At that time, Lu Bu believed that there was enough food and grass, and there was the danger of Surabaya, so he closed the city gate to defend himself, and had no intention of fighting again.He wanted to wait for Cao Jun to attack when he was exhausted.Cao Cao led his troops to surround Xiapi City.

Cao Cao attacked Xiapi for two months without success, and was distressed.At this time, it was heard that Lu Bu wanted to ask Yuan Shu for help.Cao Cao knew that once Yuan Shu came, the two months of siege would be in vain.So think about a quick battle and take down Xiapi.

Guo Jia and Xun Yu had already seen Cao Cao's intentions.I just heard Guo Jia say, "I have a plan to break down Picheng, which is better than a hundred thousand troops!" Xun Yu said with a smile, "Could it be that the water from Jueyi and Si flooded Picheng?" Guo Jia nodded in agreement.

When Cao Cao heard this, he was overjoyed, so he immediately ordered his soldiers to divert the water from the two rivers into Xiapi.Cao Bing sat on the high ground and watched the flood flood into Xiapi.Several hours later, all the gates of Xiapi City were flooded, leaving only the higher east gate without water.Cao Cao led heavy troops to guard the gate.

When the water flooded into Xiapi, Lu Bu had already been reported.But Lu Bu relied on the abundance of food and grass in the city and the red rabbit and horse as his support, so he didn't care, and continued his life of drinking and sex.At that time, Chen Gong tried to persuade him several times, but to no avail.

One day, Lu Bu realized the seriousness of the matter when he found himself drunk and depressed.So the ban on alcohol was promulgated and the military horses were reorganized.

Not long after, the general Hou Cheng brewed a few dendrobium wine to celebrate because of his meritorious service in protecting the horse, and wanted to share it with Lu Bu.Lu Bu was furious when he heard the words, so he ordered Hou Cheng to be executed.Later, Song Xian, Wei Xu and others pleaded for forgiveness, and they were pardoned and changed to one hundred sticks.

The three of them resented Lu Bu, so they discussed to join Cao Cao.The three of them made up their minds.So Hou Cheng stole his red rabbit horse and surrendered to Cao Cao.He also said that Cao Cao, Song Xian, and Wei Xu were also willing to offer the East Gate in secret as an internal response.

Cao Cao was overjoyed, so he ordered the generals to go down and take care of everything.At five o'clock the next day, Hou Chengzao negotiated with Cao Cao to secretly dedicate the white flag to the east gate of Pi.At this moment, the east gate was slowly opened.Cao Cao gave an order, and the generals rushed into the east gate.Lu Bu heard that Cao soldiers had entered the city, so he wanted to mount his horse to defend against the enemy.Only then did he realize that his red rabbit horse had been stolen by Hou Cheng.So he chose a horse at random to meet the enemy.

The two armies fought from Pingming to Zhongzhong. Cao Cao saw that Lu Bu could be so powerful even without a red rabbit and horse, so he led his army to retreat temporarily.To discuss with Wei Xu and Song Xian how to combine internal and external.But at this time, Xia Houyuan came to report: "Lu Bu has been captured by Song Xian, Wei Xu and others on the east gate!" Cao Cao was very happy when he heard this.So he led his army into the city.

It turned out that Lu Bu saw Cao Jun retreating a little that day, so he wanted to sit down on the city gate to rest.I don't want to fall asleep.Seeing this, Song Xian and Wei Xu secretly took away Lu Bu's Fang Tian painting halberd.Then he took a tendon rope and tied up Lu Bu who was sleeping soundly.When Lu Bu woke up, he saw Song Xian and Wei Xu tied him up.Furious, and then wanted to break free and run away.However, Song Xian and Wei Xu firmly pushed him to the ground.After that, he asked his tribe to open the gates of various cities and lead Cao's army into the city.The city of Xiapi was declared broken.

Xia Houyuan led the army into the city and saw Song Xian and Wei Xu escorting Lu Bu.Overjoyed, he sued Cao Cao.Cao Cao then led Liu Bei and others into Xiapi City, and went out to comfort the people.Afterwards, they ordered Lu Bu, Chen Gong, Gao Shun, and Zhang Liao to be escorted.Cao Cao heard Lu Bu yelling along the way: "The binding is too tight, please ease it!"

Cao Cao said: "How can the tiger be relaxed!"

Lu Bu said, "Meng De, why do you treat your old friend like this?"

Cao Cao laughed and said, "How do you want me to treat you?"

"If Meng De is willing to take me in, then you and I will fight the world together, there is no reason for injustice."

Cao Cao said to Liu Bei, "What is Lu Bu's wish?"

Liu Bei said at this time: "Did you forget Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo?"

"What Xuande said is true!"

Chen Gong on the side saw Lu Bu beseeching Cao Cao so servilely.Said with a sarcasm, "If you can listen to my words, how can you be defeated?"

Lu Bu was dumbfounded, speechless.Cao Cao looked at Chen Gong and said, "Gongtai abandoned me that day, are you willing to surrender now?"

Chen Gong pointed to Lu Bu and said, "I hate Shuzi for not listening to my plan!" As he said, he jumped off the building and died, but it was too late for Cao Cao to stop him.So people buried Chen Gong generously.

Lu Bu wanted to ask Liu Bei for help again, but to no avail.Zhang Liao shouted at this time: "Death is dead, so why worry about it." Cao Cao heard that Zhang Liao was loyal, so he was brought under his command.

Cao Cao finally said to Lu Bu: "You are a capricious person, if you keep it, it will be a disaster!" After saying this, he had Lu Bu hanged to death in front of the White Gate Tower.The Ministry beheaded Gao Shun and others to show the public.The poor tiger and wolf in troubled times disappeared in the long river of history.

The next day, Cao Cao's squadron returned to the court and ordered Che Zhou to lead Xuzhou Mu.

Liu Bei returned to the court with Cao Cao, and Cao Cao performed his meritorious service.After Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty saw that he was a relative of the Han family, he wanted to win over and fight against Cao Cao, so he called him "Uncle Emperor".Cao Cao read this, for fear that Liu Bei would threaten him.

When the plums were ripening, Cao Cao suddenly thought of a trick and wanted to test Liu Bei.So Liu Bei was invited to the village to taste plum wine together.Cao Cao asked Liu Bei who is the hero in today's world.Liu Bei answered several of the heroes who currently occupy one side in a row.However, Cao Cao disagreed.In the end, Liu Bei could only refuse to know.Cao Cao finally said: "The only heroes in the world are the emperor and Cao Er!" Liu Bei was shocked when he heard this.Just as there was thunder, the chopsticks in Liu Bei's hands fell down in surprise.Seeing this, Cao Cao explained his doubts to Liu Bei.

The next day, news of Gongsun Zan's death of Yi Jing reached Liu Bei. Liu Bei was so sad that he knelt down in pain.At this time, I thought of Zhao Yun who I hadn't seen for several years, and wondered how he is now.

Liu Bei stayed up all night that night.Liu Bei knew that staying in Xudu would be bad luck, so he thought to himself how to leave Xudu.Coincidentally, Yuan Shu, who was defeated in Runan, wanted to go north to Yuan Shao and present his jade seal.Liu Bei then asked for orders to intercept Yuan Shu and prevent him from joining Yuan Shao.Cao Cao followed his words, and then ordered his generals to lead [-] infantry and cavalry to Xuzhou to stop Yuan Shu.Liu Bei was named the main general at this time, but he had been emptied by Cao Cao.Liu Bei didn't want this, as long as he left Xudu by himself.So he led the army away.At this time, Liu Bei has come out of the cage like a tiger, and the dragon has entered the abyss, and he is very happy.

Guo Jia heard this, so he remonstrated with Cao Cao and said, "Release my lord to Liu Bei, how is it different from letting a tiger go back to the mountain?"

Cao Cao just had an epiphany, and he couldn't help but feel a little regretful.But Liu Bei had led his army out for a long time, Cao Cao thought about this, so he ordered Xu Chu to chase Liu Bei back.Xu Chu and others caught up and wanted Liu Bei to go back.But Guan Yu, who was on the side, said: "My eldest brother is ordered to go to Yuan Shu, and he dare not be in debt to the emperor. At this time, there is no imperial order to recall him, so I may not be able to defy him." Zhang Fei also held his spear at the side, ready to fight.Xu Chu had no choice but to go back and report.

Let's say that Liu Bei led his army to stop Yuan Shu who passed by Xuzhou, and his army was defeated.Yuan Shu died of illness a few days after his defeat.The jade seal was captured by Yuan Yin, Yuan Shu's nephew, and was later intercepted and killed by Xu Qi, and dedicated to Cao Cao. Since then, the jade seal has belonged to Cao Cao.

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