But no matter how he refused, General Zhang Zhen still insisted on letting him try it.And said that he was only asked to train a hundred special forces.Tested a year later.If he is qualified overall, he will be directly promoted to an important position in the Ministry of Defense after one year.

When Li Yunpeng heard it: No way, there will be such a good thing, could it be that the heavens have given me a big responsibility.He knew that this matter could no longer be refused, so he had no choice but to agree.Li Yunpeng is a person who likes to challenge himself, so he has to prove that he can do it!

After their discussion, General Zhang Zhen decided to let him go with him to the Chengdu Military Region.So let him go back and pack up his things, and then set off immediately.

A moment later, a Hongqi military vehicle stopped at the door of his dormitory.Instantly attracted the attention of many people, this car was actually General Zhang Zhen's car.After a while, I saw Li Yunpeng walking out of the gate with the things he had already packed.A military bag and a suitcase.He saw where General Zhang Zhen's car was parked, and his driver was already there waiting for him to come out.At this time, seeing Li Yunpeng coming out, he immediately stepped forward and put his luggage into the trunk of the car.

Li Yunpeng got into the car afterwards, and General Zhang Zhen was already waiting in the car.At this moment, everyone cast envious eyes.However, Li Yunpeng looked serious.The car drove away from the military academy quickly, and Li Yunpeng couldn't help looking back at the academy again, as if he had a lot of reluctance.

Half an hour later, the car drove into the air base of the Beijing Military Region.Li Yunpeng and his grandfather have entered the military area several times.So don't be surprised.Soon the car stopped.Li Yunpeng stepped out of the car and saw a military helicopter parked there.At this time, General Zhang Zhen pulled him onto the helicopter, and then signaled the pilot to take off.

Since Li Yunpeng studied Army campaign command, he rarely had contact with the Air Force.So he was flying a military helicopter for the first time.After the plane took off, it headed towards Chengdu.

A few hours later, the helicopter landed at Chengdu Air Force Base.General Liao Xilong, commander of the Chengdu Military Region, had been waiting for Zhang Zhen's arrival.After General Zhang Zhen got off the plane, he immediately went up to give Commander Liao a hug, and then exchanged pleasantries.

Afterwards, General Zhang Zhen introduced Commander Liao to Li Yunpeng.Li Yunpeng saluted him with a military salute.Then he introduced to Commander Liao: "This is the Li Yunpeng I mentioned to you, the top graduate of this year's National Defense University."

Commander Liao shook hands with him with a smile, and said, "So you are the young Major Li. I hope you can show your talent in the military region."

"I will definitely do my best!"

Both Commander Liao and General Zhang smiled, and then patted him on the shoulder.Then he asked someone to take Li Yunpeng down.And Zhang Zhen went to talk to Commander Liao.

Let's say that Li Yunpeng came to the army training base with an entourage of Commander Liao, and was then placed in an officer's suite.Li Yunpeng took a look at the facilities inside. There were computer desks, a frame bed, several cabinets, a sofa, several chairs, and a bookshelf.All the things and bedding are equipped in the army, and the room is cleaned cleanly.Li Yunpeng thought to himself: It seems that they have already arranged accommodation for themselves.So as soon as he put the things away, he looked at the training ground outside from the balcony.

Today, there happened to be a group of recruits joining the army, so it was very lively outside.One moment is the sound of neat footsteps, and the other moment is the sound of loud military songs.Li Yunpeng has experienced such a life a long time ago, so now it seems that he can't help but recall his previous life.

At this moment, General Zhang Zhen called him and asked him to have dinner with him in the restaurant of the military headquarters.Li Yunpeng then left his dormitory.However, where is the canteen in such a large military region?

Just as he was thinking, General Zhang Zhen's car arrived.The driver told him to get in the car and go to the dining hall.Li Yunpeng got into the car without saying a word.After a while, they came to a place where soldiers were densely packed, and saw them coming in and out.Take a closer look and have arrived at the dining hall.The driver said that General Zhang Zhen was waiting for him in the restaurant on the second floor.

Li Yunpeng got out of the car and went up to the second floor.I saw General Zhang and Commander Liao waiting for him there.Li Yunpeng leaned over and gave a military salute.Commander Liao told him to take a seat quickly.After the meal, General Zhang Zhen said: "Yunpeng, Commander Liao has selected a hundred fourth-rank non-commissioned officers for you. They all joined the army very early, so their qualifications are higher than yours, and some of them are younger than you. bigger than you."

"I will definitely train them to be the best special forces!" Li Yunpeng said confidently.

"Listen to me!" General Zhang Zhen told Li Yunpeng the details after speaking.It turned out that they were all outstanding talents among non-commissioned officers.Some of them are proficient in communication, some in network, some in geography, some in physics, some in chemistry, some in history, some in blasting...

When Li Yunpeng heard this, he couldn't help but be happy, because these are the necessary talents to build a top special forces.But General Zhang Zhen worried that he would not be able to tame these "old fritters".After all, he is a fresh graduate, and his qualifications and experience are not very deep.

However, Li Yunpeng said he has a way to tame them.General Zhang saw how confident he was, so he asked him to go to the army drill ground at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Commander Liao had already told them to gather there tomorrow.

In the end, Commander Liao told him quietly that this special force was secretly trained by the state, code-named "Tiger Wolf Team", and after the training was completed, it would be directly deployed to the South China Sea to guard the territory.So he hoped that Li Yunpeng would not tell this matter.After the task is completed, transfer him directly to the Ministry of Defense.

Li Yunpeng asked, wondering when the higher-ups would send someone to come for the assessment.General Zhang Zhen replied that after a year someone will come for the assessment.As for how to assess, he will naturally know when the time comes.

After Li Yunpeng finished listening, he went back alone.It was dark when he returned to his residence.After that, I took a copy of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" on the bookshelf and read it.Reading is a habit that Li Yunpeng has developed.Whenever he is free, the first thing he thinks of is reading.That's why he graduated from the National Defense University with honors.A few hours later, he lay in bed and fell asleep.

At eight o'clock the next morning, Li Yunpeng was waiting for their arrival on the training ground in ordinary military uniform.The reason why he didn't wear the instructor's uniform was because he wanted to spy on who they were.

Half an hour later, people were seen coming over one after another.Li Yunpeng greeted them briefly, then stood aside and watched them.They have different personalities, some are quiet, some are cheerful, some are cheerful...

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