Major General's Journey through the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 13 Training Armored Soldiers

Zhao Fan said: "General, I'm afraid we will disappoint everyone's expectations."

"On this ancient battlefield, you can still become special forces."

"General, what are special forces?"

"You are all-round professional soldiers. Whether you are on horseback, in the field, or in the water, you can launch deadly attacks on the enemy. You will be a group of hidden troops with skillful bows and horses and a strong team." Zhao Yun said seriously .

"We are willing to listen to the general's orders!"

After that, Zhao Yun asked them to introduce themselves.Among the 50 people, most of them are from Zhaojiazhuang, and a small number of people are from other villages in Zhending Town.Zhao Yun remembered them one by one.The simplest military order training began.

The next day, each of Zhao Yun was matched with a horse.Then there was a duel with each other on horseback, and it was a real fight with swords and guns.In this way, they fought each other on horseback for three months.

Three months later, Zhao Yun suddenly withdrew their horses, and distributed a hard bow to each of them.Zhao Yun first asked them to practice shooting within 20 meters, then 50 meters, and finally increased to [-] meters, and asked them to shoot without fail.Zhao Yun knew that even he couldn't hit every shot.However, what Zhao Yun meant was to make them infinitely close to this number.

Several months later, Zhao Yun suddenly let them ride on horseback.Then let them shoot arrows on fast horses.They suddenly became clumsy and seemed very uncomfortable.Zhao Yun shouted: "An excellent hunter is to kill the prey on the gallop. Your previous bow skills were only to shoot a fixed object, which is far from meeting the requirements."

Those 50 people knew that Zhao Yun was superb in martial arts and was a genius, so they admired Zhao Yun very much and obeyed.Zhao Yun then let them train on horseback for several months.One year passed in the blink of an eye.

Zhao Yun saw that their bow and horse skills were gradually maturing.Zhao Yun started his second training: fighting in the field!

Field operations are divided into five steps: scouting, hiding, analyzing the terrain and its own factors, installing various organs, and finally attacking the enemy.

Zhao Yun took them to the forest near the village, and installed various organs in it.Then let them go through.At the beginning, they were shot and wounded a lot with bamboo rafts.After that, gradually master the tricks.So quickly through the dense forest, and then detour back to the origin.

Three months later, it will be Zhao Yun's last mission: rule the roost underwater.

Zhao Yun knew that technology was not very advanced in ancient times, so land power was more important than sea power.So they don't have a navy, only a navy.In the north, no one will pay attention to training the navy.As a result, Cao Cao was defeated in the Battle of Chibi.

Zhao Yun asked them not only to be familiar with water, but also to be able to lurk underwater for several 10 minutes.And sneaking under the water with the help of a small breathable bamboo pole.These are not easy tasks for northern men.Besides, where is there a lake for them to train.Zhao Yun took them to the turbulent Yellow River for training.At first, several people were nearly swept away by the water.Fortunately, Zhao Yun had already prepared and set up bamboo rafts downstream.

Just like that, Zhao Yun didn't know how long he stayed in Zhaozhuang.I saw the peach tree in his backyard blooming for three years.Zhao Yun trained these fifty special forces day after day.

During these three years, the Montenegrin Army bandits besieged the village several times, but they all failed.Of course, this is all thanks to Zhao Yun's arduous training of these passionate youths who guard their homes.As a result, they have super fighting power.

This year is the fifth year of Zhongping.The imperial court is in decline, the emperor is fatuous and licentious, and the eunuchs control the government, so that buying and selling officials and nobles is popular.At that time, Huangfusong, Zhu Jun and others refused to obey the ten permanent servants, so they were all dismissed from office.

And the forces in various places have annexed each other, and the perennial natural disasters have made the people's livelihood even more difficult.

Liu Yan, who was then Taichang, wrote a letter suggesting that the provincial governor should be changed to the state shepherd on the grounds that there were endless soldiers and bandits in the world.In this way, the state herd supporters in various places were legalized.It can be said that they have broken away from the jurisdiction of the imperial court and have truly become princes of one side.

At this time, the major forces in the Central Plains are:

Liu Yu, shepherd of Youzhou, and Gongsun Zan, prefect of Beiping.Since Liu Yu took office, the conflict between the two has intensified.

Han Sui, the leader of the Qiang people in Xizhou, and Ma Teng, the prefect of Xiliang.The two became brothers of the opposite sex to guard the northwest together.After the Yellow Turban Rebellion, they declared their rebellion against the court on the grounds that eunuchs controlled the government.The court's repeated conquests were fruitless.

At this time, Dong Zhuo, governor of Xiliang, sat on the mountain and watched the tigers fight, taking the opportunity to strengthen his strength.Dong Zhuo's ineffective campaign against the Yellow Turban Army should have been dismissed and investigated, but he was not guilty of bribing the ten permanent servants.

Others include: Liu Zhang in Yizhou, Zhang Lu in Hanzhong, Liu Biao in Jingzhou, Han Fu in Jizhou, Tao Qian in Xuzhou, Yuan Shu in Nanyang and other local forces.

Among them is Sun Jian, the latest rise of the prefect of Changsha, who has gradually annexed Jiangdong at this time.Become a tiger entrenched in Jiangdong.

However, at this time, an unknown hero also began his wandering life.He is Liu Bei, the queen of King Jing of Zhongshan.Since the Yellow Turban Rebellion, he was appointed as the county captain of Anxi County.Later, the officials who became officials because of their meritorious service were eliminated by Sha, and Liu Bei had to seek refuge with Liu Hui, who hid him at home.

Soon after, Liu Yu of Youzhou conquered Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun.Liu Hui recommended him to Liu Yu.Liu Yu was very happy to see that he was from the royal family.Worshiped as the captain, he led the troops to raid the thief's den, and fought against the thief for several days, which made Zhang Chunrui frustrated, and the soldiers changed their minds. Later, he was killed by his subordinates.

Liu Yu showed his military achievements and was promoted to Gaotang Captain.Soon after, Gaotang was broken by thieves.Liu Bei then led his people to Gongsun Zan.Zan was a classmate with him, and he was once a teacher of Lu Zhi. He was overjoyed to see Liu Bei vote.He also played his former military exploits and defended the plains.

In August, the imperial court set up another army led by eight school lieutenants.Jian Shuo, a close friend of Emperor Ling, was in charge of the Shangjun Captain, Yuan Shao was in charge of the Zhongjun Captain, Cao Cao was in charge of the Dianjun Captain, and the other captains were careless.Cao Cao was appointed by the court again because of his family background.

At this time, Jian Shuo, who was the head of the eight school lieutenants, secretly recruited troops across the country.And Yuan Shao, a lieutenant in the Chinese Army, was not to be outdone.Recruit troops in Jizhou, Bingzhou and Changshan counties.Shi Yanliang and Wen Chou also led a group of people to join Yuan Shao.At this time, Zhao Yun already had a certain reputation in Changshan County.The two men came to invite Zhao Yun to join Yuan Shao.

When they saw Zhao Yun, Yan Liang said: "At that time, the court was incompetent, eunuchs were in power, and chaos in the world was expected. Why don't you and I take refuge in one master and achieve great fame in the future!"

Yun replied: "I am not a person in the world, and fame is like floating clouds to me." So they refused their request.

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