Major General's Journey through the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 17 Emperor Xian ascends the throne

Che Luan traveled for several miles, when he suddenly saw banners covering the sun and dust covering the sky, a group of men and horses came towards the young emperor, and everyone couldn't help being startled.After questioning, it was Dong Zhuo, the governor of Xiliang.Seeing his face full of flesh, the young emperor couldn't help being afraid.

King Chenliu saw Dong Zhuo sitting on the horse and looked at the crowd foolishly, so he said to him, "Are you here to escort or kidnap?"

Zhuo Ying said: "I'm here to escort you!"

"Since it's for escort, why don't you kneel when you see him now?"

Dong Zhuo hastily bowed down.Dong Zhuo saw that King Chenliu stood in front of him and remained calm in the face of danger, so he had the intention of abolishing the emperor.On that day, the young emperor was welcomed back to the palace.After seeing He, the emperor embraced and wept.In the inspection palace, the jade seal of the whole country was missing.

Dong Zhuo drove back to Beijing, and King Chen Liu ordered him to station troops outside the city.But since Dong Zhuo stationed troops outside the city, every day he entered and left the city gate, he was guarded by armored guards.It runs rampant in the city every day, and the people are panicked.But no one dared to dissuade him, and soon after, Dong Zhuo went in and out of the court even more unscrupulously.

Bao Xin, the lieutenant of the rear military academy, really didn't like it, so he came to see Yuan Shao.Then he said to Yuan Shaodao: "Dong Zhuo's power is growing and his ambitions are becoming more and more obvious. He must have the intention of abolishing the emperor and standing on his own. Now he can be eliminated quickly." But Yuan Shao rejected his suggestion on the grounds of the new imperial court.Seeing this, Bao Xin asked Situ Wang Yun to explain the matter.But Wang Yun also signaled to put the matter aside and discuss it later.Bao Xin knew that Dong Zhuo would make trouble soon, so he threw himself into Mount Tai.

The matter of the palace soon spread to Zhao Yun.Zhao Yun then said to Zhao Fan and Zuo Long: "General Gongsun didn't listen to me, but now Dong Zhuo has succeeded. I know that he will soon abolish the emperor and stand on his own, and all the heroes will oppose it. At that time, the people of insight in the world will unite to attack Dong Zhuo."

Zuo Long said: "General, where will we go then?"

Zhao Yundao: "I will hunt for thieves with General Gongsun when the time comes!"

"But General Gongsun doesn't use generals, so what can I do?"

"It shouldn't be difficult for us to go in the name of General Xia Houlan."

Zuo Long thought for a moment, then asked, "General, why don't you leave Gongsun Zan and go elsewhere?"

Zhao Fan also said: "I think Liu Bei thinks highly of the general in Pingyuan, why doesn't the general go and vote for him?"

Zhao Yundao: "Now is not the time. After Dong Zhuo is put down, we can discuss whether to stay or not."

"Yes, General!"

Soon after, Dong Zhuo took charge of He Jin's subordinates again, and his arrogance became even more arrogant.One day, he said that his counselor Li Ru discussed the abolition of the establishment.Li Ru also strongly agreed, and suggested that he do it as soon as possible.

Dong Zhuo listened to his words and confirmed his determination to abolish the emperor.But he was worried that some ministers would be against him, so he held a banquet to test the ministers.All the ministers came as agreed, after a few cups.Dong Zhuo proposed to abolish the emperor, but several ministers objected on the spot. Seeing this, Dong Zhuo executed those who disagreed with him on the spot.At that time, Situ Wangyun was also dissatisfied, but seeing that Dong Zhuo was in power now, it was useless to rebel, so he thought about it later.

At that time, Ding Yuan, the governor of Bingzhou, also clearly opposed it, but because his adopted son Lu Bu was by his side, he did not dare to attack him.

The next day, Ding Yuanhui Bingzhou launched an army to attack Dong Zhuo. Zhuo led his army to fight against Ding Yuan, but because of Lv Bu's bravery in fighting, Dong Zhuo's army was defeated.Seeing that Lv Bu was so brave, Dong Zhuo liked it very much, and thought about how to bring him into his account to serve him.Li Su under his tent had a deep friendship with Lu Bu, so he asked for orders to lobby Lu Bu.Li Su went to see Lu Bu with the dowry gift and the red rabbit horse, and then thought that he would explain the matter. Lu Bu was a man who ungrateful for profit, so he killed Ding Yuan and offered his head to Su.Dong Zhuo was very happy when he found out, and adopted him as his adopted son.Pay homage to Qi Duwei, Zhonglang General, and Dutinghou.

After Dong Zhuo got Lv Bu's help, he became even more powerful.The matter of abolishing the emperor is even more unscrupulous.Yuan Shao, the lieutenant of the Chinese military school, could not bear to see his rampant behavior, so he stood up to oppose the abolished emperor.Dong Zhuo didn't dare to attack him after seeing that he was the fourth generation and third prince.Shao Zhijian left.Dong Zhuo was afraid that Yuan Shao would change, so he made him the prefect of Bohai.After Yuan Shao left, no one dared to oppose the abolition of the emperor.

At the beginning of September, Dong Zhuo was promoted to the Jiade Palace, where a civil and military assembly was held to dethrone the emperor.After that, King Chenliu was established as the emperor, that is, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, and changed to Yuan Chuping.Dong Zhuo proclaimed himself the Prime Minister of the country, praised him without being famous, entered the court without kneeling, and walked on the sword in the palace, extremely majestic.

The news of the abolition of the emperor was reported to Gongsun Zan, and Zan yelled at "Dong thief", so he planned to lead his army to kill Dong Zhuo.But Xia Houlan persuaded: "Dong Zhuo is now in charge of the court, and the general is going here for the purpose of treason. The general should not act on his own will." Zan then endured his anger and gave up.

The news reached Zhao Yun, who then went to meet Gongsun Zan.Advise him to issue a call for thieves to all the princes in order to conspire to kill Dong Zhuo.However, Tian Kai retorted: "The general's announcement of the call for thieves at this time is not equivalent to the general's taking the lead in rebellion. At that time, the public will not be in danger!"

Gongsun Zan also felt that it was reasonable, so he ignored Zhao Yun's intention.Zhao Yun then withdrew.Zhao Yun thought that by helping Gongsun Zan to a high position, history would change by then.And he is not Zhao Yun, so he can go back.However, he found that his thoughts were in vain.

Within a few days, it was reported that Dong Zhuo ordered Li Ru to poison Empress He and the young emperor in Yongle Palace.But Dong Zhuo went in and out of the harem every night, raped and raped court ladies, and slept on the dragon bed every night.Do everything against the laws of nature and ethics, and do things that both humans and gods are angry with.

Yuan Shao, the prefect of Bohai, heard this, so he decided to send troops to fight against the thieves.So I wrote a secret letter to Wang Yun, hoping that he could plan to kill Dong Zhuo, and I would definitely come to help.Wang Yun got the book, so he wanted to discuss the matter with the ministers.But Dong Zhuo's supervision was very strict, and Wang Yun thought for a while to no avail.

The next day, Wang Yun finally thought of a plan, so he hosted a banquet for a group of former ministers under the hall on the grounds of celebrating his birthday.And Cao Cao also happened to be among them.After drinking for three rounds, Yun Ping retreated to the left and right.Then tell the truth.

After Cao Cao heard Wang Yun's cry, he clapped his hands and smiled and said that they are all incompetent people, and they only cry here secretly.Wang Yun asked why.Cao Cao replied that he would personally go to assassinate Dong Zhuo.No regrets whether you succeed or not.After hearing this, Wang Yun gave him a seven-star sword to help him kill the thief successfully.After the banquet, Cao Cao bid farewell to the officials and left.

The next day, Cao Cao went to see Dong Zhuo with a sword.Dong Zhuo asked him why he saw him.Cao Cao said it was just a gift of horses.Coincidentally, Xiliang horse breeds paid tribute.Dong Zhuo then asked his adopted son Lu Bu to go out to watch the horses.After a while, Cao Cao saw Dong Zhuo lying down with his back to him.So prepare to kill.However, Lu Bu just came back at this time.Cao Cao had an idea and knelt down to offer the knife.Then, on the pretext of trying a horse, he whipped and headed southeast, and went straight to his hometown Chenliu.

When Dong Zhuo found out, Cao Cao had already left the capital and headed for Qiao County.However, when Cao Cao passed through Zhongmu County, he was captured by the county magistrate Chen Gong.Chen Gong saw that he was ambitious and full of ambitions.So he abandoned his official position and followed him.When he went to Chenggao, he killed his uncle's family indiscriminately.Seeing his cruelty, Chen Gong abandoned him and left.

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