Super Farmer Onmyoji

Chapter 37 3 Magic Weapons

After a while, several strange magic weapons were placed in front of Lin Hai.

Yimei turned his pockets over twice, spread his hands together: "No more! Only these few things are left!"

Lin Hai's gaze swept across slowly, and beads of sweat fell from the back of his head, "Master, what kind of junk are you?"

Yimei took out a total of three magic weapons from his pocket, which are in order from left to right:

Four yellow talismans, an inch-long hammer, and a palm-sized compass.

Yimei frowned and said: "Nonsense! What kind of rags, these are all my master's precious lumps, these are all magic weapons!"

"Haha! You're so ridiculous! What is this? Toilet paper?" Lin Hai picked up a yellow talisman with his fingers, and threw it out casually with a look of indifference.

Yimei's expression changed, and he quickly covered his ears with his hands.


There was a loud noise, and an incredible thing happened. The yellow talisman exploded like a bomb, blasting a deep hole in the ground, and the power was astonishing.

Yimei waved away the raised dust and turned to look at Lin Hai.


Lin Hai's appearance at the moment is simply awesome!

The clothes on his body were blown into pieces, his body was scorched black, his hair stood upright, his mouth was opened, and black smoke was still spraying out.

It looked beyond recognition, like a little beggar crawling out of a coal mine.

Lin Hai's face was full of unbelievable expressions, he opened his mouth in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.

One eyebrow reprimanded: "You idiot, fortunately you didn't blow yourself up! These yellow talismans are 'Thunderbolt Talismans', which are amazingly powerful and the only magic weapon to deal with zombies!"

"It's really a bull... a bull fork..." Lin Hai's seven orifices were smoking, and he looked at the magic weapon in front of him in horror, and never dared to touch it with his hands easily.

Just now he was dismissive of these things, but now he is full of awe, because he knows that Yimei did not lie to him, these junk things are really powerful magic weapons.

"What is this little hammer used for?" Lin Hai pointed to the small brass-colored hammer that was only about an inch long.

The small hammer was very ordinary in shape, with a rounded point at one end and a flat end at the other end, holding it like a toy in the hand.

"Hey!" He stroked his beard triumphantly, "You don't know about this, this magic weapon is called 'Zhentian Hammer', and it is said that it was Lei Zhenzi's personal magic weapon back then!"

Lei Zhenzi's magic weapon? !

Damn, this cowhide blows the sky!

"You'll use this sky-shaking hammer to destroy the Tongtianzhu later!" Yimei said.

"Ah?!" Lin Hai opened his mouth wide in surprise: "Use this small hammer to destroy such a huge Tongtianzhu? Isn't this a joke?"

"Of course I'm not joking!" Yimei said seriously, "However, it takes seven blows with a hammer to destroy the Tongtian Pillar, and it won't work if it's less, understand?"

Lin Hai picked up the hammer and weighed it in his hand, and found that the hammer didn't really weigh much. He really doubted whether this child's play toy was really so powerful?

"Where is this compass? Is it used to observe Fengshui?" Lin Hai pointed to the last magic weapon curiously.

"What compass?!" One eyebrow said: "You idiot! This magic weapon is my personal treasure, named 'God and Demon Roulette'!"

Lin Hai praised: "What a cool name, isn't it powerful? What is it used for?"

Yimei said: "The gods and demons roulette is a magic weapon for cultivation and improvement!"

"Ah? Then how to use it?" Lin Hai picked up the magic roulette and looked at it carefully.

This magic roulette is just the size of a palm. It is a simple dark green color with a faint light. It looks weird at first glance, and it feels a little cool in the hand.The roulette is divided into two circles, inside and outside. There are strange scale lines on the outer circle, and various strange spells are carved in the inner circle. In the center is a Yin-Yang gossip pattern.

Yimei explained patiently: "Generally speaking, there are three main ways of training for Onmyoji. The first is self-cultivation; the second is adventure, such as taking a great tonic or some kind of spiritual thing; The third is combat enhancement, whether it is fighting other onmyojis or fighting with demons and ghosts, it will increase the spiritual power.

You take the magic roulette with you, as long as you practice through these three ways, the roulette will automatically increase your spiritual power.The spiritual power value will be reflected on the scale of the roulette, as long as the spiritual power value is filled up for a full circle, your cultivation base will be upgraded by one level.For example, if you are a junior psychic now, you will become an intermediate psychic once your spiritual power is fully charged.

By the way, I have to remind you.Every creature in the world has spirits, and demons and ghosts are no exception. Once they die, their spirits will float out of the body. You'd better collect these spirits and inject them into the roulette from the Yin-Yang gossip pattern in the middle, so that you can move faster. Greatly increase your spiritual value! "

Lin Hai nodded thoughtfully: "No wonder that Miss Ding collected all the zombie's spirits just now, so it was used to increase spiritual power!"

Yimei said: "Every onmyoji uses a different magic weapon to collect souls, like mine is a magic roulette, and my junior brother's is just a ghost jade finger! The magic weapon is not the same, but they are all used to increase Spiritual value!"

If Lin Hai found a treasure, he hurriedly kept these three treasures close to him.

"Haha, master, these magic weapons..." When Lin Hai raised his head, he was surprised to find that the one-browed Daoist had closed his eyes.

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