The man then told Zhao Yun about the situation.It turned out that Dong Zhuo moved his capital to Chang'an and burned the Luoyang Palace to the ground.All the heroes knew that the crusade against Dong Zhuo was meaningless.Even Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was taken to Chang'an by him.It is meaningless to win Sishui Pass and Hulao Pass now.So all the heroes went back, and the crusade alliance was declared disintegrated.

Zhao Yun thought about it, so he also ordered the Qinglong and White Tiger Guards to clean up and go back with the army.He then went to Liu Bei's tent.I saw that they were also preparing to leave.

Seeing Zhao Yun coming in, Liu Bei happily asked, "Zilong, where have you been these few days?"

"I went to Sishui Pass."

Liu Bei knew that Zhao Yun must have his own affairs to deal with, so he was inconvenient to ask in detail.So the two chatted about the crusade against Dong Zhuo.Both of them regretted for a while, but they returned without success.

Zhao Yun asked Liu Bei what his plan was.Liu Bei said silently, Gongsun Zan also let him serve as Pingyuan Commander.Zhao Yun knew that Gongsun Zan wanted Liu Bei to guard the plains in order to reject Yuan Shao.

Zhao Yun actually knew that Gongsun Zan had a grudge with Yuan Shao long ago.In addition, Yuan Shao stood on the side of his immediate boss Liu Yu.Therefore, Gongsun Zan wanted to drive Yuan Shao out of the north.So when Gongsun Zan was not in the alliance, he wanted to take Jizhou to counter Liu Yu and others.But because of Dong Zhuo's rebellion, he had to put the matter aside.Now that the covenant is dissolved, Gongsun Zan is thinking about taking Jizhou.

In the second year of Chuping, Gongsun Yue, the younger brother of Gongsun Zan, died at the hands of Yuan Shao.Gongsun Zan was furious and was about to attack, but everyone persuaded him to stop.But soon after, Yuan Shao took advantage of Gongsun Zan's crusade against the northern peoples, expelled Han Fu from Jizhou, and took Jizhou as herdsman.Gongsun Zan was so angry that he raised his army to take back Jizhou.

At that time, Zhao Yun was also in Gongsun Zan's army, and he was the captain of the partial army cavalry.Liu Bei also led his army to raise troops in the plains as a response.The two armies then confronted each other on the Pan River.After Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao argued in front of the bridge, Zan was defeated and attacked across the river first.

Zhao Yun was behind the army at this time and couldn't see clearly what was going on ahead.I saw people rushing to kill across the river.Zhao Yun followed suit.However, at this time, Gongsun Zan had disappeared.Zhao Yun rushed left and right.Suddenly, not far from the bridgehead, a group of Shaojun troops were attacking and killing Xia Houlan.Zhao Yun ordered Zuo Long and Zhao Fan to lead the army to rescue them.It didn't take a while to rescue Xia Houlan, and then came to Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun asked him where Gongsun Zan had gone.Xia Houlan replied that he had been defeated by Yuan Shao's two generals and now fled to the other side of the river.Zhao Yun thought about it, so he asked Xia Houlan to lead the army to meet him.And he took the two guards of Qinglong and Baihu to chase after him.

After a while, I saw Tian Kai under Gongsun Zan's tent leading several generals to fight with the first general of the Shao army, while Gongsun Zan beside him was in shock.Zhao Yun looked carefully, but it was Wen Chou who invited him to join the army a few years ago.Seeing that Tian Kai and several soldiers were defeated by Wen Chou one by one.Finally, he raised his sword and went towards Gongsun Zan, intending to take his head.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun leapt forward with his spear horizontally.He picked up Wen Chou's sword with a random shot.When Wen Chou looked at the general, he turned out to be General Zhao Yun, his fellow countryman.So they exchanged glances.Then they faced each other with swords and guns, and the two retreated while fighting.When they reached a deserted place, the two stopped their attack at the same time.

Wen Chou suddenly smiled and said, "General Zhao, why did you join Gongsun Zan?"

"Just following temporarily!"

"Yan Liang and I advised you to join Yuan Shao together, but you refused. Why do you serve Gongsun Zan now?"

"I have something to hide." Zhao Yun replied.

"Then you can vote for Yuan Shao now, and I will play the Ming lord and protect you as a general."

"I appreciate General Wen's kindness, but Yuan Shao is not a wise master who helps and saves the world. I advise you two brothers to retire!"

"Joke, we are now Yuan Shao's confidantes, how could we leave him."

"Since this is the case, I just hope that the two of you can take care of yourself in the future." Zhao Yun wanted to leave after speaking, knowing that history could not be changed because of him.

However, Wen Chou said: "Go back and persuade Gongsun Zan to go back. My lord doesn't want to be an enemy. Our common enemy is Dong Zhuo. I hope you can convince him. By then, our brothers won't have to meet each other on the battlefield." gone."

Zhao Yun thought for a while and said, "Now that Gongsun Zan has suffered a big defeat, it is impossible to stop here. I think that peace can only be made if both sides win or lose."

So, the two discussed for a while, and decided to let Gongsun Zan also win a big victory.Finally, try to make peace with them.At this time, only a sound of shouting and killing was heard from behind.It turned out that Liu Bei led the crowd to come, but now he is rushing.Wen Chou sees that the time has come.So he led the army to pretend to fight with Liu Bei's army for a while, and then fled.When meeting Yan Liang, Yan Liang asked him why he wanted to escape.Wen Chou then elaborated, and the two led the army back to their respective camps.

Zhao Yun then went to lobby Gongsun Zan to stop the war and make peace.But Zan refused to listen, and declared that he would take back Jizhou.The two then engaged in a tug-of-war, each winning or losing.

The battle between the two has reached the daylight stage.Dong Zhuo thought about this, so under the guise of the emperor's edict, he sent envoys to see Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao, hoping that the two families could make peace and please them.Zan finally decided to make peace, but he had to give up the land of Bohai to himself.Yuan Shao's strength at this time was not very strong, and he didn't dare to compete with Gongsun Zan, so he agreed to give up the land of Bohai to Gongsun Zan.And he leads Jizhou Mu.The two made peace temporarily.

Seeing that the two families made peace, Zhao Yun planned to go to Jizhou to visit Yan Liang and Wen Chou.But Tian Kai knew about it, so he told Gongsun Zan about it, framed Zhao Yun and planned to join Yuan Shao.Zan then forbade him to go to Jizhou.

After Zhao Yun found out, he was wondering secretly, wondering if they were going to war again.So he took Zuo Long and Zhao Fan to the street for a walk to relax.After an hour, return to the camp.When he passed by Tian Kai's camp.Suddenly, a woman's voice was heard inside.It seems to be rebelling against someone's abuse.

As soon as Zhao Yun heard the man's voice, he knew that he was Tian Kai.So he wanted to leave, because he didn't want to interfere with Tian Kai's affairs.Even if he was playing with women in his tent.But when he heard the woman's voice, he seemed to have heard it somewhere.So I approached his barracks and listened carefully for a while.

I only heard Tian Kai say: "Girl, if you obey me, I will take you to meet your sweetheart immediately."

However, the woman struggled and said: "Hey, you beast, you dare to lie to me, please let me out quickly, or I will let you know how powerful this girl is!"

"Oh, is that so, I'd like to see what you can do to me?" Tian Kai thought of "the overlord throws his bow hard" as he spoke, and acted frivolously towards the woman.

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