"What's more, why didn't Cao Cao grant Han Sui the title and let him go to attack Sun Quan?"

Seeing that everyone opposed it, Ma Teng gave up.So he made up a reason and refused Cao Cao's invitation to Beijing.When the envoy heard this, he went back to see Cao Cao and explained the past.

Cao Cao was very disappointed to learn that Ma Teng had rejected his request.He knew that Ma Teng had scruples about him, so he didn't dare to go to Beijing.The conquest of Xiliang would not be completed overnight.At this time, only news came from Hefei that Sun Quan had led an army to surround Hefei.When Cao Cao heard this, he couldn't help waiting for the good news from Hefei.

Let's say that Sun Quan led the army straight to Hefei.Seeing that he had few soldiers, Zhang Liao dared not fight.According to Zhou Yu's advice, Sun Quan led his troops to surround Hefei.

Seeing this, Zhang Liao discussed with Li Dian and Le Jin how to retreat from the enemy.At this time, Le Jin took out the letter that Cao Cao had handed to him before leaving, and declared that he would open it when he arrived in Hefei.The three of them browsed through it once, then acted according to plan.The three climbed up to the city wall, and saw that all the gates of Hefei City had been surrounded by Sun Quan's soldiers.And Sun Quan's army tent is stationed a few miles away from Xijin Bridge.Looking from a distance, the banners of the middle tent are fluttering, and there are many armored soldiers.

Zhang Liao said to the two of them, "Now that Sun Quan has come here in a hurry, his morale is high and he should not go out to fight."

Le Jin said: "If Sun Quan continues to besiege this long, we will run out of food and grass."

Li Dian also said: "If we run out of food and grass, the morale of the army will be unstable. What can we do?"

Zhang Liao said: "Sun Quan is now using the strategy of besieging the city to trap us in the city. Although this is a war of attrition, his army's morale is easy to be neglected, while our army is restless. When their morale is low, we will attack again." It will deliver a fatal blow." As he spoke, the generals could not stand firm.

After more than ten days, neither side confronted each other head-on.However, the high morale of Sun Quan's soldiers was gradually disappearing.Sun Quan thought about this, even if he could win Hefei, he would suffer heavy losses.Zhuge Jin, the counselor under the account, said: "My lord, why do you have to spend time here with Zhang Liao's more than ten thousand soldiers?"

"Yi Ziyu sees it, what should I do?"

"Now that our army is superior to Cao's army, it is better to forcibly attack the city."

Sun Quan remembered Zhou Yu's advice: don't go to war, just besiege the city.But Zhuge Jin said: "Ziyu should not underestimate the enemy!"

Lu Meng also said: "Ziyu's opinion is not unreasonable, why don't we take the initiative to attack."

"Hefei city is easy to defend but difficult to attack, how to attack?"

"Ziming circled the city for a week and found a place that is convenient for our army to advance."


"There is Xiaoyaojin at the intersection of Shishui and Feishui. It is where Cao's army is weak in defense. My lord can use the advantage of our water army to break through a gap from here and capture Hefei."

Sun Quan thought for a while, and then asked the advisers whether this move was feasible.Some of them thought it was possible, but others thought it was inappropriate.Sun Quan couldn't help hesitating, he knew he couldn't afford to lose such a war, otherwise his prestige in Jiangdong would not be as good as his father, brother and other generals.How to sit and lead Jiangdong in the future.

Sun Quan thought of this, and was about to order Lu Meng to lead a navy of [-] to Xiaoyaojin.But at this moment, a person under the tent stood up, and said: "My lord, besieging the city like this is an act of catching a turtle in a urn, but it will take time, so it is better to withdraw the besieging soldiers and focus on Xiaoyaojin. In this way, wouldn't it be easy?" ?”

When Sun Quan saw that the person who came to persuade him was Lu Xun, a young relative, he didn't think so.Kan Ze also echoed Lu Xun's words at this time.But the other people under the account stood silent.Because in their eyes, Lu Xun is just a wet boy.Influenced by Zhou Yu's secret plan, Sun Quan turned a deaf ear to it.

But when Lu Meng heard Lu Xun's explanation, it was not unreasonable.Because of such a siege, it really divided the edge of his attack.Lu Meng was about to persuade him.But Sun Quan had ordered him to lead the troops to Xiaoyaojin.Lu Meng was ordered to retreat.And Sun Quan took the Chinese army to Xijin Bridge.

Lu Meng led the navy to Xiaoyaojin in a mighty manner.Seeing this, all the officers and men in Xiaoyaojin reported to Zhang Liao immediately.Zhang Liao took Li Dian and Le Jin to Xiaoyaojin.The three climbed to a commanding height, and saw Lu Meng's navy attacking Xiaoyaojindu.Due to the water application at this ferry, there are fewer garrisons.It never occurred to Sun Quan to take advantage of his strength in the navy to break through the gap and capture Hefei.

Zhang Liao hurriedly dispatched elite soldiers from various city gates to Jindu to resist Lu Meng.At this time, Sun Quan also led the Chinese army to swarm from Xijin Bridge.Zhang Liao saw that the situation was urgent, so he said to Dian and Jin, "Sun Quan's army is besieging the city, and Lu Meng is attacking the ferry. At this time, the army is very weak. This is a good opportunity for us to attack."

Li Dian said: "But we can only draw thousands of people to fight at this time. The strength of the troops is very different. I'm afraid it won't help."

Zhang Liao said: "Once Xiaoyaojin is breached, there will be no chance of counterattack. Now, taking advantage of the weakness of the Chinese army, to frustrate its arrogance, success or failure depends on this battle, what doubts do you gentlemen have?"

"In that case, the only option is to fight to the death."

Zhang Liao took a look at the situation in Xiaoyaojin, and suddenly had an idea: "There is a little lion bridge near the Xijin bridge. We can block Sun Quan's army from the little lion bridge."

"How to block each other?" Li Dian asked anxiously.

"We can lay an ambush near the Xiaoshi Bridge, and when Sun Quan comes, we will have people destroy the bridge so that the Chinese army cannot follow, and then we can defeat the enemy."

After the discussion between the three, Le Jin was asked to defend the city, while Li Dian waited for an opportunity to attack, and waited for the besieging soldiers to rescue Sun Quan before attacking again.He also ordered dozens of archers to ambush near the Xiaoshi Bridge to wait for Sun Quan.As Zhang Liao said, he mounted his horse with a saber and led hundreds of people towards Xiaoyaojin to kill them.

Lu Meng saw Zhang Liao's hundreds of horsemen flocking to him, and he also led Ding Feng, Xu Sheng and others to meet him.After a few rounds, Zhang Liao defeated Ding Feng and Xu Sheng, and went straight to Lu Meng.Lu Meng's twin halberds met each other, and the two killed evenly.

While the two were fighting.Sun Quan led the Chinese army from Xijin Bridge.Chen Wu, Pan Zhang and other generals also rushed over.Zhang Liao left Lu Meng to face the two men.When they greeted each other with swords, they beheaded several members of Lu Meng's guard.Blood immediately flowed across the broadsword.Anyone who sees it will be disappointed.Ding and Xu fought with him for several rounds, but they were also defeated.

Since then, Zhang Liao slashed left and right with his sword, causing countless casualties.Seeing that Zhang Liao had come so bravely, all the soldiers wanted to join forces and defeat him.Seeing this, Zhang Liao didn't dare to fight.It is a horse that shuttles left and right among the ten thousand armies.Dozens of besieged soldiers were immediately rescued.At this time, Zhang Liao's shirt was stained with blood, and his horse was leaping forward.Those who stand in the front will all die under the knife.

Sun Quan, who had just passed the Little Lion Bridge, saw Zhang Liao's extraordinary bravery and dared not go forward.But at this moment, suddenly the bridge behind him collapsed.Sun Quan was shocked for a while, and looking back, he had already been cut off from the Chinese army.


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