Let's say that after Cao Cao defeated Liu Pi and Gong Du, he retreated to Xu Capital to think of ways to defeat the enemy.Within a few days, the front line reported that food and grass were in short supply.Cao Cao had no choice but to ask people to raise food.At this time, Guo Jiajin said: "Yuan Shao wants to instigate against Liu Pi and others to attack the rear of our army. We can also use the leader of the Black Mountain Army, Zhang Yan, to attack the rear."

"I don't know what the public has planned?"

"My lord, why don't you recruit Zhang Yan in the name of the imperial court, so that he can attack Yuan Shao's rear of Jizhou!"

"If it weren't for the public statement, I would have forgotten it!" So he immediately sent someone to Zhang Yan with the edict.Worship him as General Pingbei to attack Yuan Shao's Jizhou.

In addition, Yuan Shao retreated to Yangwu to rectify morale and wait for opportunities.On this day, Yuan Shao was inspecting the barracks.Suddenly it was reported: "Runan Liu Pi has led the army to meet the general." Yuan Shao was overjoyed when he heard this.So he planned to send a general to help Liu Pi.But after thinking about it, I don't know who to send.

Liu Bei heard the words at this time, so he discussed the matter with Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and others.Suddenly it was reported: "A person outside the tent asked to see the general." Liu Bei didn't know who it was, so he went out of the tent to meet him.As soon as he arrived at the gate of the camp, he saw Sun Qian.Overjoyed, so welcome into the account.At this time, Sun Qian said anxiously: "General Guan is now in Runan, and now he is about to meet with the lord."

Liu Bei said anxiously: "But Yun Chang beheaded two of Yuan Shao's favorite generals, and now they come to conspire with each other, I'm afraid something will happen." Zhao Yun said: "General, why don't you take this opportunity to ask for orders to occupy Ruyang, so that you can attack Cao's army when you advance, and you can rely on you when you retreat. Liu Biao."

Upon hearing this, Liu Bei immediately recommended himself to Yuan Shao, willing to lead his army to Runan to assist Liu Pi.Yuan Shao Xuzhi, so Liu Bei led an army of [-] to Runan to help Liu Pi.Liu Bei was ordered to leave.

A few days later, before Liu Bei arrived in Runan, he heard that Liu Pi was defeated by Guan Yu.Liu Bei heard the words, so he hurried to Runan, so he hurriedly asked people to meet Guan Yu with faith.I went to Ruyang in person.However, when Guan Yu defeated Liu Pi, he was recalled to Xudu by Cao Cao.Therefore, Liu Bei's letter has not yet arrived, and Guan Yu has returned to Xudu.

Liu Bei marched into Runan and met Liu Pi.Sun Qian introduced Liu Bei to Liu Pi.Just when Liu Bei joined forces with Liu Pi, Jizhou behind Yuan Shao was also attacked by Zhang Yan of the Black Mountain Army.Thinking of this, Yuan Shao hated Cao Cao very much, so he ordered Gao Gan and Lu Xiang to lead the army back to encircle Zhang Yan, while he himself led the army to attack Guandu.

Cao Cao heard in Xudu that Yanjin was broken, Yuan Shao led his army to attack Guandu, and his own food and grass were not enough, which caused the army's morale to be turbulent.Cao Cao had no choice but to behead the grain officer on trumped-up charges to stabilize the morale of the army.He personally led an army of [-] to rescue Guandu.

Yuan Shao heard that Cao Cao was coming, so he repeatedly called people out to fight.But Cao Cao insisted that Guandu could not be reached, waiting for the opportunity.Yuan Shao saw that Cao Cao could not hold out.So he wanted to dig a secret passage into the city, but was seen through by Cao Cao.Yuan Shao ordered the ladders to be brought in to attack Guandu.Seeing this, Cao Cao hurriedly summoned his subordinates to discuss the matter.Xun You said at this time: "Although our army is brave, our army is short of food and grass. The most important thing is to fight quickly, but Yuan Jun is just the opposite. If we can cut off his food and grass, our army will definitely defeat Yuan Shao."

"What you said is true, but how do we know where Yuan Shao's food is hidden?"

When Cao Cao said that, everyone was silent for a while.At this time, one person reported that a suspicious person was captured.After asking, I found out that it was Yuan Shao's spy.Cao Cao learned from him that Yuan Shao's general Han Meng transported food to the front line every day, and he was the spy sent by Han Meng.Cao Cao was overjoyed when he heard the news, so he ordered Xu Huang to lead his army to burn Han Meng's food and grass.

When Yuan Shao learned that Han Meng's food and grass had been burned, he was furious and wanted to kill Han Meng.But everyone pleads for mercy, just stop.Yuan Shao saw that the food and grass had been burned this time, so he ordered the distribution of Wuchao's food to the soldiers.At this time, Yuan Shao's counselor Jian Pei said: "Wuchao is an important place for military supplies, my lord must send heavy troops to guard it, so that nothing will be lost."

Yuan Shao asked Chunyu Qiong to guard Wuchao.Chunyu Qiong was ordered to leave.But Xu You, who was under the account, knew that Chunyu Qiong had a fondness for wine.So Jin advised him not to let him guard Wuchao.But Yuan Shao didn't listen.Seeing this, Xu You knew that Yuan Shao must be defeated by Cao Cao.So he left the camp that day and went to Cao Cao.

When Cao Cao heard that Xu You had come to vote, he was overjoyed, so he walked out to meet him.Cao Cao finally learned from Xu You that Yuan Shao stored all the grain and grass in Wuchao, and Chunyu Qiong was guarding it.Cao Cao was overjoyed when he heard the news.So he led his army to attack Wuchao that day.Some of Cao Pi's people were left to guard the Guandu camp.

Let's say that Liu Bei heard that Han Meng's food and grass were robbed, and then he ordered Chunyu Qiong to guard Wuchao.Liu Bei couldn't help worrying for a while.Zhao Yun is also on the side at this time.So he advised Liu Bei to be ready to meet Cao Cao's crusade.Liu Bei asked why.Zhao Yun said: "Yuan Shao will defeat Guandu soon, and then he will lead his army south to attack you." Liu Bei didn't know whether what Zhao Yun said was true.However, just in case, according to Zhao Yun's words, he strengthened the defense equipment.

As expected by Zhao Yun, three days later, it was heard that Wuchao had been burned.Yuan Shao's army was defeated at Guandu, and his troops were lost.In the end, he led hundreds of cavalry back to Hebei, and once again summoned the troops of his three sons, as well as the troops of the previous senior officials and Lu Xiang.Hundreds of thousands of soldiers gathered in Cangting to go to the village.Want to fight against Cao Cao.He also wrote a letter to Liu Bei, asking him to raise troops to attack Xudu.

Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao at Guandu, and surrendered more than 20 Yuan Shao's troops.The strength has greatly increased.At this time, it was said that Yuan Shao raised hundreds of thousands of troops again to attack him.So he also led an army of [-] to go, and set up an ambush on all sides in Cangting.In the end, Yuan Jun was defeated, and Yuan Shao and his three sons fought hard to escape.Yuan Shao defended Cao Cao's army from invading, so he ordered his three sons to return to their respective territories to garrison and rectify the army.

Cao Cao's cangting defeated Yuan Shao again, and he was overjoyed, so he rewarded the three armies.And let people go to visit Jizhou, so that they can lead the army to continue to attack.But soon, the spies reported that Yuan Shao's sons all returned to their own territories to garrison.When Cao Cao heard this, he had no choice but to give up.

At this time, it was suddenly reported: "Liu Bei led an army of [-] to attack Xudu!" Cao Cao was shocked when he heard this.So Cao Ren led an army of [-] to attack Liu Bei.I came later.

Let's say, Liu Bei received Yuan Shao's letter, so he discussed the matter with his account.Sun Qiandao: "Cao Cao led the main force to attack Cangting, and Xudu must be empty. Now we can attack Xudu at Yuan Shao's request."

However, Liu Bei was still worried about the safety of Guan Yu and his wife, and did not dare to enter the army easily.Just as he was talking, it was reported that Guan Yu had passed five passes and killed six generals, and now he was heading towards Ruyang, with General Cai Yang not far behind him.

Hearing this, Zhang Fei thought that Guan Yu had defected to Cao Cao, so he led his army to attack Guan Yu.Liu Bei and Zhao Yun couldn't stop them.I saw Zhang Fei leading a few riders forward.A few miles away from Runan, he bumped into Guan Yu.Zhang Fei didn't ask 21, but came rushing with a spear.

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