge circle.

I felt the air flow in my body constantly rushing outwards, and the whole copper coin shone brightly, emitting a dazzling light. A huge copper coin-shaped halo kept hovering above my head, and finally penetrated into me like lightning. in the forehead.

"What's going on?" I was taken aback, and sat up quickly, but found that the clothes on my body were in good condition, and there was no reaction at all.

Could it be a dream, he pinched himself hard, the pain meant it wasn't an illusion just now.But the copper coin was still as usual, without any abnormality, which made me confused, and I lay down on the bed unwillingly.

The slender calves and pair of jade feet with seductive luster appeared in front of my eyes again, Yemei's vague body was shaking in front of my eyes in a trance, and her exquisite body seemed to be clearly visible...

In the blink of an eye, I have been in Luzhen for two weeks, and I have gradually become familiar with the people in the town.I gradually got used to life here.From nine to five every day, it is no different from office workers in the city.Here I feel like I have entered a paradise away from the hustle and bustle of the world.The folk customs of the town are very simple and the people are very kind.I became good friends with several young people about my age, Mao Tou, San Shao and Hu Tou.They are all Zhang Ke's neighbors.

They have a common hobby, which is to go to the town government compound to enjoy the cool at night, and listen to the old grandson telling nasty jokes.

The old grandson likes to tell stories about Zhang's daughter who got pregnant before she got married, and Li's daughter-in-law who had an affair with someone while mowing the grass.Under their influence, I also became a loyal listener of Lao Suntou.It is no exaggeration to say that Lao Suntou is my sex = enlightenment teacher.Sometimes I really don't understand where the old grandson comes from so many dirty stories and jokes, he can tell them without repeating.

Maybe it's because of my physical maturity, maybe it's the old grandson's words and deeds, in short, I'm more and more interested in women.Ye Mei, a beautiful woman under the same roof as me, naturally became the object of my lust.All day long, I imagined how Yemei's body would be as white as jade when she was stripped off.

But fantasy is fantasy, I still need to find something to do, these days I always have nightmares, I vaguely feel that it has something to do with the copper coins in my neck.When the master passed this copper coin to me.I didn't say anything, so I could only figure it out, so one afternoon, I walked into the only small shop in the town that resells cultural relics.

I didn't expect that this small shop looks not too dilapidated from the outside, but the inside is unique. There is a long row of glass cabinets full of ancient coins, jade, ceramics, etc., which look very old.

The walls are covered with calligraphy and paintings. I took a rough look at them. Although I don't know whether they are true or not, I can tell from the seals that they are all masterpieces.

"Sir, what do you want to see?" A voice came to mind from the counter, and it was only when I noticed that there was a 50-[-]-year-old man in a clean Chinese tunic suit sitting next to the glass cabinet. OK, but hearing the accent is definitely not local, which makes me feel a little weird.

"Oh, that's right, I want to sell this copper coin." I said, taking the copper coin from my neck into the man's hand.

"Oh?" The man put down the book in his hand, touched his eyes from the side, and took the copper coins.

I also looked at him nervously, trying to see some clues from his face.

"Hehe, little brother, this Hongwu Tongbao is a fake!" He just weighed it in his hand a few times and said.

"What did you say?" I was dumbfounded. Could it be that the copper coin my master gave me is fake? This also...

"Of course," he shook his head and pointed to my copper coins and said, "Hongwu's "Regulations on Casting Coins" stipulated that raw copper should be used for casting coins. But copper was scarce at that time, so scrap coins and old copper were generally used for casting. The quality is complex and the purity is different, resulting in the different color of 'Hongwu Tongbao'. But your copper-colored purple-red coin is a fake at first glance, so there is no need to check it again."

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