Let's say the next day, Gongsun Zan and Tian Kai defeated Yuan Shao and returned.At this time, Gongsun Zan was even more greedy for profit, and ordered Tian Kai to lead his army to directly press Yuan Shao's army in Ji County.When Yuan Shao heard that Gongsun Zan's reinforcements had arrived, he couldn't help becoming worried. He was about to capture Yi Jing, but now he was defeated by Gongsun Zan.So he discussed the matter with his subordinates, Tian Feng said: "We can trust Liu He and let him attack Beiping County behind Gongsun Zan, so that he can't look after each other. At that time, Gongsun Zan will definitely lead the army back to rescue, and then the lord will take advantage of the momentum to pursue , will definitely defeat the enemy." Yuan Shao followed his words and made the envoy trust Liu He.

After Liu He received the letter from Yuan Shao, he ordered Xian Yufu to lead an army of [-] to attack Beiping County.Gongsun Zan was in the joy of victory when he suddenly reported: "Xian Yufu led an army of [-] to attack Beiping County!" Gongsun Zan was stunned by his joy when he heard this.Then he became angry: "Damn Liu He, he even cooperated with the northern Japanese pirates to attack. I will destroy the three tribes!" So he ordered Tian Kai to lead an army of [-] to help Beiping, and then he returned.

However, Xia Houlan remonstrated: "My lord, if you go back now, Yuan Shao will lead an army to attack me, and then my lord will be attacked on both sides!"

"Beiping is my base, there is nothing to lose, please stop persuading me!" Gongsun Zan replied.

Seeing this, Xia Houlan discussed the matter with Zhao Yun.After Zhao Yun heard this, he asked Xia Houlan how Gongsun Zan treated the Black Mountain bandits.Xia Houlan replied that because Gongsun Zan wanted to exterminate the ethnic minorities in frontier troubles, he was unable to pay attention to the Black Mountain Army in Youzhou.

After hearing this, Zhao Yun said: "If this is the case, we can use the Black Mountain Army to lead the army to stop Yuan Shao's attack."

"But is there any way to get them to help us?"

"The Black Mountain Army is a group of bandits. If you give them a little favor, they will naturally come to help Gongsun Zan."

Xia Houlan followed her words, so she discussed the matter with Gongsun Zan.Gongsun Zan also thought it was a good way.So Tian Kai was sent to lobby Zhang Yan, the leader of the Black Mountain Army. Zhang Yan agreed to Gongsun Zan's request, and told Tian Kai that when Yuan Shao attacked his rear, he would attack Yuan Shao together under the pretext of raising fire.Tian Kai thanked him and returned.

However, one of Zhang Yan's tents was Yan Liang's younger brother Yan Zhong. After learning about this, he informed Yan Liang.After Yan Liang knew about this, he immediately went to see Yuan Shao to discuss the matter together.After Yuan Shao learned of this, he was even more surprised, so he rewarded Yan Liang heavily.Then discuss the countermeasures with the counselors.In the end Yuan Shao decided to use his tricks to lure Gongsun Zan out.

Let's say that Tian Kai led the army to rescue Beiping County, and Gongsun Zan personally led the army to end the rear.And Zhang Yan also led the army to come.Yuan Shao heard that Gongsun Zan returned to Beiping overnight.So Ling Wenchou led thousands of troops to attack Gongsun Zan's rear with great fanfare.Gongsun Zan thought it was Yuan Shao's army attacking, so he set up camp in Yijing to resist.Wait for Zhang Yan to lead the army to attack Yuan Shao together.

At the middle of the night, several torches were suddenly raised in the direction of the southeast corner of Yi Jing.Gongsun Zan thought it was Zhang Yan's army coming, so he ordered the whole army to attack Yuan Shao.Xia Houlan thought to herself at this moment: Why did Zhang Yanjun arrive so soon?So he remonstrated with Gongsun Zan, "My lord, I think this matter is strange, let the last general go out of the city to find out what's going on, and then march forward."

"If you go out of the city to visit, don't you expose your strategy." Gongsun Zan ordered the three armies to go out of the city to attack Yuan Shao's army.I saw a group of them attacking Wen Chou's army.When Wen Chou saw the enemy approaching, he only fought them once, then retreated.Gongsun Zan then led his army in pursuit.At this time, he heard the sound of killing in the southeast again, Gongsun Zan thought it was Zhang Yanjun who came to join him, so he rushed straight to the enemy's line.However, when the shouting approached, Gongsun Zan realized that it was not Zhang Yan's army, but Yuan Shao's army.When Gongsun Zan saw it, he knew it was a trick, so he shouted: "Quickly withdraw, quickly withdraw!"

But Gongsun Zan knew it was too late to be fooled at this time, and saw Yan Liang leading the army to attack him.Gongsun Zan was pinched back and forth, and was about to die under Yan Liang's sword.However, Xia Houlan suddenly came with an army and intercepted Yan Liang.Under the desperate protection of his subordinates, Gongsun Zan was able to escape back to Yijing City.However, the army at this time was running out.He couldn't help but regret not listening to Xia Houlan's words.So he ordered to stick to it.

Zhang Yan heard that Gongsun Zan had been defeated, and knew that his strategy had been leaked.So he led his army back overnight.After Zhao Yun heard that Gongsun Zan was defeated and fled back to Yijing City, he said, "It's God's will!" Xia Houlan didn't know what he meant, so she asked the reason.At this time, Zhao Yun was still holding on to the last ray of hope, hoping that Gongsun Zan could make peace with Liu He and others so as to keep his rear.However, at this moment, a flying horse meteor reported: "Liu He has captured Beiping County, and General Tian Kai has died in battle!" Even Zhao Yun's last hope was shattered.He thought for a while, and then said to Xia Houlan, "Go back and persuade Gongsun Zan to go south and surrender to Cao Cao, or to surrender elsewhere!"

Xia Houlan followed her words, so she went to meet Gongsun Zan, but at this time, Gongsun Zan had already stuck to the inner city and didn't want to see anyone.Yuan Shao heard that he was sticking to the inner city, so he ordered to attack the city.However, Gongsun Zan's inner city walls are strong and there is sufficient food and grass.After several days of onslaught, Yuan Shao still failed to capture the inner city of Yijing.Later, Yuan Shao's counselor, Jupei, remonstrated: "Gongsun Zan is currently storing grain and sticking to the inner city. A strong attack may not be possible. For the present plan, the only way to go straight to the inner city is to dig a secret path, which is the best policy!"

Yuan Shao followed his words, so he ordered the soldiers to dig a tunnel to the inner city overnight.Xia Houlan wanted to rush into the city to persuade Gongsun Zan to go south and join Cao Cao.But Yuan Shao surrounded the inner city tightly, and Xia Houlan repeatedly tried to rush in, but to no avail.Zhao Yun signaled Xia Houlan not to waste his efforts in vain. At this time, Gongsun Zan had become a battle of trapped beasts, and he was defeated in the end.

A few days later, Yuan Shao entered the inner city.Gongsun Zan knew that he had no way out.So he killed his wife, children, and finally set himself on fire.When the news reached Xiahoulan, Xiahoulan was very sad, so she wanted to raise her sword to kill herself.However, it was stopped by Zhao Yun.Zhao Yunyan said that his father still had to take care of him, so he couldn't just die like this.Let Xiahoulan hear this recipe.So he bid farewell to Zhao Yun and went to Zhaojiazhuang.Since then, Yuan Shao has owned You, Bing, Qing, Hebei and other places in the north.

Let's say that Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan fought fiercely in Yijing.After Cao Cao heard the news, he knew that Yuan Shao would eventually win the northern land, and at that time, he would take advantage of the momentum and go south to capture his own Xuchang.Cao Cao realized this.So he was thinking about how to deal with Yuan Shao's attack.

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