Zhao Yun thought about this, and immediately discussed the matter with Zuo Long and others.Zhao Yun didn't want to put Qian Shun to death, but now he had to make another plan.Zhao Yun learned from Wang Fuxiang that Qian Shun and Zhou Cang led troops to guard both sides of Wo Niu Mountain.Thinking about this, Zhao Yun suddenly came up with a plan.So let Zuo Long and Zhao Fan go down to prepare for this matter.

At dawn the next day, thick smog filled the vicinity of Wo Niu Mountain.A few meters away, nothing can be seen.At this moment, Zhao Fan and Zuo Long led the Qinglong and White Tiger Guards down Wo Niu Mountain respectively.

Someone had already reported it to Qian Shun and Zhou Cang.Qian Shun and Zhou Cang thought it was Zhao Yun who led the crowd out of the valley.So they led their troops to attack.

Zhao Fan led the Azure Dragon Guards to attack Qian Shun. After Qian Shun fought with him for a while, Zhao Fan pretended to be invincible, and then turned back.Qian Shun led his army to pursue, and Zhao Fan saw this, so he ordered the Qinglong Guard to shoot the pursuers with bows and arrows.Qian Shun couldn't see the situation ahead, so he asked his subordinates to fight back with bows and arrows.

And Zuo Long led the White Tiger Guards to attack Zhou Cang, and Zhou Cang also brought his bandits to chase after him.Zuo Long also used the same method to attack Zhou Cang with a bow and arrow, but Zhou Cang did not dare to rush in, and also used a bow and arrow to fight back.

At this time, Zhao Fan and Zuo Long had already returned to the valley.Qian Shun and Zhou Cang did not dare to pursue, so they used bows and arrows to defend Taniguchi.As they lined up on both sides of the valley, at this moment, the two were shooting at each other.

Moments later, both of them suffered heavy casualties.Qian Shun first stopped shooting, and after a while, the opponent also stopped attacking.When Qian Shun thought about it, he knew it was a trick.So I wanted to go to find out the truth.However, Zhao Yun suddenly rode forward at this moment, and stabbed Qian Shun to death with a single shot.Then he shouted: "It's not good, General Qian was killed by Zhou Cang!" Then he rode away.

At this point, the smoke has gradually dissipated.Zhou Cang also knew that he had been tricked, so he wanted to step forward to find out the truth.Hearing that Qian Shun was killed by himself at this time, he couldn't help but be shocked.Then he went looking for the sound, and suddenly saw Qian Shun lying in a pool of blood.At this time, Qian Shun's followers also came looking for the sound, and saw that Qian Shun was dead, and Zhou Cang was standing beside him.

Seeing this, one of the generals immediately said angrily: "Zhou Cang, you are a foodie, thanks to our generals treating you like a brother, I didn't expect you to kill me next time!" Then he led everyone to rush towards Zhou Cang gangsters.However, Zhoucang's bandits usually only know how to rob houses, and have not undergone any strict training.At this time, facing Qian Shun's troops rushed over and were defeated in an instant.So Zhou Cang had no choice but to take his remnants to another place.But Qian Shun's followers saw that their chief general was dead, so they had no choice but to bring his body back to Yanliang's barracks.Yan Liang asked who killed Qian Shun, and his guard replied that he was killed by Zhou Cang.Thinking of this, Yan Liang had no choice but to give up.

Zhao Yun saw that the besieging soldiers had retreated, so he wanted to go to Liu Bei.But Wang Fuxiang said: "Now that the Cao and Yuan armies are at war, it may be very difficult for you to go to Xuzhou now. Why don't you recruit troops here and join Liu Bei in the future? Wouldn't it be better?"

When Zhao Yun thought about it, he felt that Wang Fuxiang was right.So hundreds of people were secretly recruited here as a reserve army to guard the mountain.And ordered Zuo Long to train them secretly.

Besides, Cao Cao returned from Liyang to Xudu to raise food.However, after several days, there is still not much progress.At this time, there was news that Liyang had been captured by Yuan Shao. At this time, Yuan Shao was dividing his troops to attack the two fortresses of Yanjin and Baima.When Cao Cao heard this, he was even more worried.If the white horse is broken, Guandu City will be in danger.

At this time, Guo Jia also just came back from the front line.Cao Cao immediately discussed the matter with him.Guo Jiadao: "My lord, if you want to solve the problem of food and grass, there is a place that can provide it."

Cao Cao thought for a while, and then asked: "Xuzhou, Liu Bei?"

Guo Jia nodded, and then said: "Liu Bei's occupation of Xuzhou will sooner or later be a trouble for the lord's confidant. This matter can quickly capture Xuzhou, and then we can kill two birds with one stone!" Hearing this, Cao Cao suddenly realized.So he immediately summoned civil servants and generals to attack Xuzhou directly.On the one hand, Liu Yan, the general of the white horse, was ordered to guard the city and not to fight.

Liu Bei heard that Cao Cao led the army to attack Xuzhou, Xiaopei and Xiapi, and wanted to ask Yuan Shao for help.But Yuan Shao was dividing his troops to attack Yanjin and Baima at this time, so he had no time to lead his army to rescue them.Thinking of this, Liu Bei knew that he had no choice but to fight Cao Cao.So he discussed with his subordinates about breaking Cao.At this time, Sun Qian suggested: "Cao Cao led the army from afar, and the soldiers are tired. It is better to attack Cao Ying tonight!"

Guan Yu said: "I used this strategy to defeat Liu Dai's army before, and I will use it again. I'm afraid it will be fruitless."

Liu Bei laughed and said: "Otherwise, one plan and two uses are also in the art of war." So according to his words, he ordered Zhang Fei to lead Xiaopei's army and horses to attack Cao Ying at night with him.Guan Yu guarded his family in Xiapi.

However, Cao Cao knew that Liu Bei had won the night attack on Liu Dai's camp, so he pretended to be tired and set up an ambush to wait for Liu Bei and Zhang Fei to come.That night, Liu Bei led the army and saw that Cao Cao's camp was quiet, and several soldiers at the gate of the camp had already shown signs of fatigue.Seeing this, Liu Bei gave an order, and all the soldiers rushed into Cao Jun's camp.But the camps were found to be empty.Liu Bei thought of this and knew that he had hit the trick, so he ordered the soldiers to retreat.But Cao Cao's generals suddenly appeared from all sides.Liu Bei's army was in chaos for a while, and countless people trampled on each other.Liu Bei was also able to escape under the desperate escort of Zhang Fei.

Cao Cao defeated Liu Bei's army, and countless surrenders were accepted.Liu Bei and Zhang Fei had no choice but to vote for Yuan Tan in Qingzhou.Guan Yu was trapped in Xiapi, but after all he was alone and alone, and the two wives were still in Xiapi, and finally fell to the Han Dynasty.After Guan Yu made an agreement with Cao Cao for three chapters, he temporarily lived in Cao Cao's place.Cao Cao cherished his talent, so he asked Guan Yu and his party to follow him back to Xudu.It is intended to keep Liu Bei's two wives, so as to keep Guan Yu.

In addition, Liu Bei went to Qingzhou, and the governor of Qingzhou was Yuan Shao's eldest son Yuan Tan.Yuan Tan and Liu Bei have a deep friendship, so they reported to Yuan Shao overnight, and Yuan Shao was overjoyed when he learned about it.The next day, Liu Bei went to Yecheng to join Yuan Shao.Yuan Shao had long heard that Liu Bei had come to surrender, so he went out of the city two hundred miles to pick Liu Bei up.After that, the two went to the front line together.A few days later, Yuan Shao led the main force to station troops tens of miles away from Baima, and Liu Bei and others were also in the army.Yuan Shao learned that Yan Liang, who was besieging the white horse, was attacking the city with a ladder, and within a few days, the white horse could be captured.Yuan Shao was overjoyed, and sent people to reward Yan Liang.

At this time, Cao Cao conquered a batch of grain and grass in Xuzhou, and immediately sent to the front line.He also personally led an army at Guandu to confront Yuan Shao's main force, and Guan Yu also joined the army to fight.Let's say that Cao Cao had just arrived at Guandu, and he received an emergency document from the white horse.

Seeing this, Cao Cao led his army to confront Yuan Shao.I saw that Yuan Jun's morale was high at this time, his arrogance was high, and he had sufficient food and grass.Cao Cao knew not to confront him head-on.So he set up a camp to resist Yuan Jun, and waited for work with ease.

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